The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1747: Full moon night


A loud and deafening noise resounded throughout the huge tiger pattern city. At the same time, a deep purple dazzling thunder fell from the highest point of the sky, tearing the completely dark night sky like a thunderbolt. The claws shocked the mind.

This loud thunder was the biggest in these years in Sleeping Tiger County, causing the monks in Huwen City to raise their heads and stare at the sky and night sky in amazement.

The next breath, with this thunder as the starting point, countless thunder snakes densely woven into the night sky, violent and ear-splitting roars continued to sound one after another, directly causing the monks in the city to exclaim:

"There is lightning and thunder on such a scale, we haven't encountered it in Huwen City for a long time."

"It's not just Huwen City, even Sleeping Tiger County, it is extremely rare, and I don't know if it is a sign of great chaos."

Just as the monks were discussing with each other, on the rough streets in the east of Huwen City, the middle-aged monk Li Zeng, who strode forward, stopped slightly, and then raised his head and took a deep look at the thunder intertwined above his head. , After taking a deep breath, he drank in a low voice:

"The night of the full moon."

Before this anxious voice came to an end, the middle-aged monk Li Zeng's complexion became more solemn, and his step forward suddenly accelerated. In the end, his figure flashed quickly, disappearing on the street like a ghost.

Then a roaring gust of wind blows from a distance, and if you take a bird’s eye view of the entire Sleeping Tiger County from the sky, you will see that a large swath of billowing mist that originally surrounded the misty mountains and seas. Going north, they swallowed up the illuminated cities outside of Sleeping Tiger Gorge.

The violent change of the whole climate was just in the moment. After a few breaths, between the rolling thunder sea, drop after drop of heavy rain began to fall from the sky, and in a blink of an eye the entire tiger-pattern city was enveloped below.


The noisy rain and the constant sound of thunder formed the roaring sound of wind and thunder, which quickly emptied the otherwise crowded streets of Huwen City, and a large number of monks hurried home or in the restaurant.

A storm has already swept!

This includes middle-aged walker Li Zeng, and if anyone notices Li Zeng's speed at this time, he will definitely be shocked.

I saw the fleeting figure of the middle-aged monk crossing the street, the falling rain still remained, not affected in any way, so controlled. This is by no means an ordinary monk can have.

After less than a hundred breaths, Li Zeng's figure appeared in front of a house in Huwen City, and beside the door of this house, a sign with the words "Yitang" was erected, making a loud crackling sound under the heavy rain. .

Then Li Zeng continued to move forward, slammed the door open and stepped in. Amidst the violent wave flashes of the barrier, the figure of the former disappeared. At the same time, an anxious voice sounded directly within the barrier:

"Sweet, sweet?"

Li Zeng's voice lingered in the courtyard, and when he saw the neat front yard and the faint fragrance of medicine floating in the courtyard, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in his eyes.

After Li Zeng's call came out, a young girl in a goose-yellow skirt walked out of the house in the courtyard, and a suspicious response sounded:

"Father, what's the matter?"

The girl's face was extremely white, and she was extremely pale after seeing the sun for a long time, and she could even see the blood vessels flowing under her face, and her head, with a cotton cap, covered her forehead above her eyebrows.


There was another ear-splitting roar, and then the girl under the cotton cap shrank inward, as if thinking of something, she hurried down the steps, and a crisp voice came out:

"Oh, it's raining suddenly at this moment. I'm about to cover the medicine with a rain cloth. Dad, you just came here. Please help me. If it gets damaged, it won't be okay."

When the voice fell, Li Zeng slowly suppressed his slightly trembling body, and followed behind the girl running in front of him. Don't look at this yard from the outside, but the inside is a special cave.

After the simple two-story building, there is a large backyard with a reasonable plan and a large number of well-growing medicinal materials. This medicinal field is also portrayed with many complex spirit gathering formations. At the same time, the strong medicinal fragrance is pungent. .

This may be a medicine field that is extremely rare in the entire Huwen City, and it is also the painstaking effort of this girl named Tiantian for so many years.

"There is a piece of precious herbs from the Western Regions in this medicinal field. You can't get water, dad, come and help you and cover it with cloth."

After the girl ran to the medicine field, she picked up the rain cloth that had been prepared before. Regardless of the heavy rain in the sky, she greeted her and carefully covered the tan western medicinal plants below with the rain cloth.

But at the next breath, the girl's movements were held down by a big hand, and then Li Zeng lowered his head, staring at the increasingly suspicious eyes of his daughter in front of him, and slowly said:

"Don't build it, come in and say."

When Li Zeng spoke, there happened to be a thunder in the sky above the sky, overwhelming the former's voice, and then the girl asked loudly:

"Father, what are you talking about?"

"Father said, stop it, girl, we are leaving."

After Li Zeng's voice that raised a lot of volume came out, the girl's movements paused slightly, her mouth opened, and she wanted to say something, but the former waved her hand to stop it.

"Girl, it's raining heavily here, go back to the house first."

When the voice fell, Li Zeng raised his hand to grasp the girl's wrist, and pulled the latter towards the house not far away. What is strange is that this torrential rain falling from the sky directly hung in the air after falling on the heads of the father and daughter. Then, as if he had his own will, he slid away to the sides.

Then the rain that fell on this medicine garden began to converge inward, converging into two little children like children. After looking at each other, they seemed to laugh.

At the next breath, the villain stepped on the void. After running and playing around the medicine garden, he stretched out his short hands, grabbed the raincloth that was dropped by the **** the ground, and gently lifted it.

Then the rain cloth was lifted up and covered again. It happened to completely cover the Western Region herbs that the girl had been thinking about before.

After all this was done, the two villains condensed from rainwater laughed silently, their bodies exploded into countless raindrops and disappeared.

The pictures of all this are particularly weird. At the same time, inside the house, Li Zeng, who pulled the girl back to the inner room, waved his hand to close the door, and listened to the girl's questioning sound:

"Father, what happened?"

"You forgot, today is the full moon night."

As soon as he said this, the girl Li Tiantian's complexion suddenly changed, and she even took a step back subconsciously, and a deep look of fear suddenly appeared in her eyes.

At the next breath, Li Zeng stretched out his hand and lifted the hat on the girl's forehead.

I saw the girl's eyebrows, the skin split outwards, and one eye was looming. Inside the eyes, the scarlet blood was densely covered, and the strange aura burst out.

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