The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1787: Eat a fruit before you die

"Ten philosophers of Shengting Wugong, the ninth place, Bo Ying."

In the camp, when the three elders of the Yunwu Sect spoke word by word, the atmosphere in the entire account became extremely solemn in an instant, including Zhao Yu behind the desk, all staring up.

In the dark eyes of the young emperor, wisps of different colors emerged. In a sense, apart from the previous Nantian King Xiliu, this was the first time that Daxia had a top-level battle with the holy court in the true sense. Force contact.

"Ten Zhe Wugong?"

The muttering voice came from Zhao Yu's mouth, and then the young emperor stretched out his right hand and tapped lightly at the desk in front of him, and Emperor Huang Huang's voice came down loudly:

"You will take a closer look to see how powerful this Saint Court Martial Palace is, because it may not be too long. Between the Radiant Nightmare and the Martial Palace, there is only one side that can stand in this space. Above the earth."

The seemingly understatement of the young emperor's words made everyone in the entire camp clearly feel the power of the most overbearing emperor in the world.

Then, in the camp where the imperial Dao became more and more majestic, the voice from Zhao Yu continued to sound:

"Sima Annan, let Chang Xiliu explain everything he knows about Shengting Wugong. Since he is a prisoner, he has the consciousness of a prisoner."


Sima Annan nodded in response, raised his hand to the back with a light wave, and an officer of the military plane retired from the camp respectfully, and then the former raised his hand to respectfully salute the young emperor in front of him, and his voice came out:

"Your Majesty, do you need to send someone to siege this Wugong Ninth?"

"Leave it to Xu Qing."

After the voice fell, Zhao Yu thought for a moment, and Di Yin once again spread out:

"The martial arts ten philosophers are not so easy to kill. Shengting will definitely stay behind. First let Xu Qing try the virtual reality, or make an assessment. The area of ​​this Wushan Strait Ridge is not small, I am not afraid that there is no one. opportunity."

When the emperor's voice fell, everyone nodded, then Li Chunfeng raised his hand and stroked the white beard on his chest, and the old voice came out:

"This guy named Li Zeng may be the hardest person the old man has ever seen. He has been bombarded by two land gods in a row, but still hasn't died. This original fruit is extraordinary."

As soon as this statement came out, a faint groan with particularly painful groaning made it easy to spread from the picture scroll of mountains and seas:

"Cough, cough!"

After this muffled hum fell, Bo Jie, who was floating above the void in the sky, was especially blurred under the ground's face, and a light huh came out:

"Take a finger to the deity who is not dead yet. No wonder there is a way to kill the false deity of Kupu."

The three words "Puppet Zun" came out from Boying's mouth, with a deep disdain. It is true that for a top-level overhaul who really set foot on the bridge between heaven and earth, this sneaky act of going on the bridge is undoubtedly the best work. .

"Although Bitter Soul is a trickster, but because of the characteristics of the Three-Eyed Soul Race, the strength is not weak in the Tiance Palace, so let me see how you can accomplish this in a palm-boundary birth and death realm. Unheard of."

As the voice fell, Bo Tie, who was guarded by countless gray winds, raised his hand to the front and gently waved, and then three gray winds went straight forward, directly blasting all the gravel buried on Li Zeng's body, revealing his dying breath. The latter.

I saw that Li Zeng at this time was more miserable than when he was bombarded by the Bitter Soul. Except for the head protected by the original water, no inch of his body was intact. It was as if the entire skin was completely peeled off. shudder.

However, it is worth mentioning that beside the miserable Li Zeng, this little cyan fruit rolled down, and beside the fruit was an amber-like transparent eye.

At the next breath, Boyi looked directly at him with a majestic gaze of inquiry. After a round of glances, he raised a lot of voice and then came out:

"From the bitter soul of the sky, as well as the real rain **** armor left by the great Luo rain master back then, there is actually a drop of original water."

After the four words of original water were uttered from Boyi's mouth, one could clearly feel the greed hidden in the depths of the former.

The original water is an extremely rare treasure in the entire Taixuan land, even if it is a major repair, it will be tempting.

After that, Boyi continued to stare at the dying bitterness below, and after a few breaths carefully, his voice continued to spread:

"It turns out that you have the blood of Master Luo Yu in your body. No wonder it's interesting to be able to fuse this drop of original water with such a cultivation base."

After speaking, Bo Tie stretched out his hands, his figure floated directly above Li Zeng below, and his rolling voice continued to sound:

"Actually speaking, the bloodline between you and me is really related, the ancestor of this deity, the head of the eight immortals in the ancient fairy garden, Uncle Feng!"

As soon as he said this, all the gray winds that filled the entire gorge opened their mouths and roared for an instant, as if they were roaring for their master.

As the saying goes, the wind and rain do not separate families, so the words before Bo Tie are not false. In the past of the fairy palace, among the eight immortals guarding one side, Feng Bo Yu Shi had a good relationship.

But today's times are completely different. The glory of the past has completely faded, but these two descendants of Xianting Zhongxian are now facing each other.

As the ninth uncle of Wugong ten philosophers, neither his cultivation level nor his realm is comparable to his previous bitterness, so under the finger of this deity, Li Zenghun's vitality was instantly cut off by ninety-nine percent.

Even at this moment, Li Zeng received the original water supplemented by the power of the true rain, and he was desperately releasing the original recovery power, trying to get Li Zeng out of the edge of death. Li Zeng looked at the eyes above, still a little bit blurry.

After another cough came out of the middle-aged monk's mouth, the former's low voice came out:

"Friend Bojie, since our ancestors are a family, can you let me go?"

As soon as these words came out, the countless gray-wind-shrouded gorges suddenly became extremely quiet, and even the ninth Zhe Boying of the Shengting Martial Palace was shocked for a moment.

The next breath, Li Zeng, who was dying on the ground, suddenly coughed up blood, and laughed at the same time. The voice came out:

"Being able to slaughter a land **** before death, Lao Tzu's life is worth it."

After speaking, for some reason, a picture suddenly appeared in Li Zeng's mind.

That was before Qi left Xia Ling, the young man with a cotton hat handed him a Dao Guo and what Sima Annan said to him.

"Friend Li Dao, this Dao fruit can replenish vitality, but it must be collected."

Sima Annan's words sounded clearly in Li Zeng's mind, and then he mobilized all the healing power of the original water to his right hand, condensing five finger bones, and grabbed it to his side.

But the strange thing is that what the middle-aged monk Li Zeng was grasping was not the extremely precious Sky Soul Eye, but the very inconspicuous blue Dao Fruit. Then Li Zeng held Dao Guo tightly and put it in his mouth. On the side, the voice came out:

"You can eat a fruit before you die, not bad, not bad."

When the voice fell, Li Zeng put the fruit to his mouth and slowly opened his mouth.

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