The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1750: Can't run


In the eastern part of Huwen City, in the backyard room of the inconspicuous medical hall, the sound of the book of magical machine after being closed forcibly came from the hands of the middle-aged monk Li Zeng.

The former used the tide of spirit power in front of him to break through the layers of restrictions in the Book of Divine Machines, to the first page of the book to see the map, and the location of the spirit race on the map that reflected the spirit power, and finally Closing the book, this series of actions only took a breath.

Li Zeng understands the so-called soul clan, and even the entire Taixuan land, it is difficult to find a foreigner who knows this clan better than Li Zeng.

This spirit power network constructed by the Book of Divine Machines is a two-way channel. When you look at others, they will also see you.

Therefore, at the next breath, Li Zeng did not hesitate, and directly raised his hand to grab a sword of heavy water in the void.

Then the middle-aged cultivator forcefully stabs this heavy water sword, which is full of purple-black light, engulfing it with incomparable power, and violently stabs the book of divine mechanics with blue light in front of him.


The roar of anger resounded through the world, and the next breath, the sword of one yuan heavy water pierced the book of divine machinery, and it took only a moment before it completely plunged into it, and at the same time, the billowing water spread out, completely freezing the latter.

Then Li Zeng squeezed the book of Divine Machines that had been torn apart in his hand. The latter exploded directly outwards and shattered into countless pieces. Then the middle-aged monk's infinite emotional voice came out:

"My judgment is really right. Tiance Palace has taken a big action in Sleeping Tiger County, and this time, all grievances will be thoroughly understood in the clouds and mists of Sleeping Tiger Ridge."

After speaking, Li Zeng lowered his head and took a deep look at the girl whose spirit power was beginning to weaken in front of him. The pampering color in his eyes remained undiminished, and then he slowly closed his eyes, and the rain curtain behind him suddenly began to flow violently.

After closing his eyes and condensing for a few breaths, Li Zeng waved forward and directly waved the rain curtain behind him to the front. The light and shadow within the rain curtain flowed, surprisingly, it was the map of foggy mountains and seas that appeared only once in the book of the gods!

I saw a dazzling red line on this map, flowing between the canine teeth and intertwined ridges, winding all the way to the south, and finally completely traversing the entire Wushan Sea and dangerous land, reaching the Baolian sword ground below.

As we all know, if people from the north want to reach the true core plain of the Taixuan Land, this foggy mountain and sea is the place they must pass. Whether it is the top power in the Taixuan Central Plains or the local forces in Sleeping Tiger County that lead the way for a living, they are in hand. Safe map routes are secrets in secrets.

The topography of the Wushanhaishuihuxia Ridge is so complex that it is rare in the world. Therefore, this map is very messy, and the light and light map is rubbed. It takes tens of days for ordinary monks, but the middle-aged monk Li Zeng only took a short time. Just a short breath, you will remember the eighty-nine-nine-tenths.

This shows how powerful the power of its soul is!

Then in the hut, the middle-aged monk with unshaven beard and eyes full of vicissitudes sat down cross-legged, waved a piece of white cloth from the house, and then made a finger with his right hand, and the one-yuan heavy water was wrapped around his fingertips, and he began to paint quickly on the white cloth against the white cloth. .

After a hundred breaths of time, the shadows of the mountains quickly began to appear on the white cloth, and quickly took shape at an astonishing speed.

At the same time, on the second floor of the Huwen City Crescent Restaurant, bright Akashi lights gleamed inside the house.

Then a slender hand gently held the fist-sized Akashi, and the light of Akashi shone out a young and handsome face that was not angry and pretentious.

There were a pair of ebony eyes on this face, and the pupils in the eyes were as deep as a bottomless abyss, and then Zhao Yu's faint voice came out:

"This Akashi should be of extremely pure type, almost flawless. The price of this type of Akashi shouldn't be cheap in the entire Taixuan Land?"

As soon as the emperor's voice came out, Sima Annan, who was waiting respectfully on the side, recovered from his thoughts, and said:

"His Majesty, in fact, according to the Akashi business contacted by the Crescent Chamber of Commerce, the flaws in the Akashi are essentially a scam, or a cover made by the Changming clan to earn more cents."

"Oh? That's a bit interesting. I can't think of the Changming clan, they have ideas."

Zhao Yu's black eyes revealed a little unexpected color, and raised his hand to put down the Akashi in his hand, and the voice belonging to Sima Annan continued to sound:

"This Akashi is a kind of ore unique to the bottom of the Changming County, but it is strange to say that these dark stones that can absorb the sun's light are actually stored in the deepest part of the earth.

"This makes it difficult to mine Akashi in the rest of Changming County, except for Changming City and Akashi Castle, which have underground wellheads.

"It's also worth mentioning that when all Akashi was unearthed, it was extremely turbid, and the reason why the pure Akashi appeared was because the monks of the Changming clan used the long pearl on the forehead to absorb it."

At this point, Sima Annan's young face showed a very playful smile, and his voice continued to spread:

"On the other hand, the ordinary Changming clan doesn't know this secret, and it is only in the hands of the high-level Changmingzong. In other words, this is a trick."

"This is the interesting part of the Great Profound Land."

After the faint voice sounded from Zhao Yu's mouth, Zhao Yu put down the Akashi in his hand, and at the same time, a dazzling thunder flashed down above the torrential rain-like void of Huwen City.


Afterwards, Zhao Yu's brows were slightly frowned, and he turned his head to look out of the window where the purple thunder was flickering. Diyin continued to say:

"Although I have not been able to sense a very special energy, I can feel that tonight is extraordinary, as if there is a rolling wave rolling down from the sky."

As soon as Zhao Yu's voice fell, Liang Po's burly body stepped in slowly from the door, and then a voice full of magnetism came out:

"Your Majesty, the Sitian Supervisor in Huwen City has discovered something. He has found the residence of the middle-aged Li Xing monk and his daughter who is suspected to have half the blood of the Three-Eyed Soul Race, but there have been some accidents."

"Could it be that you have become the so-called monster before then?"

After Zhao Yu's question fell, Liang Po nodded, and a response sounded neither overbearing nor overbearing:

"According to the collected intelligence, it is speculated that tonight is the night of the full moon in the soul of the soul clan. There will be a tide of soul power between the heaven and the earth, which will have a great impact on the three-eyed soul clan. If you do not prepare in advance, you will lose your mind."

"So, it's no wonder that I can sense the riot in this torrential rain. It turns out to be soul power."

After Emperor Huanghuang's tone came out, Liang Po thought for a few breaths, and then respectfully asked:

"Your Majesty, Sitian Supervisor has surrounded Li Zeng's residence with the Youwing Army, do you want to bring him here tonight?"

As soon as the question fell, Zhao Yu stretched out his hand and swayed, and a steady voice sounded in everyone's ears:

"No hurry, he is already our guide. He has collected two three-color celestial coins and can't run away."

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