"Quick, speed up, my Qinglian Sword Sect has reached a critical point of life and death, the sword repair of Baolian Sword Ground, can't be insulted like this!"

In the northern part of the Baolian Sword Land, a series of sword lights shined in the sky and the earth, and then, no matter in the sky or on the ground, countless swords gathered in all directions, forming a torrent of sword lights that stretched for thousands of miles. Go north.

Each sword light in this flood of sword light represents a sword repairer, and as more and more sword repairers surge in from a distance, it grows stronger.

However, at this time, the sword repairmen who made up the torrent were already angry to the extreme, and the anger in their eyes almost turned into a substantial flame, burning blazingly.

"Senior Sister Fanxing, this holy court is so deceptive!"

In the front section of the sword repair torrent, there is a broad sword that is as huge as a ship, flying in the air, and on the broad sword, a disciple from the line of the Qinglian Jianzong Liantai is standing on it with the sword.

The head of the disciples was a woman wearing a black sword robe with a cold face and rolling clothes. Then the female sword named Fanxing repaired her ears, and the monk's low roar from behind continued to sound:

"My Qinglian Sword Sect has only joined the sect for a month, and this holy court gathered monks to humiliate my sect. What does this mean? Is it possible to force my Tai Xuan Jianxiu line on the path of absoluteness?"

After speaking, the restless disciples continued to preach:

"Yes, this holy court said on the one hand that it would participate in the Taoist Society of the World, and on the other hand, it rushed directly into our sect. Isn't it afraid of being shameless by the people of the world?"

As soon as this statement was made, the disciples of the surrounding sword repairers felt even more evil in their eyes. At the same time, the long sword on the back also felt the master's anger towards the invaders, and made a loud sword sound.

"Keep calm, don't be dazzled by anger."

As the sound of the sword sounded everywhere, the voice from Jian Xiu Fanxing rang, and then the great sister controlled the magic weapon broad sword under her even more quickly, her red lips lightly opened, and she continued to speak:

"The power of the holy court is far beyond your and my cognition. The behemoth even took only a quarter of an hour to see that the defense of the sword ground was nothing, and pushed all the way forward, appearing in the northernmost part. Beyond the Wushan Channel Ridge.

"This is not an ordinary overhaul. Now my Qinglian Sword Sect has three master-level masters attacking, and there is no news of victory. What this means, you should be very clear."

As soon as he said this, the disciples behind him kept silent, and within the sword intent that had originally surrounded the hostility, they also brought a touch of solemnity.

At the next breath, the female sword repair Fan Xing bowed her head and looked down at the earth belonging to the Baolian Sword Land. On the earth, there was a scar of horror like a river.

This scar, heading straight to the north, smashed all obstacles along the road, such as cities, mountains, and so on, causing all those who watched to tremble wildly.

In everyone's understanding, this is not the earth wound that human power can cause!

But Female Jianxiu Fanxing knew that just now, a giant of heaven and earth leaning on the earth to the ground, hurriedly rushed on the earth, every step of the foot, the earth of Baolian sword ground cracked, the city collapsed, and countless creatures died.

"Holy Court!"

With an extremely cold voice, it came from Fanxing's mouth, and then he looked forward, where an old man wearing a red sword robe was walking with his sword.

The old man had a crimson long sword with unparalleled speed, and after only a few breaths, it disappeared completely in the sense of all sword repairs behind him.

"That's the Fire Lotus Sword Sovereign. The four Sword Sovereigns of our Baolian Sword Field gather on the shores of the foggy mountains and seas. If they are still no match for this holy court, you and I may have no life to go back today."

With a little melancholy voice, it came from Jianxiu's mouth in the rear, and then these swordsmen narrowed their eyes and opened their mouths with a cruel roar:

"If I die, I will die. If I wait for the sword repair to make people turn the clouds and rain in my hometown, then just die directly. My Baolian swordland can't afford to lose this person!"

As the voice fell, the loud roars one after another spread far from behind the sword energy torrent, and the speed of the sword light rushing to the north was even greater.

This is an epic scene that is unprecedented in the entire Baolian sword field!

In the entire sword field, every city, every sect, a monk carrying a long sword, regardless of men, women, old or young, all rushed out with a blast of swords, and then joined the mighty force. Swing in the stream of swords.

"Tai Xuan Jian Xiu, would rather die than surrender!"

As more and more Jian Xiu went north, from the sword light torrent to the sword light ocean, I don't know which Jian Xiu opened his mouth and let out a loud shout.

As soon as this loud shout came out, all Jian Xiu raised their hands and clenched their fists, yelling at the sky:

"We wait for swordsmanship, and would rather die than yield!"

In the next breath, the tsunami-like sound of this mountain converged inward, directly across the vast space, resounding in the void beyond the Wushan Mountain, and lingering back and forth.

At the same time, the ancient king of heaven and earth, who was raising his foot outside the Wushan Strait Ridge, moved slightly after the sound of the wind rolled over.

And this slight pause caused the Lotus Sword Master at the feet of the giant to slash out tens of thousands of swords against the shackles of power that enveloped his body in an instant.

In the next instant, these tens of thousands of swords melted directly into a sword, and directly turned into black light sword aura, cutting out a gap in the imprisonment of his body.


With this roar, Sword Sovereign Lotus Terrace grabbed Sword Sovereign Lei Lian who was seriously injured by reaching out on the ground, flew out against the ground, and in a blink of an eye, he left the soles of the feet of this giant ancient king.

After a while, when the Lotus Terrace Jianzun had just rushed out of the imprisonment with the people, the giant ancient king here directly stepped on it.

The giant trampled it was originally the magical power of the Longbo Kingdom giant in the ancient times to crush the bottom of the box, and then the whole earth trembled violently, and even the ridges at the end of the crumbling Wushan Sea began to continuously drop pieces of rubble.

"Boom boom boom!"

A sound of earth-shaking roar continued to sound, and at the same time dense cracks began to appear on the entire earth.

The life-and-death struggle between top-level overhauls can be regarded as ruining the world. With such a situation where the mountains and the ground are cracked, if the battle continues for a few more rounds, this piece of Wushan overseas gorge will be completely destroyed.

However, in the midst of madness and turbulence, the indomitable giant, the ancient king, stopped, but stopped.

Then the graceful figure above the giant's head turned around and looked backward, his eyes moved slightly.

Because at the end of his sight, a vast sea of ​​swords composed of countless sword lights and countless sword repairers is coming violently, and within this vast sea of ​​swords, there are endless edges and endless killings. meaning.

This is the determination of all sword repairs in Baolian Jiandi to resist foreign enemies!

At the same time, an overwhelming sword sound began to sound from a distance, from far to near, it began to linger in everyone's ears, and then the cultivators of the southward cultivators in Xia Ling listened to the swords roaring in the ear , All cheered and opened their mouths:

"Here is here, the sword repairing reinforcements of Baolian Sword Ground are here, we can save it!"

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