The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1827: Snow Magic Incident

The big summer treasure ship flew across the sky, and the light of the morning sun shone through the clouds, leaving mottled spots on the deck.

Then three hurried figures stepped on the sun spots on the deck and headed towards the center of the Crescent Moon Ship.

At the next breath, Jin Yuanbao looked up at Sima Annan, who was fluttering in white, his round face showed a condensed color, and he said:

"Master Sima, next time I am looking for you, I have something to ask. On the ground, has there been news of me coming from Jinzong recently?"

After the question fell, Sima Annan's footsteps kept on, and the response came from the front:

"We know what you want to ask. None of the people you have arranged recently sent the information to the designated location, so you should understand what this means."

As soon as this statement was made, the face of the gold ingot behind changed again, his eyes narrowed, a trace of evil flashed through, and the voice came out every word:

"Either the person who sent the message was intercepted, or the entire Jin Jinzong was controlled by someone!"

"Presumably you should also be mentally prepared. After all, the structure of your Jinzong sect is special. You have countless money but no top-level overhaul. Moreover, your old man is so capable of giving birth, leaving countless heirs, all of whom are staring at you. Lord’s place."

At this point, Sima Annan nodded to the angry beast army guarding on the front deck, raised his finger to the front, and signaled that he was going to see Zhao Yu, then stopped and waited.

At the next breath, in the fury beast army in beast armor, a young captain turned and went to report, and at the same time a response from Jin Yinbao sounded:

"My good brothers and sisters are definitely not reconciled to me as a trash sitting on the position of young master, but my old man is very powerful, and he has killed a lot of his own heirs over the years, and those people probably wouldn't dare to do it directly. To the bright side."

Jin Yuanbao's voice fell, and the corners of Sima Annan's mouth, who was standing upright, raised, and a voice that was neither light nor heavy came out:

"But what if your old man has a problem?"

As soon as he said this, Jin Yuanbao's eyebrows suddenly jumped, just about to continue speaking, he saw the tall figure of Liang Po in front of him, and then Sima Annan brought Xue Bancheng up and continued forward, his voice sounded:

"Gold Ingots, come with you. Although your own intelligence network has been paralyzed, Daxia's intelligence network in the Central Shangguo is still operating, and there is news about your rolling Jinzong."

"So good."

Jin Yuanbao took a deep breath, put away the different color in his eyes, and also raised his feet, followed behind the bald and burly beam, and formally walked into the solemn and solemn central cabin hall.

Inside the wide hall, because of the opening of the windows on both sides, a ray of sunlight came in. Then several people watched the young emperor's shadow in front and saluted and greeted them respectfully. Then the young emperor’s voice was not angry and prestigious, Resounding everywhere:

"Sima Annan, I heard Liang Po say that all the officials in the Military Aircraft Department were busy turning around and staying up all night, relying on bitter tea to refresh themselves?"

After the emperor's voice, Sima Annan got up, saluted the front again, and responded:

"Your Majesty, it is true. A lot of news came last night, many of which were extremely important. Therefore, the Military Aircraft Department collected and analyzed this information overnight."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yu, who was sitting at the plan table, stopped the pen in his hand, raised his head, looked down, opened his lips, and said:

"Say one by one."

"Yes, Your Majesty, the first thing is about the southern part of the Central Plains, the Great Snow Mountain."

When the voice fell, Sima Annan stood up and waved forward directly, and a stream of energetic air flowed directly out of the hall.

Then these streamers quickly condensed into a map of the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land, which was suspended in the main hall.

At the next breath, Sima Annan raised his hand and drew a circle on the southern part of the map, which represented the location of the Snow Mountain. A young voice came out:

"Fengxue Shenshan has been the site of Xuemei Shangguo for tens of thousands of years. Since the fall of the Xuemei Kingdom's monarch six months ago, the entire Xuemei family of Fengxue Shenshan has surrounded the position of this monarch and carried out a lot of efforts. Game.

"Two of these are the eldest princess with the deepest qualifications in Xuemei, and the little princess who was later brought back to Snow Mountain by the former Xuemei monarch."

"I know that, the two forces have officially started war?"

After Zhao Yu's question fell, Sima Annan took a step forward, pointed at the map in front of him again, and continued to speak:

"His Majesty, this time it is not only to tear the face, but to start a deadly battle as soon as he comes up!

"As we all know, the Xuemei Kingdom is based on the religion of the gods, and this religion is the religion of the snow wind gods. Therefore, the sacrifices in the temples have great power. The will of the sacrifices can completely control the position of the monarch. Home."

At this point, after Sima Annan took a breath, he raised his hand to signal Xue Bancheng behind him to pass the secret fold in his hand forward, and then the voice sounded again:

"The former Xuemeizu monarch is worthy of being the small group of people who occupied the strongest after the collapse of the fairy palace. Before he died, he removed all the inconsistent voices in the Fengxue Temple, integrated his thoughts, and unified the little princess, including the whole The land gods of the Xuemei clan also obeyed.

"I thought that there was the support of the entire Snow Temple and its superior realm. Even though the princess had the heart to meddle with the great power, she couldn't overcome the big waves, but she could not count as the princess. There is an unexpected hole card in it."

As soon as Sima Annan's words fell, Zhao Yu, who was on the plan table, leaned forward slightly and said directly:

"That quarter of the teleportation formation?"

As soon as he said this, Zhao Yu frowned and continued to spit out:

"Is the holy court doing it?"

"Back to your majesty, that is."

Then Sima Annan's young face suddenly became extremely solemn, and his voice came out again:

"Yesterday, Shengting Tiance Palace announced to the world through the Shenji Pavilion that the orthodox heir to the throne of the Xuemei Kingdom was the princess. At the same time, five of the ten cities in the entire Xuemei Kingdom announced their seconding.

"More importantly, let’s not mention some of the snow-wind temple sacrifices that have begun to shake in their hearts. The four masters of the town’s state, the second and the fourth deity, overthrew the previous decision and announced that they would stand. On the side of the princess.

"Suddenly, the situation of the king of the Xuemei Nation has taken a turn for the worse. The little princess who originally had the advantage has directly become a balance of power or even a disadvantage.

At this point, Sima Annan raised his hand to face the map of Xuemei Country in front of him a little harder, raised a lot of voice, and continued to roll out:

"Although the Fengxue Temple still has not changed the rules set by the former monarch, the separation between the sect and the secular has been laid out.

"In other words, this civil war of Xuemei Shangguo may have been unable to stop it, it is about to start!"

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