The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1818: Draw flatbread


As soon as the young emperor's rhetorical question came out, the sword repairmen who formed a formation around the entire sword pavilion, first stagnated together, and then a fierce riot broke out directly.

Although what Zhao Yu said was not straightforward, these swordsmen were not stupid. Naturally, the young man in the sword pavilion in front of him could hear the disgust in his words.

What is this young man disgusting?

Naturally, the strength of the Baolian swordfield is too low!

Thinking of this, a wave of endless humiliation and anger suddenly rose from the depths of the sword repairman's heart, and went straight into his mind. After the explosion, the sword behind him began to hum. .

Jian Xiu went straight back and forth, and at the same time had the strongest self-esteem, so someone immediately took a step forward. Just about to open his mouth and shout a yellow-mouthed kid, the black-clothed old woman in the sword pavilion waved his hand and opened his mouth to stop:

"be quiet!"

The old and vigorous voice of Sword Sovereign Lotus Terrace was like a thick sword lotus falling from the sky, directly pressing on the shoulders of all the sword repairmen, making the voices of these people wanting to speak suddenly stopped.

The next breath, at the end of the dusk, outside the dimly lit Liantai City, suddenly became audible, and it was extremely silent. Only the whistling sword sound, heralding the surging of Qi.

And if there is a high-level monk who can see the flow of the law here, you will see that under this violent surging sword intent, the bald man standing quietly behind the young man with a cotton hat is full of burly His body is like an unfathomable black hole.

This is an incredible situation.

Liang Po stood quietly like this, but all the laws and aura in the entire Jianting were swallowed in one bite, directly forming a huge and incomparable vortex of laws.

"My Qinglian Sword Sect, this time with the most sincere sincerity, I am here to invite your country to form an alliance of offensive and defensive mutual assistance, but your words, I am afraid it is chilling, the young Lord of the North."

As soon as the words of the Lord of the North came out from the mouth of Lotus Terrace Sword Sect, all the cultivators around who heard the words suddenly jumped wildly. At the same time, the virgin Jian Xiu Fanxing clenched her fists and murmured:

"It turned out to be the mysterious northern master, no wonder, no wonder."

"Even if he is the so-called Lord of the North, he can't be so rampant. You must know the desolation and the thinness of the vitality of the North. Everyone knows that if you are the king in the ravine, you dare to look down on my Baolian swordland."

The low voice of discussion was once again heard from the surrounding sword repairs, but compared to before, the anger in the voice of discussion was obviously much less.

People’s names and trees’ shadows have been circulating throughout the entire Taixuan Land over the past few years about the Northern Territory.

Regardless of whether these sword repairers believe in the bizarre deeds of the North Sea, it is an indelible fact that those who went north to search for the so-called great chance sect monk who fell in the North Sea a few years ago.

The four major sword sects of the Baolian Sword Land did not send people to the north a few years ago, but there were a lot of forces around them. Therefore, this incident caused violent waves in the core of the Central Plains.

Thinking of this, the sword repairmen outside the sword pavilion looked at each other, and they all saw the solemn color in each other's eyes.

Afterwards, the undulating gaze intertwined in the Jianting in front again, and he looked at Zhao Yu, who was sitting firmly behind the desk, and opened his mouth again in response:

"As everyone knows, my Daxia now dominates the North, and the Beihai is more than half of the Taixuan continent from the core of the Central Plains. With such a long distance, it is of little significance to form the so-called offensive and defensive alliance. "

"This is true, and we understand it."

After Zhao Yu's emperor's voice fell, Sword Master Lotus Terrace's wrinkled face, his complexion unchanged, raised his hand to the front and arched, and continued to speak:

"The young Lord of the North, the current situation is turbulent, and the secrets are unpredictable. Not to mention the rest of the Taixuan Land, even the core of the Central Plains is full of war.

"As the saying goes, there are no eggs under the covering nest. Once the war spreads, the Northern Territory is afraid that it will be difficult to take care of itself. You and I know this."

After speaking, Sword Sovereign Leilian raised his hand to the front, and the voice continued to linger in everyone's ears:

"The Lord of the Northern Territory, you can dominate the North Sea and recast the glory of the ancients by means of the sky-reaching means. Naturally, you are a man of great talent and roughness. Therefore, you naturally know that there is no danger. Isn't it beautiful?"

As soon as the words of the Lotus Terrace Sword Sovereign fell, the Ice Lotus Sword Sovereign wearing a white sword robe nodded, and the echoing voice came out:

"The land of the Supreme Profound Realm is perilous, and the forces of all sides are tumbling against each other. One more ally is definitely much better than one more mortal enemy."

After speaking, the Ice Lotus Sword Sovereign stood up directly, spreading his hands outwards, and a loud voice rolled out:

"My Baolian swordland has been disintegrated for thousands of years under the trickery of the holy court, but now it is back on track. Hezong Qinglian has regained the glory of sword repair.

"Nowadays, the Qinglian Sword Sect in the entire Baolian Sword Land has tens of millions of sword repairs, and more importantly, under the Zhaojian Order, there are more and more sword repairs, surpassing Taixuan. Everywhere rushed back to Baolian sword ground."

Speaking of this, the Ice Lotus Sword Sovereign flicked his sword robe and his eyes fixed on Zhao Yu, who was sitting in front of him. His increasingly loud voice resounded through the world again:

"As soon as the Sword Summoning Order comes out, the entire world of sword repair will be returned to my Qinglian Sword Sect. With time, my Sect's strength will be countless times stronger.

"And if your country concludes an alliance with our sword land, it will not be the power of this mere sect, but the countless sword repairs in the entire Taixuan realm!"

The words of the Sword Sovereign Ice Lotus were convincing and shocking, causing the sword repairmen in the array outside the sword pavilion to spread their beards and vigorously. At the same time, the sound of the swords that enveloped the lotus platform rose to the sky. , Resounding everywhere.

These sword repairs seemed to have recovered the glory of sword repairs belonging to the land of Baolian, and they also felt the surging heart after raising their eyebrows, but the next breath, this spirit of vigor, it was like being poured into a basin of cold water and completely extinguished.

Because these sword repairers heard a young and steady voice:

"If the news I got is correct, you waited for the Qinglian Sword Sect to be united just now, and the so-called Sword Cultivation of the World is not a single word. On the other hand, the overhaul of the Shengting Martial Palace is in your Baolian The scars on the ground left by the rampage are still vivid."

As the Emperor Yin fell, Zhao Yu's expression on his face remained unchanged. He raised his right hand and pointed to the outside of the pavilion. At the same time, Huanghuang Emperor Yin, accompanied by the immense imperial power, swept outwards frantically, exploding into the void like thunder:

"At the end of the Wushan Strait Ridge, the remains of the ancient king giants raged, and I was on the scene when he pressed the sword repair on the ground and rubbed it.

"I have seen with my own eyes that the three sword masters of the Baolian Sword Land have joined forces, and it is difficult to prevent the overhaul of the holy court, and they have been bombarded by each, so at this time, are you painting a big cake for me?"

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