"The Central Plains in the land of the profound mystery is really dangerous. Ordinary people will fall into calculations even if they rush on the road, and they will die."

When the sharp-billed mist bird retreated and became quiet again in the gorge, rouge's sigh gently sounded in the carriage, then he turned his head, looked at Zhao Yu's angular face, and opened his mouth seriously. Road:

"Your Majesty, this kind of world is very disliked."

"I don't like it either, but the whole world is like this, especially under the general chaos. It is normal to confuse each other. This kind of things will happen more and more until a new controller appears and dominates the world."

After Zhao Yu's emperor's voice fell, Liang Po's figure appeared beside the carriage, the figure approached, and a deep voice came out:

"Your Majesty, that Daoist Li Zengli, left this gorge."

As soon as he said this, Zhao Yu's expression in the carriage remained unchanged, and a steady voice came out:

"What did he leave behind?"

"His Majesty, he left a piece of white cloth. On top of the white cloth, there is a map of Wushan Strait Ridge. This map is quite detailed. After seeing it, Lord Sima initially judged that it could pass."

After he finished speaking, Liang Po walked into the carriage and gently placed the white cloth in his hands on the desk, and then a voice full of magnetism sounded again:

"One more thing, Xiaoyu, the female disciple of the Yunwu Sect who came to lead the way before, just came here. She wants to invite us to the Camel Mountain Beast in front, saying that this is the meaning of the third elder of the Yunwu Sect, and it is also Li Zeng's previous arrangement."

When the voice fell, Zhao Yu continued to look down at the book in his hand, and the unhurried voice came out:

"Since they are kindly invited, let's go, but let Xu Qing stare at the misty mountains and seas. Before the world Taoist society begins, I want to tear off the face of the holy court, that part of the mask!"

The emperor's voice came out, Liang Pozheng, and the full of breath lingered in his ears:


Half a quarter of an hour later, in the gorge that was being repaired after the fierce battle, Xiaoyu, the female disciple of the Cloud Mist Sect, rode a small Tuoshan beast to lead the way, and beside him, Sima Annan also rode a strange beast with a smile on his mouth. , Came out with a voice of admiration:

"Little Jade Girl, the strength of the Mist Mountain Sect is really strong, and the king of the sharp-beaked mist bird is so cruel that he can be completely forced back by you, otherwise this trip will be dangerous!"

As soon as Sima Annan's admiration came out, the stern-faced female disciple of the Cloud Mist Sect did not speak back, but glanced at the young man on the side, and continued to move towards the front of the red glow.

The female disciple Xiaoyu’s indifference did not change Sima Annan’s face. The young man in white fluttering clothes still smiled. After gently tossing the sleeve of his robe, he continued to sigh:

"This fog beast is fierce, I dare to ask the girl if there is a way to see us, fellow Daoist Li Zengli?"

As soon as this question was heard, Xiaoyu, the female disciple of the Yunwu Sect, reacted, and directly spit out a cold sentence:

"Missing, most of them died in the fog."

When the voice fell, Xiaoyu turned his head and stared at Sima Annan who still wanted to speak, and the voice came out again:

"Stop talking nonsense. According to the investigation by the disciples of the sect, the fog beasts in the entire Wushan Strait Ridge have begun to riot, which greatly increases the danger of going south. This time, half of the monks who can safely reach the Baolian Sword Ground are not bad. .

"And you can be invited to go to the back of the beast from the Camel Mountain, or my master is showing kindness to Li Zeng's face. I really don't know what the master is thinking. You and your party must occupy at least three camps. That's a little bit now. The monk of the news can't be exchanged for a sky-high price."

The dissatisfaction on Xiaoyu's face, the female disciple of the Yunwu Sect, was even more intense, and then the corner of Sima Annan's mouth raised, and a confident response came out:

"Girl, sometimes don't talk too deadly, maybe what you are inviting now is not a burden, but a savior."

"My Zong will surely be able to cross the Wushan Strait Ridge. I don't need the so-called savior."

After the icy voice came out, the female disciple Xiaoyu clipped the belly of the Tuoshan Beast and took the lead in her figure. Du Liu Sima Annan gently shook her head behind and muttered:

"I don't know how many people see a real deer, and how many people dream of a fish, it's interesting."

And if someone listened carefully, they would find that Sima Annan’s words at this time were exactly the same as the ghost shadow in the Shengting Tiance Palace, which had been said before!

In a sense, Wushanhai is actually a relatively independent labyrinth world, and everything in these criss-crossing ridges is undoubtedly synonymous with chaos and disorder.

Within the entire Wushan Sea, the iconic fog is rising and falling all the time, and the intensified fog beast riots have aggravated the chaos here and made this dangerous place even more dangerous.

Because the World Dao Association is about to be held, there are actually a lot of monks in the Wushan Strait Ridge at this time, so after feeling the change of the air in the mist, they all showed different colors and said:

"There is weirdness in the misty mountains and seas."

As everyone knows, the fog in the Sleeping Tiger Gorge will greatly suppress the monks’ power of divine sense detection, which also means that once an abnormality is discovered, it means that the crisis is already at hand!

After the next breath, the mist exploded in an instant, and a particularly sharp gray claw rushed out of it, and it grabbed the monk on the ground below.

"Danger, be careful!"

The claws of the fog beast were silent, but they were extremely fast. Before the reminders of the surrounding cultivators came, it instantly cut off the head of the cultivator who had almost no reaction.

Then, blood gushed out from the neck, rushing to the monk beside him, and then roared in horror, resounding through the dense fog:

"This repairer wants you to wait for these fog beasts, and smash them into pieces!"

This sound of anger and fear intertwined from a long distance, and even faintly sounded within another ridge, and in the mist of the next ridge, a group of people was standing steadily on the gray-brown earth at this time.

"When the old man was imprisoned in the northern capital of God, I heard those Daxia gentlemen say a word called the butterfly effect.

"Although it's extremely slurred, the meaning behind the representative, the old man feels very reasonable."

Suddenly, an extremely old voice sounded directly among the group of people, and then the person who spoke briefly paused, and the voice continued to spread:

"It is said that if there is a small butterfly on the shore of the North Sea inflaming its wings, then under the general situation, it can even set off a blizzard on the southernmost snow mountain in the Central Plains in the Taixuan Land!"

As soon as this statement came out, the group fell into a little silence, and after a while, a young and steady response sounded:

"This word is very clever, and it is particularly appropriate to describe the situation today."

After the sound came out, a strong wind suddenly penetrated through the gorge, blowing away the fog beside the group of people a little, revealing the exact appearance of the person headed.

The black robe is dancing, the face is handsome, the golden dragon eyes are shining, and the immobile vibe from the inside and outside of the body can give the people around him unlimited confidence.

The third prince of Shangguo in the center of Taixuan Land, Yin Wen!

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