"Crack, click!"

The dense sound of Frost Sword Intent freezing the void and the earth resounded in the ears of the monks, and at the same time made these ill-fated south monks, their hearts trembling again.

There are no words to describe the despair of these monks at this time!

Especially for the old monk, who opened his arms at this time and stood in front of the carriage, this journey through the Wushan Strait was first attacked by fog beasts, and after a fluke survived, he was stunned by the general weather conditions of the top overhaul. Back, it caused a heavy blow to the soul, fell halfway, and was finally rescued by Zhao Yu, which can be called a twists and turns.

But this is far from over. Seeing that the exit of Xia Ling is just ahead, the core area of ​​the entire Taixuan Central Plains is within reach.

But the endless waves recurred, and the aftermath of vigor, accompanied by the howling sword aura, was like the hand of the gods pressed by the gods in the tide of cultivators, and wiped out the lives of mortals with ease.

The cold wave containing the sword intent of frost, turned into an undulating tsunami, facing the old monk below and the carriage behind the old monk, immediately covered it.

Compared with the mighty torrent of frost, the old monk and the carriage are so insignificant, and the frosty torrent has not yet arrived, and the icy chill has caused the old monk’s body to be directly hung with dense ice. Piece.

Then the old monk felt that the blood on his whole body was almost completely frozen, and at the same time his consciousness was flowing outwards at a very fast speed, and deep in his pupil, a sharp ice needle was constantly expanding.

There is an unimaginable edge on the ice needles. That is the old monk who came here through the mountains and rivers. The strongest power he has encountered in his life can even shred himself thousands of times in an instant.

"Hey, the old man is still going to die here after all. It's sad and sigh, maybe the fate should be like this!"

After the sigh fell, the old monk slowly closed his eyes, and finally used a more calm attitude to welcome the coming of eternal darkness.

But in the next breath, the unexpected pain did not come, and his soul did not rise into the legendary soul to return to the market. Even the frozen ice on the body began to dissipate for some reason, turning into a drop. The dripping water flows downwards.


A suspicious murmur came from the old monk's mouth, and then he slowly opened his eyes, his pupils shook violently, because in front of him, at some point, a huge black body appeared. Wing wings.

On the wings, the densely dense scales are interlaced and densely, directly forming an incomparably mysterious rune. At the same time, these runes exude a thick black light, and between the sparkles, there is a hot breath. .

The scorching hot breath rushing over melted the ice on the old monk's body, and then a shocked voice came from the former's mouth:

"Dragon, is this dragon wing?"

After the words fell, the old monk slowly turned his head and looked at the place where the sky-shielding dragon wings stretched out. Then he saw the hearty and enthusiastic young man before.

That is to say, the young man driving a horse-drawn carriage, with dark dragon wings extending out of his back, drove the frost wave that was rolling in front of him, outside the fence, half chill.

"Little, little brother."

Although the old monk already had the ambition to die, his mind was still shaken as never before, and Shunzi's still hearty voice sounded right after his ears:

"In our country, we are paying attention to respecting the old and loving the young. How can we let an old man be at the forefront?"

After finishing the sentence, Shunzi raised his right hand to make a fist, with a faint black light on the fist, directly facing the freezing iceberg in front of him, and blasted out with a punch.


With a punch, the frost was completely shattered, and the entire cold wave mountain covered with icy thorns began to shatter, crackling, and a road directly leading to the front gorge exit appeared.

"Xiao Huang, keep going."

After Shunzi's young voice fell, Long Xiangma Xiaohuang raised his head and slapped his nose, pulled the carriage, and continued forward along the road that Shunzi punched out.

Amidst the ice on both sides of the carriage, there is a decent sword aura. As Xiao Huang stepped forward, these sword auras seemed to sense an invasion, and suddenly began to whistle, and then condensed into one after another. sword.

The Frost Sword levitated in the air, and even a scream was heard, as if it was warning people not to approach, but Long Xiaoma Xiaohuang, known as the little overlord of the floating island small world, was undoubtedly a violent temper, so naturally he was not to be outdone and opened his mouth. It was a low growl:


The majestic dragon whistle sounded, and the surrounding frost swords trembling for a while, whizzed towards the carriage.


The corners of Xiao Huang's mouth grinned, revealing an expression of extreme disdain. The spiral dragon horns above his head flickered. The open mouth became bigger and bigger, and the sharp fangs were full of cold light. One suck.

In the next breath, this ice sword whistling from the handle was directly sucked into Xiao Huang's mouth completely, and there was a terrifying click between chewing and chewing.

In just a few breaths, Xiao Huang swallowed all the frost sword intent into his belly, and then the former opened his mouth and burped with a cold fullness, and his eyes were filled with satisfaction.

The next breath after the Frost Sword Intent was completely swallowed, the icebergs in the entire gorge all began to disappear, and then the carriage continued to move forward, slowly stopping in front of the figure that was blasted into the ground.

Then the carriage curtain was pulled open by one hand, and two young people walked out from it. With a breath, Sima Annan in white flying slowly lowered his head, watching the violently fluctuating Sword Sovereign Ice Lotus, and said:

"Your Majesty, it seems that this Baolian sword field was stabbed through by the holy court."

"This holy court looks very angry."

After the voice fell, Zhao Yu's black eyes seemed to see the alien laws lingering outside the body of the Sword Sovereign Ice Lotus below, and the steady emperor's voice continued to spread:

"The Holy Court has come again for an overhaul of the rank of ten philosophers of the martial arts palace, and the ranking is high, the strength is very strong, and it may even surpass Bo Ying.

"This holy court is struggling with Central Shangguo on one side, and rubbing against the ground with Qinglian Jianzong on the other side. It's really a big business."

Sima Annan's sigh fell just as soon as it fell, the Qi at the end of the gorge began to change drastically again, the void and the fog were completely torn in an instant, and the sharp whistling swords once again resounded through the fields.

However, this time the sound of the sword sound did not come from the height of the void at the exit of the Xia Ling, but directly in front of it.

After a breath, an old woman holding a huge broad sword, all the way to the ground, was directly blasted into the entrance of this gorge, behind the old woman, a huge lotus platform appeared.

This sword lotus stand composed entirely of one-handle sword spins wildly, unleashing a heavy power forward to protect the whole body of the sword lotus stand, but it is still continuously bombarded and left deep on the ground. Scratches.

After that, Sword Sovereign Liantai inserted the broad sword in his hand into the ground beneath him, releasing his sword intent frantically before gradually stopping his figure.

Finally, he suddenly raised his head and stared at the exit of the gorge in front of him, his eyes filled with dignity.

In the next breath, between the entire world of the gorge, there was once again a loud noise like a heavy drum bombardment:


Under the loud noise, the mountains of the entire gorge shook fiercely, the earth shook violently, and then a huge shadow appeared before everyone's eyes.

This figure is even taller than the gorges on both sides. Through the exit of the gorges like a portal, only a part of its body can be seen looming.

Indomitable, extremely violent!

"Well, this is the ancient giant of Longbo Kingdom outside the gorge?"

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