The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1755: Land of attack

"Hahaha, Xiao Huang, you guy!"

In the backyard of Huwen City Crescent Restaurant, Sima Annan's hearty laughter rang out in the rain, and then Li Zeng, who was stunned on the side facing him, waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Friend Li Daoist is no wonder, Xiao Huang, this strange beast is a young man's car. He is used to being domineering and domineering on weekdays. I am a little impatient when I see Brother Li looking up and down like this. I hope to forgive me."

"It doesn't matter, it's the first time I've seen such a handsome alien beast."

In the voice of the middle-aged monk, the admiration remained the same.

Today's Dragon Xiangma Xiaohuang, at first glance, will be attracted by the blue-gold scales on his body, but once you look closely, what is really amazing is the double horns that pierce the sky like a long spear.

Compared with the time when they just grew out, the two dragon horns have already spiraled upward, and in the blue-gold light radiating outward, there were even waves of howling from the sea, two properly peerless gods.


With an extremely indecent posture, Xiao Huang who spit out again at the door Li Zeng did not give the former a good face, but did not continue to make trouble. Instead, he lowered his head, narrowed his eyes, and fell into a false sleep.

"Friend Li Dao, come, please here."

After speaking, Sima Annan took the middle-aged monk with a spear on his back, walked through the courtyard and entered a huge room in the backyard.

As soon as he stepped in, he saw Jin Yuanbao's sturdy figure in golden treasure, sitting behind the desk, raising his hand and rubbing the middle of the Taoist ring, looking thoughtful.

At the next breath, Li Zeng took a step forward and bowed to the front. He just wanted to speak, but was directly stopped by Sima Annan who had reacted. The latter's voice came out:

"Friend Li Daoist is not anxious, the son hasn't come yet, you have to wait."

As soon as this statement came out, the middle-aged cultivator Li Zeng's eyes flashed a little bit of horror again, but he had ups and downs for many years in his life, with a strong mind, so it took only a very short breath to completely return to normal.

The Taixuan Land is vast and vast, and countless races fight and fight on this land, compete for opportunities, and strengthen themselves. Therefore, for many monks who have experienced wind and rain, no matter what happens on this land, it is understandable. , Also acceptable.

Then Li Zeng, whose complexion remained unchanged, stood upright at the door with his gun on his back, his eyes lowered and his thoughts flowed, while Sima Annan next to him put down the umbrella in his hand and patted his white long sleeves. After that, a young question came out. :

"Friend Li Dao, I heard that you have lived in Sleeping Tiger County for a long time before. This is my first time going south, so I still have some questions."

Sima Annan’s question came out, and Li Zeng raised his head with a smile on his face, and responded:

"It doesn't matter if you ask a Daoist friend, if you know it, you will answer it."

"Then thank you fellow Daoist Li."

Sima Annan did not take out his signature folding fan and sway, but patted his hands gently, and the voice of inquiry continued:

"The first question is naturally related to the Wushan Sea in the south of Shuihu County, and the Shuihu Gorge Ridge within the Wushan Sea."

After the question fell, the middle-aged monk Li Zeng nodded sternly and responded loudly:

"The land of the Taixuan, the profound and mysterious, under the good fortune of the world, there is a sky moat, and the gorges in the misty mountains and seas are such sky moats."

Speaking of this, Li Zeng raised his hand and pointed to the south facing the backyard door, and the clear voice continued:

"The Central Plains of the Taixuan Land, although the overall terrain is in the fertile plains, there are some mysterious and unusual raised mountains that are extremely abrupt. These mountains are scattered all around the Central Plains, and it is said that they were once peerless in the Longbo Kingdom. After the ancient giant fell.

"Although there is no way to find out the specific reasons, one of them is extremely huge, and it is the foggy mountains and seas in the south of Sleeping Tiger County. At the same time, in the foggy mountains and seas, in addition to the thick fog that can compress the spiritual consciousness, it also makes all the people going south. People have a headache, it is Xia Ling.

"No one knows how many ridges are in the Wushan Sea, but I have to say that there are countless monks who are lost in the ridges every year because they want to go south.

"In other words, this foggy mountain and sea is like a behemoth that devours living creatures. It is extremely dangerous. It is one of the most famous dangerous places in the extremely profound land."

Li Zeng's voice fell, and Sima Annan, who was listening quietly, raised his head. Yinglang's question went on to say:

"That is to say, this foggy mountain and sea is a barrier for monks to enter the core of the Central Plains in the Taixuan Land. It directly excludes those with insufficient strength, and at the same time ensures that the overall strength of the practitioners in the core land is stronger than the rest of the Central Plains. ."

As soon as Sima Annan said this, Li Zeng nodded and said after thinking about it:

"That's the case. Generally speaking, there are only two ways for monks going south to get through the misty mountains and seas. One is to use their luck and their own strength to challenge this dangerous and dangerous dense mist gorge. It is extremely dangerous.

"The other is to join an **** team that owns maps in Sleeping Tiger County, but it requires a large amount of money. The old sects such as the Yunwu Sect can not even make up for the savings of ordinary people for a lifetime."

Speaking of this, Li Zeng turned his head and stared at Sima Annan's extremely young face and the black eyes that were a little horrified no matter when he looked at it, his voice once again lingered in the room:

"Because of this, there are too many monks who want to go south to the Central Plains and are stuck in Sleeping Tiger County. This card may be a lifetime, from young to old, and waste a whole life."

The middle-aged monk Li Zeng said this with infinite sorrow. He had seen too much smugness in Sleeping Tiger County and eventually turned into mediocrity. Then perhaps he saw the slight strange color on Sima Annan’s face, and Li Zeng raised it. Holding the spear behind his hand, the voice came out:

"The Daoists and Young Masters don't worry about going south to the smoky mountains and seas. Today, because of the Baolian Sword Land Combination Sect a few days ago, the number of sword repairers coming from all over the country is extremely large.

"The relationship between Baolian Jiandi Jianzong and Yunwuzong in Sleeping Tiger County has always been good, so the latter organized a large team to bring sword repairs through Xia Ling and return to Qinglian Jianzong. An elder of the Yunwu Sect has some friendships, so he can accompany him this time."

As soon as the voice fell, Sima Annan nodded, and flicked his sleeves in his hands, and the faint voice continued to speak:

"My son still has a question. Since we can describe the ridges in the misty mountains and seas as a complex maze, is it the only way to go from one side of the maze to the other side?

"In other words, if the many forces in the entire Supreme Profound Land have their own different crossing routes at hand, then once you know the other party's route, does it mean this cloud-shrouded ridge, that is the perfect attack? The land."

As soon as Sima Annan said this, Li Zeng's pupils on the side rose and shrank, his complexion changed wildly!

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