The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1775: Primordial Water

In a sense, the Taixuan Land is a naked purgatory field, and in this land that completely pursues the survival of the fittest, none of the high-level existences who step on the bones of countless creatures are Good stubble.

Therefore, at the moment when Li Zeng and Kupao met in the xialing, there was no so-called greetings, no questioning or declaration, and some were just the most murderous, supernatural bombardment that wanted to put the other party to death!

The air shattered and the mountains collapsed. The two of them turned upside down and turned upside down in the void of the blasting mountains, and then a strong smell of blood gushed out, and this smell of blood came from hitting the ground so hard. Li Zeng.

The middle-aged monk's complexion was pale at this time, because the natal device was completely crushed, causing the former's seven orifices to continue to gush out of blood, and coughing up piercing wisps of blood.


Within Li Zeng’s water-blue eyes, there is horror. It is true that the strength of the painful soul now completely exceeds the imagination of the former, especially the power of the endless and surging kingdom, which is wrapped in the complete crushing of people. Volatility, coercion between heaven and earth.

At this time, both in realm and strength can be said to be vastly different, and this gap is also clearly reflected in the current situation.

"No one can tell whether a person is wrong or right, only God can, and the gap between you and me at this time is that the blue sky above our heads is telling you that I am not wrong!

"Because you are in front of me at this time, an ant that can be kneaded at will!"

The sound of Bitter Soul resounding in the gorge has changed from the cold and harsh before to calm, and then listened to Li Zeng, who was lying on his back on the ground, let out a disdainful laugh:

"It's nothing more than deceiving yourself."

After the words fell, the nian monk endured the pain of almost tearing his whole body, propped up his upper body, looked up at the ghost shadow floating in the void in front of him, and the voice came out:

"No, you are still wrong. When you take down your sister's soul eye and put it in your body, you are acknowledging that she is the most talented person in the entire three-eyed soul race. You know it in your heart."

As soon as the words came out, the soul shadow of the bitter soul disappeared for a while, and when it appeared again, he had already come to Li Zeng's front, and then his right foot was raised, and he stepped on the latter's chest, every word. 'S voice came out:

"It's me now."

As the voice fell, Bitter Soul stomped Li Zeng completely into the earth, and the already fragmented rocky ground sank down again, and at the same time, the spider-web-like cracks became more intense, and the **** smell was directly rich several times.

Under this foot, the aura in the middle-aged monk Li Zeng's body has been weakened by more than half, becoming like a gossamer, and then a series of densely interwoven fine lines suddenly appeared on his body, just like a water filled with water. The cup, after cracks appeared, began to leak from the inside.

After a breath, there were more and more cracks on Li Zeng's body, and finally after a very strange bang, it completely exploded into a puddle of rain.

Li Zeng disappeared very suddenly under his feet, and he did not make the bitterness of the soul clan of Tiance Palace look too unexpected.

Then he raised his head and turned around, staring at the blue real deer standing not far away in the rain with three eyes, and a cold voice came out:

"You stood in front of me again after hiding for so many years, I thought you had any confidence, just this ability?"

After the voice fell, under the simultaneous gaze of the three bitter eyes, a drop of light blue water jumped out of the void next to the tall blue deer.

Then the drop of water began to swell outward, from which stretched out his hands and feet, as well as the head with the extremely pale face of Li Zeng.

At the next breath, Li Zeng's reorganized body slammed on the ground, stretched out his hands to support the ground, panting heavily.

However, it is worth mentioning that when the rain on the sky fell on Li Zeng's cracked body, the terrifying wounds healed extremely quickly at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Such a strong resilience is terrifying.

It was because that caused these hideous wounds on Li Zeng's body, but it was the world's top killing law, and the heavy blow that the terrestrial fairyland could retain!

The reason why the gods of the land fairyland is called the law of walking between the heavens and the earth is manifested because one move and one move can cause heavy injuries on the original level.

As the saying goes, the only thing that can fight against the law is the law, and the healing wound on Li Zeng's body at this time clearly shows that the middle-aged monk has an extraordinary mystery in his body.

Then a hint of surprise appeared in the bitter eyes, after a moment of thought, a harsh voice came from the vague head:

"It turned out to be that drop of original water."

After the voice fell, Pao's right hand opened a virtual grip, and the black light that had originally wrapped around the arm extended downwards, directly forming a long sword, which was tightly held in the hand.

"It's no wonder that you can survive under the chase of Tiance Palace. It turns out that you can integrate that drop of original water into yourself. This seat should have thought of it long ago."

As soon as this remark came out, Kupai raised the black long sword in his hand, and continued to resound all directions with a little unwilling scream:

"At the beginning, there were two choices in front of me. The soul eye of sister and the drop of original water in your hand, no fish and bear's paw can have both. In the end, you can only take the eye, but it makes you aware of the clues."

Aside from unwillingness, Kupao’s remarks had no other colors such as guilt. In the end, the color of the soul eyes at the center of his eyebrows turned directly into bright red gold, and his voice continued to roll out:

"But at this time, you appeared in front of this seat with this drop of original water, and I couldn't even think of any words to describe your behavior.

"The Golden Wheel of God is right. Although fish and bear's paw can't have both, but this constellation can eat deer, fish can swallow deer!"

Before he finished his words, Kupai held his sword and slashed out violently in front of him. Then, under the sword's edge, the lightfish covered with golden scales in the distance jumped out and continued to open his huge mouth with fangs, facing Li Zeng in front of him. And the blue deer beside the middle-aged monk, swallowing it in one bite.

The huge mouth of the golden scale light fish seems to be infinitely magnified, and such a violent mouth is more than enough to swallow a deer and a deer with weak aura on the ground.

After an instant, in front of Li Zeng who was lying on his back on the ground, a huge mouth like a black hole emerged. Within the mouth, golden light shone, and countless screaming souls could even be seen from it.

"The original water, the original water that was born when the chaos of heaven and earth first opened. If you have the ancestor of this drop of water, this seat can definitely take another step, perhaps even enter the Martial Palace, and rank among the ten philosophers."

An increasingly loud voice came from the mouth of the Three-Eyed Soul Shadow, and then its figure disappeared again, and after reappearing, it had reached the top of the Golden Lin Guangyu, erected the black light sword in his hand, and continued to make a scream:


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