
read2();   ants and elephants, **** and Kunlun Mountain.

  According to the literal understanding, the two cannot be compared in terms of size and energy.

   In ancient times, there was a praying man’s arm as a car, and it was not too self-reliant. For the Lord of Glory, Zhao Yu’s current cultivation is the difference between an ant and an elephant, and a **** and Kunlun Mountain.

But ants have shotguns and hoes have nuclear bombs, so everything will be different. When Zhao Yu gently drew out the holy sword and fell to the ground from the air, his legs bend slightly, and between the swaying black crown clothes, the unprecedented imperial prestige rolled towards Ahead.

   And above him, the kingdom of God of the Lord of Radiance turned into pieces and fell down, like a rare rain of holy light in the world, to crown the new emperor.

   At the same time, there was a loud music between heaven and earth, bells and drums sounded, piano and chords, all the human monks in the capital city felt the joy and joy of the whole heaven and earth avenue.

   The saint has fallen, the death knell of heaven and earth rings nine to show sorrow, and the monks of the human race kill the gods and celebrate with music.

During the celebration, the burly and ten-winged Glory Lord still stared blankly at the sword hole on his chest, the fear and shock in his eyes remained undiminished, and the golden light still existed in the hole. Then the golden light burst, like a violent firework.

   The dust returns to the dust, the soil returns to the earth, it is better than the glorious Lord who captains the entire solar empire, and when he died, it was just a dazzling light.

   But since ancient times, death has been accompanied by life, and life and death are interdependent. The death of a **** will soon be accompanied by the rebirth of an emperor.

   "Who else wants to stop me from wearing this crown of heaven?"

   The young boy’s questioning sound was abnormally steady, and then gently lifted his foot forward and stepped towards Yuanqiu Terrace, still holding a golden sword in his right hand.

   In the Baidi Palace, thousands of monks, including civil and military officials, none of the sect monks dared to speak, under the vast emperor of the youth, one after another kneeled and bowed their heads, showing their submission.

This is the second time that Zhao Yu has lightly stepped up the stairs of the three-story round hill platform from Baiyu Avenue. The three-story round hill platform is very high. Compared with the first time, the boy’s expression has not changed and his footsteps are also steady, but Both the Manchu civil warriors and the monks who were kneeling on the ground already understood one thing.

   Daxia is going to change the sky.

   As Bai Mingxiu said under the Great Array of Wangui Shengge, everything ends here or starts here.

  圜圜圜台 are many steps, Zhao Yu walked very slowly, so the people of Baidi Gongyuanqiu saw the sword against the sky for the first time.

This sword is not a straight sword or a long sword on the vast land of Shenzhou. The blade is straight and easy to penetrate, but the blades on both sides undulate like mountains. Each curve is a manifestation of Tao. It cannot be square. The sharp avenue of transformation turned into a ball of golden flames floating upwards, occasionally a little bit of sparkle exploded, cutting out cracks in the dark space.

The most trembling thing is that this sword has one eye. From the hilt guard, there are intertwined golden threads, which extend downward and converge to form a golden eye with a dark purple pupil. The earth's gaze is looking forward, wherever the gaze is, the void is broken, so this sword has its own soul.

   Holy Sword, Holy Sword!

  This sword, in the name of a holy, can split the sea, crack the ground, open mountains, and kill the gods!

   This sword itself is an intact killer sage!

   So Zhao Yu, who is stepping up, holds a saint in his hand, and is the most sharp saint in the world.

The old lady looked at Zhao Yu who was walking down below, with a shocked look in her eyes for the first time. From the beginning to the end, she was so calm, but when she learned about Zhenyuhou’s death, she had a momentary emotional change. , But at this time, she could no longer control her horror.

She set up a game in Shenjing City and played a game of chess, but this game, which included almost the entire Shenzhou vast land, was overturned by an unexpected young man in the most unexpected way. On the table, countless chess pieces in the chess game fell to the ground, scattered everywhere, completely deviating from the original destiny and trajectory.

But that looks good too. Thinking of this, the old lady smiled lightly. She looked very nice. She looked at Zhao Yu's eyes and regained her kindness, while the rouge **** the side had her big eyes bent into two. The smiling crooked moon, her little blushing face, is extremely cute.

   "I used to spend ten years with Shigong and traveled throughout the 36 states of Daxia, including the sea in Fuzhou, the southernmost, and Kunlun Mountains in the westernmost twisting state.

   Zhao Yu stepped on the Tianxin Stone again, then turned around, and his voice faintly spread downward.

"I think Daxia’s scenery is beautiful. His beauty is diverse and profound, so I am lucky and cherish this beauty, but I don’t know if I can protect this human beauty. Because there are tigers and wolves waiting on the outside, the empire is eager to watch, and inside the Huawai sect, the thieves are immortal, so from beginning to end, including the time of the crown, I was at a loss."

   Zhao Yu raised the holy sword in his hand, pointed it down, glanced lightly, and then continued:

"Many of you think that I can’t carry this great summer day because I’m too young and my cultivation is too shallow. I don’t blame you. Even I used to think so, but many people are willing Believe me, including my grandmother, and the master who changed my fate for me, so I don't want to disappoint these people, and I don't want to disappoint the whole world, so I am very entangled and hesitant.

"But, just when I put on the tens of thousands of kilograms of the crown on my head, which symbolizes hundreds of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, when the Lord of Glory, the Kingdom of God, pressured the entire White Emperor Palace, I already understood what I would do. I always think that life is made up of choices, and every choice has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you want to do it, you will do it.

  The young voice faintly echoed in the ears. Everyone raised their heads, only to find that the young man on the Tianxin Stone once again raised his sword-holding hand and stab it forward slightly, his heart trembled, and his eyebrows jumped wildly.

  The dazzling golden light once again expanded from the Baidi Palace Wing Qiutai, Zhao Yu stabbed out today's fifth sword!

   Where is this sword that is enough to kill the gods, or who?

   A golden sharp air reappeared, piercing the void and flying towards the sky.

  What's in the sky?

   There is a bridge between heaven and earth, there are nine steps of sacredness, and a round of meniscus that is almost incomplete. Under the moon, there is a figure sitting cross-legged, the phoenix eyes closed, and the pretty face is already very old.


   The fifth sword that destroys the world is aimed at Empress Wu, the regent of Daxia.

  The golden light burst and raged in the sky, and the blossoming bridge of heaven and earth disappeared without a trace in an instant. At the same time, the nine stairs disappeared.

   Zhao Yu collected the sword and stood up straight again, a figure that followed his solemn oath fell straight down from the sky.

"I, the second emperor of Daxia, Yu, hereby make an oath. From now on, the world will be the land of Daxia, and wherever you look, it will be the land of Daxia. Respect."

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