"Don't kill me, I said, don't kill me!"

In the alleys of Shangling City, the billowing darkness swept outwards like a tide, and then Young Master Zhu, who resumed breathing, panted violently while continuing to wailing desperately.

Afterwards, Lord Zhu saw that the hand holding his head did not continue to move, the fear in his eyes was not diminished, and he continued to speak:

"Afu, Afu is a friend of ours. Although he is an orphan and a widow, he has a lot of cents. According to what he said after being drunk, the relationship between his mother and the Jin Jinzong is not shallow, and he is very likely Is the heir of someone in this clan.

"As everyone knows, that Jinjinzong is the richest sect in our Taixuan land, but his mother suddenly disappeared not long ago, and then Ah Fu also hurriedly left the city and was missing."

After the eager voice fell, the darkness in the entire alley suddenly became more turbulent several times, like countless fierce beasts with claws dancing and roaring up to the sky.

This made the Zhu Gongzi's whole body shake more severely, and the voice of begging for mercy kept coming out:

"Let me go, please let me go, I have said everything I know!"

Before the words fell, the hand that stretched out in the darkness applied a slight force, and the night of the whole body suddenly compressed inward, directly stunned Master Zhu completely and slumped to the ground.

At the next breath, Ye Yi's outline suspended in the darkness gradually became clear, with a solemn voice, slowly spreading out:

"It's not good, the butler of the Golden Sect actually has heirs. This is a huge weakness. He may not be able to hold it for long. I hope it will be too late."

The voice fell, Ye Yi's figure rose into the sky, and the night of Shang Lingcheng became a bit deeper.

The world is divided into day and night. Compared with the light, some things will be clearer in the darkness, such as the screams of extreme pain.

In the depths of the Shenji Pavilion of Shangling City, inside the underground palace, a terrifying scream suddenly sounded:

"kill me!"

This roar is almost indescribable in words, because it contains countless negative emotions that can be called pain.

Then he sat on the main seat of the torture chamber. The smile on the old face became more and more serious. He looked at the middle-aged man’s desperate eyes and began to frighten. A faint voice came out:

"Yes, that's the look in the eyes, that's the smell."

After the horrifying words came out, the old man whose entire face began to twist slightly, opened his mouth, and took another deep breath into the **** air in front of him.

"It's intoxicating despair."

When the voice fell, Liu Ge Lao stretched out his tongue and licked his lips with a look of excitement.

Then his whole person stood up from the seat, walked in front of the Jinzong butler who was shaking like a sieve in front of him, stretched out his right hand, and pierced directly into one of the latter's eyes.


The whole eyeball was poked, which made the middle-aged housekeeper let out a muffled grunt again, and then the old man’s cold voice lingered again in his ears:

"The old man knows a punishment, which is to puncture people's eyes, so that the pain will be multiplied, but the old man does not intend to blind you completely this time.

"Because I still have to keep you looking at my precious son who has worked so hard to hide."

As soon as this statement came out, the middle-aged butler, who was dying, suddenly raised his head, staring at the Liu Ge elder in front of him with eyes that wanted to swallow up the life in front of him.

"I've seen you look a lot. It's more fierce than you, and it's not without it, but it's useless except to make the old man even more excited."

When the voice fell, in order to let the middle-aged butler understand that his statement was true, Liu Ge raised his hand and waved to the side of the torture chamber, and the voice came out:

"Your son should be called Ah Fu. This kid is quite clever. He ran away the night your old friend died.

"Although he is not stupid, he just ran in the wrong place. You said he rushed to the Gunjin Sect of Shangxiao City to find you. Isn't it just a sheep entering the tiger's mouth?"

After speaking, the old man retracted his hand and patted the **** head of the housekeeper in front of him. The sound of the latter's body shaking violently continued to sound:

"To be honest, you are quite concerned about this son. Look at what this kid is eating for nothing. You don't know. I heard that when the soul masters chopped his hands, a layer of white fat came out. That scene ."

After the slowly speaking words came out of Liu Ge's mouth, a deep despair appeared in the eyes of the middle-aged butler.

"Come in with one hand."

The continued sound of Liu Ge old man made broken cracks appear in the only remaining eye of the middle-aged butler.

At the next breath, a hand was placed in the old man's hand, and then Liu Ge veteran general approached the ear of the suspended middle-aged housekeeper, and gently spoke:

"From now on, every ten breaths, if you don't open up your mind and let the pavilion master search for the soul, then I will have someone chop off the rest of your son.

"If you want to give him a good time, you'd better hurry up."

After speaking, the bloodthirsty smile on the corner of the old man's mouth became stronger and stronger, and he could see that he enjoyed the pleasure of controlling the pain of others.

After that, Liu Ge raised his foot and tapped the ground lightly and rhythmically. Every soft sound came out, representing a breath of time passing.

"Da, da da."

Soon, ten breaths passed, and the old man made a move to the outside again, and his voice came out:

"Send a foot in."

After this unhurried word came out, the middle-aged butler trembled more violently, and then Liu Ge old shook his head slightly and continued to speak:

"My pavilion master changed his mind, and it's better to have two feet."


As soon as the command sounded, the middle-aged soul clan who had been waiting on the side walked directly out, and then heard a terrible roar from behind:


This roar sounded like a broken liver and intestines, and then the cracks in the eyes of the Jinzong butler completely burst and opened, and even a clear cracking sound could be heard in the underground palace deep underground.

"Elder Ge's method of interrogation can reach the sky, and even the master of the pinnacle of the birth and death state of the palm can easily solve it. The five-body cast that the disciple admires!"

As soon as this voice came out, the middle-aged soul race who was walking to the door turned around, looked at the heart of the torture chamber was completely broken, the butler of the Jinzong, and continued to flatter:

"Watching Elder Ge interrogated once, the disciple sighed that it was hard to beat him in this life."

"Everyone has weaknesses. It is important that you know what his weaknesses are."

With a little self-satisfied voice, it came out of Liu Ge's mouth, and then he raised his hand to the side with a light wave, and the soul crystals in the torture chamber that could replenish the spirit power automatically flew to the old man. In front of him, he slowly revolved around the old man at the same time.

The next breath, the pale golden soul eyes of the old Liuge's eyebrows suddenly began to emerge a large number of intertwined golden glows, and then these golden glows gathered inward into a fist-sized golden figure.

"Search for the soul!"

The sixth pavilion of the Shenji Pavilion opened his mouth and let out a loud roar like a victorious general, raising his hand to directly touch the middle-aged butler's eyebrows in front of him.

At the same time, the golden soul shadow was condensed in the old man's soul eyes, and he directly uttered a roar, rushing into the completely dim and broken pupils of the middle-aged butler in front of him.

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