When the sixth pavilion of the Shenji Pavilion, standing proudly on the sea of ​​knowledge of the middle-aged butler of the Jinzong Sect, began to use the vast soul power to search the memory of the latter.

In a sense, it turned into another butler who followed Jin Yuanbao to experience the various things that this person had experienced before.

Therefore, the moment Liu Pavilion saw the teleportation flower rising and seeing the gold ingot walk out of the teleportation flower, his heart trembled, unprecedentedly violent.

It is not only the news about the transmission of the magic circle searched by the holy court in every possible way, the great forces in the entire Taixuan Land are all jealous of them.

"There is nowhere to find if you step through the iron shoes. It is no effort to get it!"

An extremely excited voice came from Liu Ge's mouth, and then his soul body in the middle-aged butler's sea of ​​knowledge began to flicker violently, and the roar continued:

"It's worth it. This time I actually knew the whereabouts of the teleportation circle. It's really worth it."

After speaking, perhaps because of the real excitement, Old Six Pavilion directly looked up to the sky and continued to roar:

"This holy court did not hesitate to directly intervene in the civil war of Xuemei Shangguo for the illusory quarter of the teleportation. The entire Central Plains of the Supreme Profound Land, how many people were crazy for it, but the old man took the initiative. Xuanmiao baby!"

Unbelievable voices rolled out, this high-spirited old man raised his hands and pointed at the turbulent Soul Sea in front of him, trying to completely destroy the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness in front of him.

"This news is definitely impossible to hand over to the holy court, this belongs to the old man, belongs to the Shenji Pavilion!"

A cold voice came from the elderly, and then Liu Ge's raised hands, squeezed inward fiercely, and the next breath, the scene where the sea of ​​consciousness was completely shattered did not appear.

This piece of soul sea full of memory fragments, although turbulent, still exists.

"Who, get out for the old man!"

Under such circumstances, Liu Ge's complexion really changed wildly. He deserved to be the ruling Ge in the Shenji Pavilion. Without any hesitation, the golden soul shadow directly rose into the sky and rushed to the broken sea of ​​knowledge sky dome above his head.

It is true that the three-eyed soul clan invaded the sea of ​​consciousness of the remaining creatures to search for souls, which in itself was extremely dangerous, so the six pavilion elders had only one thing to do.

That is to return the soul to the body at the fastest speed!

However, at the next breath, seeing the Liuge elder about to rush out of the sea of ​​knowledge of the Jinzong steward, suddenly another soul condensed directly before his golden soul, and this person was very familiar to the old man.

"Soul gold, get out of the old man!"

The extremely tyrannical voice roared from the old population, but the flattering city lord of Shangling, who had only promised and flattered the soul clan soul gold in front of Liu Ge, just as if he hadn't heard it, still stood steadily.

At the next breath, the soul spirit condensed by the middle-aged soul clan, directly raised the right fist, and blasted out at the place of the six pavilions in front!


Afterwards, within the already shattered Sea of ​​Knowledge, the earth-shaking roar revived, and along with the middle-aged soul clan's right fist smashed out, cracks were visible to the naked eye, like demon claws with teeth and dancing claws, spreading outwards rapidly.

"Boom boom!"

There was a shattering roar that lingered in his ears, but what made Liu Pavilion even more terrified at this time was the power of the punch that the soul shadow slammed in front of him.

This punch even directly overwhelmed the golden soul power that the old man himself was proud of, and smashed the former back into the Soul Sea of ​​Divine Consciousness below without any fancy, and set off a huge wave.

"You want to rebel?"

After a few breaths, an extremely angry roar spread out under the soul sea, and then the middle-aged soul race soul gold slightly lowered his head and stared down with extremely indifferent gazes. Although he did not respond, the movements in his hand kept moving, his right hand Lift it up, and press it down sharply.

The next breath, an even more vast spirit power frenzy, crashed down like a mountain, and once again slammed the Liuge old man who had just emerged into the soul sea.

"Damn, damn, the old man will break your body into pieces."

Because he was smashed into the depths of the soul sea, the roar of Liu Ge elder sounded extremely remote at this time, and then the middle-aged soul clan's complexion did not change, and he directly raised his hand to hold up a faint red bead. And toss forward.

Then the bead flew to the soul sea below, the red light burst out like magma in an instant, pouring out, the red light passed through, and countless memory fragments on the sea surface were directly absorbed.

The red beads absorbed the memory fragments quickly, and after only a few breaths, they absorbed all the surrounding memory fragments, and most of the entire soul sea suddenly became empty.

"Soul gold, as the soul master of Shangling City, you are betraying the Shenji Pavilion and your own race. Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

The extremely cold voice came from under the soul seabed, and the voice became louder and louder, indicating that Liu Ge's old man was rising rapidly.

At the same time, the middle-aged soul clan grabbed the red bead in front of him, and after shaking for a while, it turned into a phantom and rushed out of the shattered sea of ​​knowledge sky.

The next breath, deep in the ground of Shangling City, in the torture chamber where the middle-aged butler of the Gunjin Sect was held, the middle-aged soul clan, whose spirit returned to the body first, opened his eyes directly.

After that, without saying anything, he directly spit out a red-haired eye from his mouth. It was the red bead that had absorbed a large number of memory fragments from the middle-aged butler of the Jinzong sect from the soul sea.

I saw this red eye pupil with light and shadow flickering inside. This is a microcosm of the memory of the butler of the rolling gold sect. Then the middle-aged soul clan grasped the eyeball, and the figure flickered again and disappeared in place. A low murmur was left behind:

"The teleportation circle, this Daxia actually has the teleportation circle!"

Before the words were over, the figure of the middle-aged soul race had already appeared outside the torture chamber, his complexion unchanged, and his footsteps hurried out.

"Sir Soul Gold Envoy, what's the situation inside, is it done?"

The surrounding spirit masters' inquiries sounded, and then the soul gold nodded slightly, and while continuing to walk out, a steady voice came out:

"Very smoothly, the strength of the old man is beyond our imagination. The butler of the gold rolling sect did not persist for too long, and the sea of ​​knowledge was directly broken. At this time, the old man is searching for his soul, you wait to keep here! "

As soon as these words came out, several Shenji Pavilion soul masters looked at each other and nodded, with a little smile on their faces. When these people recovered, they suddenly discovered that the soul gold envoy was extremely strange. The Yu disappeared before his eyes.

"This soul gold envoy is the most flattering on weekdays. This is the time to ask for credit. He is not waiting by Liu Ge's elder, and he walks out. I don't know what it means?"

"Follow him, he's gone, isn't it the chance I'm waiting for?"

As soon as the words came out, the spirit masters around who heard the words looked at each other, showing ecstasy, and rushed directly into the torture chamber.

And when these people just rushed into the room, the elder Liu Ge, who stood proudly in the center of the room, opened his eyes, and at the same time the extreme tyranny and anger came out, and everyone in the room was directly shot on the wall. .

Then the voice of the old man gritted his teeth, rolling out:

"Grab the soul gold and smash it into thousands of pieces. He is a traitor!"

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