Long Xiao, Demon Roar, Golden Light, Purple Light.

The night sky of Shangling City was torn again and again under the impact of the world's top mighty powers.

And under the night sky that was completely occupied by the two colors of gold and purple, the cold wave that swallowed from the inside of Shangling City was surging, harvesting the lives of countless monks every minute and every second.

Under the majesty of the sky, the real name is like grass mustard, and the absolute low temperature brought by the cold wave of the moon will instantly freeze the latter before ordinary monks can hardly respond.

The past becomes empty, life and death disappear!

In the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, the death of most of the creatures is always so silent, whether you were the suzerain of a certain sect before, or a direct descendant of a major power, your appearance after death is no different.

"Bang, bang!"

Accompanied by a clear sound, countless pieces of ice burst in various parts of Shangling City, and every sound heard, it means that a large number of monks in the city have fallen.

The cold wave was raging, but the fear was more fierce than the former. Fortunately, Shang Lingcheng was not completely in despair, and the earth-shaking dragon roar at his ears made these cultivators who fled in all directions still retain a glimmer of life deep in their hearts.


The roar of the ancient dragon soul still contained incomparable domineering majesty, and then the power of the dragon that filled half of the night sky violently boiled, just like the monstrous flames burning above the void.

This Shangguo Dragon Soul is angry, Tang Yuan, who has absorbed all his mind into the golden arrow, is also extremely angry!

At the next breath, the roaring golden arrows began to push the third Zheyuekong of Shengting Martial Arts Palace, and the body of the Moon Demon King standing upright behind it, slamming toward the outside of the formation.


An extremely ear-piercing and sharp roar came from the Moon King's mouth, and in the face of the sudden eruption of the Dragon's Roar Arrow, the balance between the two parties' stalemate was instantly broken.

The Moon Demon King occupies most of the sky and was pushed away by an inch. At the same time, the infinite golden light began to spread outward along the Moon Lord’s bones and claws. After the purple light intertwined, the golden light instantly went outward. Countless white smoke came out.

When extreme cold meets extreme heat, it is destined to be earth-shattering!


The sound of muffled thunder, together with the billowing white fog, almost enveloped the entire night sky of Shangling City. Then the white smoke rolled and oscillated at a speed visible to the naked eye, spreading outward.

Within the turbulent fog, even the three-wheeled purple moon within the moon demon's body had already exploded outwards with unprecedented cold moon power, and the huge and extremely large body of the moon demon king was still being blasted backwards by the dragons' arrows. .

Between the sky and the earth, the point on the platform mobilized all the minds and hearts, and Tang Yuan, the lieutenant who controlled the Longyin Danu, roared to the sky.

There was another ear-splitting dragon roar between the heavens and the earth, but even with this roar, all the monks in the city could understand the meaning of the roar:

"This is the city where I go to the country in the center. If you want to be presumptuous, you have to step on the bones of our garrison!"

Under the roar, the defensive army's eyes were red, and they all went up to the sky and roared wildly. The morale in Lingcheng suddenly returned to the peak, and this morale was also fed back to the dragon's arrow.

At the next breath, against the golden arrow of the moon sky, he continued to pour out the violent Dragon Yuan violently, directly blasting out the Moon Demon King out of most of the void in one breath, and there was a sudden sound between the sky and the earth. A muffled hum.

As soon as the muffled hum, everyone in the city was ecstatic and raised their heads abruptly. The joy on their faces became more intense, because behind the body of the Moon Demon King, a huge barrier that kept trembling had appeared.


After another breath of time, the Moon Demon King was blasted over the airspace array without any fancy, and made a loud noise that was louder than the thunder, and until this time, everyone could clearly see this hidden in the night. The real empty space inside the big array.

I saw this large array of infinite purple runes, far larger than imagined, not even in the shape of an inverted bowl, but a huge cylinder.

In the next instant, with the impact of the Moon Demon King's body against the large array, the entire large array trembled more violently, which represented how vast the power contained in the dragon's arrow.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that the vast power above the dragon's arrow has not weakened at all, but has become more and more powerful, because it has begun to burn its last dragon yuan power.


The cracking sound of runes above the large array of broken air sounded densely, one after another disillusioned runes, just like a little moon disappearing in the night sky.

The figure of the Moon Demon King no longer retreats, because it has hit the barrier, it has already retreated irretrievably, but the golden arrow is still moving forward.

Therefore, under everyone's increasingly excited gaze, the bones of the Moon Demon King's stretched hands began to bend, and he could only let the arrow stick into his body little by little.

At the same time, in front of the Moon Demon King, the third Zheyuekong, whose hands were firmly grasping the arrow, had already been torn out huge strips under the power of the fierce Long Yuan.的口子.

Through the openings in these robes, you can even see the purple glow of the moon sky, but if someone carefully looks at the skin of the former, it will be extremely shocked.

Because this is not the skin of an ordinary Taixuan creature!

A series of terrifying mouths covered the entire torso of Yuekong. Within this mouth, sharp fangs were joined together, and Yuekong's face was a head of the Moon Demon King that had shrunk countless times.

"Longyin Great Crossbow, this seat is taught."

Words of words came from Yuekong's mouth.

Although his hands holding golden arrows are like porcelain that is almost completely broken, perhaps in the next instant, it will be completely shattered, but the words that come out of his mouth are still extremely cold.

Then, under the hood where only the cloth was left in the moon sky, two beams of purple light lit up, just like two small moons, breaking free from the darkness. Not only that, but all the sharp mouths on his torso shined outwards. With a dazzling purple light.

It only took a moment for beams of incomparably dazzling purple light to shoot out of Yuekong's body, completely flooding the front of the dragon's arrow, looking from a distance, it was like a round of moon, beginning to burst from within.

And this vision, in the eyes of everyone below, only felt that the hairs were standing upside down, and the heart was full of deep anxiety.

Sure enough, the next breath, a voice that was still cold, rolled directly down the sky:

"Moon burst!"

Before the sound fell, countless purple streamers, centered on Yuekong's body, burst and exploded outwards. At this moment, all the sounds near the ears of the creatures in Shangling City disappeared at the same time, leaving only the sharp tinnitus. .

The extreme loud noise produced by the moonburst deprived all creatures of all hearing in an instant, and then amidst this strange silence, a terrifying scene slowly revealed before everyone.

Where the moon sky burst out of the body, a round of dark moon like a black hole and abyss appeared directly, and this round of dark moon was a portal, a portal to the moon cave!

At the next breath, the Dark Moon portal was fully opened, and countless bone-moon magic claws stretched out from it, directly pulling the golden arrow blasted from the front into the moon cave.

At the same time, the mighty moon burst power began to spread across the sky, covering the entire night sky.

In the silence, an invisible voice faintly sounded:


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