The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1740: Tiance Palace

The four masters of the Baolian Jiandi Sword Sect are all peerless masters of the land gods!

The four terrestrial gods and wonderland's great abilities gathered together, which is enough to see that the overall foundation of the sword repair of the Baolian Sword Ground is not weak. This is also the confidence of these sword repairers who want to join the sect.

"You don't need to be polite, just sit down and say, you waited for the sword sects where you belonged, originally from the Qinglian Sword Sect, and now the four sects are united, it is only natural and righteous, this seat has only been repaired in this lotus platform for a day, everyone Daoists don’t need to worry about it."

Inside the empty lotus terrace restaurant, Akashi's lights were fascinating, and after the voice from the Taiqing Sect Master's mouth clearly sounded, the four Jianzongzun stood up and sat down at another table.

Among the four Sword Sect Supreme Masters, apart from the burly, purple-robed Lei Lian Supreme, the Liantai Supreme Master, who is the host of Liantai City, is an old white-haired woman wearing a water-blue sword robe.

Although the old woman is quite old, she is not rickety. The body sitting at the desk is as straight as a broad sword. At the same time, the sword intent is extremely heavy.

The Lotus Terrace Sword Sect, with a heavy sword power, is taking a clever and unworkable path. Therefore, although the old woman is full of wrinkles, but magnificent, there is a smile in her eyes looking at the front, and she speaks:

"If it weren't for the Taiqing Daoists to go south and pass through Liantai City, I really don't know what to do with these people. Although I waited for the Hezong incident, I had planned, but I have been unable to put it into action.

"After all, this Shengting Tiance Palace uses the eight directions of heaven to monitor almost all the terrestrial fairyland monks in the Central Plains of the Taixuan Land. Once the four of us get together, we will be interfered by the Most Holy Court!"

As soon as the three words of Tiance Palace came out from Liantai Zun’s mouth, all the Jian Zongzun in the restaurant suddenly became extremely cold, and the most exploded old man among the four made a fist directly and slammed a fist on it. There was a loud noise on the desk in front of him.


Each of the land gods is a cruel person who often wanders between life and death. The control of emotions is naturally beyond ordinary people, and even they have such a strong mind ups and downs, which is enough to show that Tiance Palace is very How strong is the oppressive power of these powerhouses.

Then the old man rolled out with an angry voice:

"Holy Court Tiance Palace, these tens of thousands of years have been pressing all the sword repairs of our Baolian Swordsmanship, and even each time the four sword sects have to fight each other, it directly informs the entire Baolian. In the county, the land gods are not allowed to gather together in the upper realm. It is really deceiving people too much, too much!"

The old man who smashed his fist at the table and roared, came from the third sword sect of Baolian Sword Land, the Ice Lotus Sword Sect.

Afterwards, with the former's energy shock, strands of frost sword intent spread directly on the ground of the restaurant, and the temperature in the void dropped sharply, even condensing frost crystals.

"Master Binglian, Daoist Taiqing is here, calm your mind."

The next breath, the Sword Sovereign Ice Lotus, who knew his aura fluctuated too sharply, waved his hand away from the ice sword intent in the void, followed by an extremely cold voice, resounding in the restaurant:

"One day, the deity will lift the sword to the Yunxiao Immortal Palace and kill them without leaving a piece of armor!"

Venerable Bing Lian said this murderous voice, and then Venerable Lotus platform beside him sighed heavily, raised his hand and waved, the old voice came out:

"For tens of thousands of years, the holy court has been hidden behind the scenes. Its profound strength has made everyone unable to figure it out, but just like this, there is no respite from the power of the entire Supreme Profound Land.

"Ordinary people may only know the four palaces of the south, east, north and west where the holy court gallops in the sea of ​​chaos, but only those of us who are in the upper realm understand that the real master of the world is the Lord sitting on the high palace. , And the Tiance Palace directly under its command!"

As soon as these words were said, even more solemn expressions appeared on the faces of the four Sword Sovereigns.

It is true that the three words Tiance Palace make these top sword repairmen who have infinite cutting edge extremely jealous.

As the saying goes, the end of the road is the road, and the wind is behind the wind. Many times, when you do everything possible to climb up the mountain after nine deaths, you will find that it is not as you once imagined to see the mountains and small mountains.

Because it touched the sky above the sky!

"Just like the chaos today, the heroes are coming together, under this turbulent time, the luck is like a cloud that drifts in the wind, and there is no trace of it."

When everyone was silent, Lei Lian, who was dressed in purple, came to his senses. After the cold voice came out, he continued to speak:

"You and I all know that even if you have entered the land of immortals that ordinary people dream of, under the rolling overwhelming momentum of the whole world, it is still as small as a drop in the ocean.

"The fairy palace will collapse overnight. This deity doesn't believe that under the complete reorganization of his luck, his holy sovereign, his Tiance Palace can continue to pinch the veins of heaven and earth with one hand."

Speaking of this, the burly body of Lei Lian Jianzong stood up, looked around for a week, and the words of each word resounded throughout the restaurant again:

"Furthermore, fellow swordsmen, from the moment you and I swear to be an alliance and plan to join the sect, the entire Baolian swordfield has no way out except for bravely moving forward and smashing a **** path in this troubled world. Say!"

Lei Lian made this statement, and even the entire void was roaring thunderously, and it kept shaking, while the rest of the sword sects also stood up.

Then the Binglian Venerable wearing a white sword robe raised his hand and stroked the white beard on his chest, an old voice came out:

"The third sound of the court that day, blasted open the fairy gate and rushed into the fairy palace and confronted the holy priest for several years, and the two have not yet completely distinguished the winner.

"At the same time, Tiance Palace is difficult to knead the world as before because of the restraint of the Central Shangguo Longting. Therefore, we now have a little control over the initiative.

"On the other hand, the World Dao Association is about to be held. By then, the forces of the entire Taixuan Land will be gathered together, and it may be possible to draw some like-minded people together to resist the holy court."

The words of the Ice Lotus Sword Sect fell, and the four kendo masters glanced at the middle-aged man in quilted clothes sitting and drinking tea without saying a word.

If the sound of Futing in the fairy palace at this time is the third in the world, then the Sect Master Taiqing sitting in front of him now is recognized as the second in the world.

"The strength of the Lord is the only one in the world. In my eyes, the only one who can compete with him is Taiqing Daoyou!"

The most stable of the four Sword Masters in the upper realm of the Lotus Terrace Sword Master said loudly, and then respectfully bowed to the front, and the loud voice continued:

"Long lost, life and death are unpredictable, I am waiting to ask Taiqing fellow Daoists to show me a clear path."


The middle-aged man wearing ordinary clothes that can no longer be ordinary gave a soft voice, put down his teacup, smiled, and continued to respond:

"In fact, I don't know the way just like you guys, so I can only watch and do it."

After finishing speaking, the man in Yinyi gently tossed the Taiqing sword on his side to Yi'er, stood up and walked outside the restaurant, and then a faint voice came into the ears of several people behind:

"Before coming back, I went to the north, there are stars shining, you may wish to pay more attention.

"By the way, the World Dao Society will be opened soon. I hope that at that time, the glory of Qinglian Sword Sect will shine again in Taixuan!"

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