The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1854: Great Crossbow Awakens


No matter what age or place it is, it is a matter of indignation between humans and gods, unless there is a deep hatred that is difficult to wash away, ordinary forces will not do things so absolutely.

Because it means endless dying, and it also implies endless killing!

The world is full of spirits, and the higher the cultivation level, the less he will let too many killings go with him.

Therefore, in general, even the great philosophers of the martial arts palace in the holy court invaded the hinterland of the Central Upper Kingdom, only to kill some important people, regardless of success or failure, they will leave with one blow, and will not slaughter the entire city.

So when the word Tucheng came out from Yuekong, it could be seen how angry the third sage of Shengting Martial Palace was caused by the bursting head hammer of the upper surviving general.

However, anger returned to anger. The sound of the moon sky from under the black robes was still so unwavering, but to the silver armor guard, it was several times colder than the cold wave surrounding the freezing void.

"Tucheng? You dare?"

With a sound of boundless anger, it was heard from the guard of the silver armor, but the voice had not yet fallen, the moon sky grabbed the right hand of the former's neck with a slight force, and the spreading purple ice completely sealed the guard. Mouth, the voice stopped abruptly.

At the next breath, the moon sky lifted the silver armor guard who continued to spread the ice on his body, stepped and turned around, and directly threw the latter towards the three-round purple moon shining behind the sky.

"Claw of the Moon Demon."

An icy voice came from the Phantom’s mouth again, and then the three purple moons hung on the sky above the sky, shining purple light. After an instant, these purple lights condensed into claws under a pair of horrified gazes, extending towards the front. Catch it.

Looking from a distance, the three purple moons above his head seem to have turned into the most terrifying magic cave in the world, and in this moon’s magic cave, there are three most terrifying existences, vying to face the Taixuan world and stretch out their claws.

The sharp claws protruding out of the Moon Cavern were extremely terrifying, without the slightest trace of flesh and blood, just like the hideous bones glowing with thick purple intentions.

These moon demons were imprisoned in the moon cave for too long and too long, until the moment they smelled the breath of life, they immediately began to boil, and their claws crossed the void with extreme speed.

After a breath, the first moon magic claw crossed the void and came to the side of the silver armor guard who was flung back, spreading his five fingers, and squeezed it inward.

The claws of the Desolate Moon Demon not only grasped the body but also the soul. Therefore, this claw, with boundless pain, even if the character of the guard general is far superior to ordinary people, he still wailed uncontrollably:


This howl with extreme pain caused all the people below to hear the words to tremble, especially the garrison who was on the Dianjiang platform, who were doing their best to unblock the Longyin Great Crossbow, were even more eager to split their eyes and roar. Again and again.

After that, the lieutenant who injected the vitality into Longyin Danu with all his strength, raised his head, stared at the top with bloodshot eyes, and shouted wildly:


The roar fell, and the lieutenant continued to roar, almost trying to hold the weapon next to him, soaring into the sky, but the upper guard who was caught in his hand by the devil's claws, exhausted the last source of energy on his body, and smashed the ice above his mouth. Sealed ice.

Afterwards, the guardian Shang Ling took a breath and roared downward:

"Don't worry about the generals, unblock the Longyin Great Crossbow, smash this big formation, as long as you smash this big formation, Upper Lingcheng can keep it!"

The billowing roar resounded through the sky, and the lieutenant below abruptly stopped his movements, and at the same time, the temples beside the former's eyes exploded because of being too angry, leaving behind billowing blood.

The blood rushed out and fell on the Longyin Great Crossbow below. It was absorbed in an instant, and after the next breath, the whole golden light shrouded in the Great Crossbow, there were wisps of blood flowing across the Great Crossbow.

The blood colors intertwined and flowed, rushing directly from the base of the big crossbow to the dragony arrow that had been pulled to its limit, and then the top of the arrow that was a few minutes longer than a human, the tightly closed dragon eye began to violently Trembling.

"The dragon eyes are about to open, and the crossbow is awake, we are saved!"

A loud shout of excitement came from the defense army on the Dianjiang platform. At the same time, the shadow of the golden dragon condensed from the inside and outside of the Dragon Yin Dabow became more and more real.


The violent and domineering ancient dragon roar resounded throughout the world, but under this dragon roar, there were still screams that made the people in the city worry.

This scream came from the overriding guard who was gripped by the Moon Demon's claws, and after the first claw ravaged the former, the other two demon claws also followed one another, and then began to compete fiercely.

Every time the claws were added, the guardian Shang Ling would let out a roar like tearing the soul, and the armor on his body, even if it was devastated and full of cracks, still performed his guardian duties faithfully.

The battle helmet is worthy of being the core strategic skill of Central Shangguo. Even under the torn back and forth of the three moon demons, the body of the guardian of the Shangling is not broken, but the overall body can be kept, but the limbs outside the armor are not. So lucky.

At the next breath, accompanied by a particularly painful roar, the left leg of the upper survivor was directly torn to pieces by a devil's claw, and at the same time, the palm of the devil's claw opened, as if a big mouth had grown out, and the torn left leg was taken. Swallowed, and let out a creepy chewing sound.

"Kacha, Kacha."

Under the harsh chewing sound, the anger of the defensive army on the stage of Shanglingcheng Point General became even more angry, and they all uttered hoarse roars:

"Wake up, Longyin Danu, wake up!"

The next breath, a sound like a beep that was amplified countless times, resounded in all directions of Upper Lingcheng:


As soon as this voice came out, one of the people in Lingcheng showed ecstasy and screamed up to the sky.

After an instant, a strong golden light soared up from the stage at the point and poured outwards. It only took a blink of an eye to completely cover every inch of land in the entire Shangling City.

Within this golden light, an incomparably ancient will began to awaken. It was the surviving soul of the ancient dragon. At the same time, the golden light began to gradually dispel the coldness of the moon, giving the trembling creatures in Shangling city long-lost warmth.

After an instant, above the dragon's great crossbow, above the big golden arrow, the dragon eyes that were originally tightly closed opened directly, and then between the heavens and the earth, an unprecedentedly loud dragon chant rose into the sky. .


The dragon yin shakes the sky, the entire dragon yin great crossbow, it seems to have become a real ancient divine dragon, exuding an incomparable ancient edge.

Then the lieutenant beside the big crossbow jumped forward and appeared behind the big crossbow in two steps. He stretched out his hands to grasp the big crossbow in front, pointed the crossbow arrow sharply at the moon sky above, and roared out:

"The general hold on, and your subordinates will kill this Raoshizi Yuekong and save you!"

As the roar fell, the lieutenant raised his hand and locked the dragon's arrow to the moon sky above, violently cracking extremely murderous, almost shattering the void.

Even the Moon Sky, who had summoned the Moon Demon, stopped his movements, a meaningful smile came up at the corner of his mouth, and slowly said:

"Come on, shoot the deity with this Longyin bow, but now you have a difficult choice. If you shoot at the deity, your general will be torn apart."

As the voice fell, Yuekong's pale hand waved lightly, and the other Moon Demon's claw behind suddenly pulled off the silver armor guard's right leg.


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