One thought becomes a sword, and one thought transforms the sea, so that one thought becomes clear.

From the beginning to the end, Li Dingshan in the lobby of the Lotus Terrace restaurant only took one step forward, but as his thoughts moved the laws of heaven and earth, the sword of the void extinguished the thunder, and a huge wave of blue energy swept the void, even in the blink of an eye At the time, Lei Lian Jianzong and others were completely blasted out of the restaurant.

This scene undoubtedly shocked the sword repairs in the restaurant. After the reaction, the lotusian sword sect master sister Fanxing put away the different color on her face, and after bowing respectfully to the sitting down man, she whispered softly. Open the mouth:

"My lotus platform Jianzong didn't entertain me well, and I hope you can forgive me. You can follow me to the upper box, can you clean it up?"

"This dish is ready, we can deal with it with one bite, little girl, you are busy with you, don't be polite."

After speaking, the middle-aged man wearing a quilt at the desk waved his hand, picked up the tea cup in front of him, took a sip, and continued to speak:

"Girl, you are not bad. I haven't been to Baolian Sword Field for so many years, and there are still some good seedlings."

When the voice fell, Qi Fanxing's rather determined face showed a happy smile, and he saluted him again, and the respectful voice came out again:

"Then please have a meal, and I will retire."

When the voice heard, the girl did not stray in the slightest, and led the disciples of the Lotus Sword Sect behind her together to stay away. At the same time, all the original sword repair diners in the restaurant also quietly left.

The faces of these sword repairers were different, but they knew that no matter what the follow-up development was, it was not a situation where their ordinary low-level sword repairers could look on the sidelines.

As the so-called gods fight, mortals suffer. Excessive curiosity will not only kill cats, but even kill people!

The sword repairers evacuated extremely fast, and within a short while, the entire restaurant was empty, leaving only the Taiqingzong three who were sitting and eating in a corner of the lobby.

Yi'er, who was still sullen on her face, took a few mouthfuls indiscriminately, then put down the dishes and chopsticks in a huff without talking, and just sat like this. Then the man in the clothes opposite raised her head and filled it with a cyan air. Eyes, looking at the former, asked:

"What's wrong, Xiao Yi'er, are you still so angry?"

"Uncle, you are asking you knowingly."

There was a little bit of anger in the girl Yi'er's voice, and then the anger on the girl's face became stronger, and then she spoke:

"Uncle, you don't know how abhorrent this young master of Leilian Sword Sect is. The thief shouts to catch the thief and is aggressive, even forcing everyone around to admit that we are the sword thief.

"If it weren't for us, we still have some abilities. If we were to be ordinary people, not only would the sword be robbed, but even the life would have to be explained here. It's so annoying."

After the young girl Yi'er's words fell, she was still not angry, picked up the tea cup in front of her, and took a sip in her mouth. Her puffed face was like a big red apple, quite cute.

Afterwards, the man in the dressing clothes, who was eating slowly, showed a smile on his handsome face, and responded:

"Didn't that kid have already received the lesson, the natal Dao Sword was completely destroyed, and he can no longer be cultivated in this life, and Dingshan also shook out the scars of those Leilian Sword Sect monk natal Dao swords, and it will take a long time to repair."

After speaking, the man in the clothes who had almost eaten put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, his eyes moved as if he could see all the laws of the world, and the voice once again lingered in the restaurant:

"Yi'er thinks that her uncle punished them too lightly?"

As soon as the question came out, Yier shook her head, and a clear voice echoed:

"That's not true. I just watch that Young Master Thunder is uncomfortable, it's too hateful."

After speaking, the pretty blushing girl raised her hand, clenched her right fist, and the crisp voice continued:

"I used to hear that among the Baolian Swordsmanship, Leilian Sword Sect was the most aggressive. I didn't expect to dare to pay attention to us.

"It's a pity that my cultivation level is not high, otherwise I don't have to do anything with Senior Brother Dingshan. Yi'er, I can beat them all over the floor to find teeth!"

"Then you are still so lazy in your practice on weekdays, but if you have a snack, you won't even be able to do it now."

Although the Sect Master Taiqing spoke words of blame, he still reached out and touched Yi'er's head very indulgently, and then turned his head to look at the long sword placed on the table, and the still steady voice continued to sound. :

"Dare to covet the Taiqing Sword, it is not an exaggeration to destroy the Thunder Lotus Sword Sect, but the current situation is a bit complicated, and there are some variables, it is not good to act rashly."

After the voice of Sect Master Taiqing came out, Yi'er's pretty face gradually turned into a color of thinking, and she muttered to ask:

"Uncle, the variable you are talking about is the big plan that the young master of Leilian Sword Sect said just now?"

As soon as this statement came out, the middle-aged man in Yinyi who was holding a teacup narrowed his eyes and said in a faint voice:

"Yes, as today's air luck fluctuates and fluctuates, the situation that was originally not peaceful has become more and more intense. The whole heaven is darkened, even if it is me, I can't see it for a while.

"Under such a situation, all major forces are ready to move, and this Baolian swordland is no exception."

"Master, this swordsmanship sect of the Baolian Sword Land, it is not easy to return to its former glory."

As soon as the voice of Sect Master Taiqing fell, Li Dingshan's voice, who had not spoken, suddenly sounded. Then the middle-aged man in Yinyi showed a hint of surprise on his face and said:

"Dingshan, do you know that the four major sword sects of the treasure lotus sword are discussing re-merging?"

Sect Master Taiqing's voice came out, and the young girl Yi'er sitting beside her, her eyes widened, her red lips opened, and her face looked astonished.

Then the former thought for a second, staring at Li Dingshan's pupilless eyes, and then spoke again as if suddenly realized:

"This seat almost forgot, Dingshan, you have the heart of heaven and earth, you can listen to the voices of the souls, you should have heard the thoughts of the young master Leilian Sword Sect."

After he finished speaking, the middle-aged man in Yinyi put down the wine glass and continued with an affirmative voice:

"Once Qinglian Sword Sect was extremely powerful and profound, and at the same time, those ancient sword immortals whose cultivation bases were earth-shaking, even the many immortals of the Immortal Palace Sacred Palace had to be courteous.

"The glory of Jian Xiu in the past, although so long has passed, it still leaves an indelible mark on the hearts of people like Baolian Sword Land, which has created the merger at this time."

When the voice fell, the Sect Master Taiqing lifted his cup and sipped his tea, his eyes moved slightly, his face was thinking, and he stopped talking.

He did not comment on the good or bad of the four sword sects, because these are one of the tides that gush out under the general trend.

After a while, the girl Yi'er, who had run out of dinner, looked at the solemn Taiqing Sect Master and asked:

"Uncle, what are we still doing sitting here?"

When this question sounded, the face of the middle-aged man in a clothes remained unchanged, and the sound of response was faintly heard:

"Wait, wait for the people of these four sword sects to apologize!"

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