The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1771: Point dragon

Since the collapse of the fairy palace, the world has been in chaos, and then the holy court has risen to break up the Qinglian Sword Sect by powerful means, and has been playing chess for tens of thousands of years, between support and suppression, Make all forces fall into involution, so as to achieve the purpose of balance.

For such a long time, the aloft Holy Court has always been behind the scenes, just like the Lord sitting on the High Heaven Hall, looking down on the whole world.

Few people know how strong the holy court is. For most monks in the Supreme Profound Land, all that can be said are the four great palaces in the Chaos Destroying God Sea that have left their prestigious names.

But the big forces that are truly in the core of the Central Plains know that the four palaces are just a cover for the outside world, and they are really overwhelmed by two mountains.

One is called Tiance Palace, and the other is Wu Palace!

Tiance Palace is the behind-the-scenes hand that uses the great chessboard of heaven and earth, and sentient beings as chess pieces. Wu Palace, as its name suggests, is the place where the strongest monks of Taixuan Saint Court gather. The so-called ten philosophers in Wu Palace are the top ones. Of ten.

The ten philosophers of Wugong are all powers of destroying the heavens and the earth!

"Boys of Central Shangguo, you wait for these emperors of Shangguo, none of them can get on the stage, do you know why your old monarch who is dying of old age suddenly tears his face to my holy court?"

Within a certain gorge in the Wushan Sea, Longwei rolled, and at the same time the harsh sound from the Three-eyed Soul Race from Tiance Palace lingered between the heavens and the earth, the next breath, the shocking spirit power that gushed out from the latter's blurred body was even greater , The voice continued to roll out:

"That's because the old people in your central government are dying, and they won't live for long. What's more important is that the largest emperor of the kingdom has no one to succeed. More than 20 heirs, all of them are rubbish. "

After the voice fell, the soul shadow looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, but even so, the three red eyes on the soul shadow head were undiminished, staring at the Yin Wen standing on top of the golden dragon's head, and the voice was transmitted word by word. Out:

"This seat recognizes you, Yin Wen, the three princes of Central Shangguo. People in Tangdu are called the princes of scholars. Unexpectedly, you and the Central Shangguo have fallen to this point. On the battlefield, letting the scholars take the sword is really a joke."

The three-eyed spirit clan's words of heart attack were harsh and hoarse, as if holding a file, rubbing stones again and again, as creepy.

After that, the soul shadow slammed to the front, and four sword-wielding black shadows emerged from the back. On the weird and incomparable ancient sword in his hand, the flames of various colors burst into flames, and the aura surged wildly.

But this is not over yet. Above the gorge, the whole body of the figures of the Saint Court Tiance Palace and Taoists trembles constantly, and then another black shadow holding a heavy shield falls, forming a huge formation, pouring from all directions. The next murderous opportunity is prevented.

"The prince literati has no power to bind a chicken, even if this seat is standing for you to chop, you can't get close."

After the icy voice continued to be heard from the mouth of the soul, the expression of Yin Wen above the golden dragon in front of him did not change much, and then his eyes were drooped, and the sound of no serious response came out:

"Since ancient times, Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is the second. You don't know the literati, so you don't know what just said. In fact, it is difficult for me to make the slightest disturbance in my heart.

"You said that I don't have the power to bind chickens. This prince admits, because compared to other princes, my martial arts cultivation is completely worthless."

After the voice fell, the third prince Yin Wen continued to raise his right hand, spread his five fingers, and pointed downwards. In an instant, the sharp edge of the dragon's arrow between the thick fog on both sides of the gorge reached its extreme in an instant.

Afterwards, the almost materialized golden edge smashed into the sky and the sky, and fell straight down towards the figure of the monk from the Tiance Palace below. For a while, the sky was full of golden rain, tearing the air, and covering the sky.


At the same time, the uniform sound of string pulling resounded through the void, and under the golden edge, the dense fog surrounding the mountains was directly blasted out of large dazzling holes, followed by golden arrows full of people high in the fog. Ya reveals.

What’s shocking is that the bow that pulls out the huge dragon arrow is not a big bow in the traditional sense, but a huge crossbow with a huge base. At the same time, the crossbow string that has been stretched to the limit on the huge crossbow indicates that The sharp edge that destroys the world may burst completely in the next instant.


The noisy trembling sound like a ghost roar began to whistle back and forth within the gorge, and then the third prince Yin Wen above the golden dragon, raised his right hand unchanged, and his robe shook violently because of the strong wind. , An increasingly majestic voice continued to be heard from the former:

"You are right. Literati actually don't like to dance knives and spears, and they are not good at dancing, but the general trend of the world, changeable, and endless disputes, you and other holy courts are swallowing the heart of the world.

"Our central government is at the cusp of the storm, as the saying goes, there are no eggs under the cover of the nest. Now the lives of hundreds of millions of people are hanging by a thread."

Speaking of this, Yin Wen's opened right hand shook it fiercely in the air, as if directly holding a sword of nothingness, and the louder and louder voice resounded like thunder in all directions:

"If it's too peaceful and idle, enjoying flowers, snow, and books, can An enable the scholar to hold a sword?"

After speaking, Yin Wen raised his right hand fiercely, and the entire world of Xialing began to tremble at an unprecedented degree.

At the same time, densely dense dragon scales appeared in the two mountain ranges around Xia Ling, followed by golden light flowing, and the dragon head, the dragon body, and the five claws of the infinite golden dragon with infinite sharpness were transformed with extremely fast speed.

"Boom boom boom!"

A loud noise, like the violent beating of a battle drum between heaven and earth, came out between the two Xialing Mountains. The next breath, under the gaze of a pair of shocking eyes, is the shadow of two huge golden dragons. Jumped out between the mountains, raised his head, and roared up to the sky.

Shuanglong was facing the sky, and the fog in the entire Wushan Sea began to be reflected in pale gold, and then most of the foggy beasts in the Wushan Strait Ridge that were caught in the riot, sobbed and uttered a whimper, then fell down To show surrender.

"Fond the Zen dragon. In addition to the old monarch, there are people in the Central Shangguo that can achieve this level. You, a weak scholar who does not practice martial arts, actually set the Xialing Mountains in the Wushan Sea to the Zen point Dragon!"

With a thick and unbelievable voice, it came from the mouth of the Tiance Palace Soul Race, and it locked his sight firmly on the tall and straight figure in front of him.

Subsequently, surrounded by a full three dragons, the third prince Yin Wen, who resembled a dragon emperor, raised his hand and suddenly pressed down, and the colder voice continued to resound in the world:

"My Yinwen does not practice martial arts, so unlike your martial arts, there is no such thing as stop-and-go.

"A literati holding a sword is just a fate!"

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