The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1866: The first magic of the ancient fairy palace

Under the world, accidents are the norm, even if the organs are exhausted, there will be unexpected situations, because variables are the most exciting part of the whole world!

"who is it?"

Outside the city of Shangling, the blood formation was overwhelming, and then the roar from the moon sky resounded everywhere.

At the next breath, two extremely cold eyes shot out directly under the hood of the moon sky, and instantly locked onto Shanzi's forward dashing figure.

Where the moon's gaze passed, the void was directly condensed into purple ice, and then two purple ices, like two sharp spears, crossed the void and suddenly appeared in front of the mountain.

The ice gun exudes a dazzling demon and cold light, and even tears the void almost instantaneously, one shot to the center of Shanzi's forehead, the other shot directly to the heart.

After an instant, the violently rolling mountain of the Night Dire Division's robe gently lifted the big sword in his right hand and smashed the ice gun to pieces.

Not only that, **** thunders spread along the big sword, and then Shanzi held the sword, turning from patting to slashing, and slashing countless blood thunders directly in front of him.


The blood-colored thunder turned into a roaring thunder sea, rushing open the frozen void in front of him instantly, and like countless thunderbirds rushing towards the moon sky within the blood formation.


The roar from the moon sky became colder and colder, and at the same time an unbelievable voice began to rise in his heart.

Because with his confidence in his own cultivation, he really didn't believe that someone could approach him so close silently, but he never noticed it.

However, the movement of his hand kept gathering, and he glanced at the violent blood thunder that enveloped the sky, and waved his left hand outwards. The purple moon above his head directly lowered a beam of light to the sky, bringing the moon sky and the blood formation beneath him. , Protect in it.


The next breath, the ear-piercing roar of the blood thunder bombarding the Moonlight Pillar, sounded directly. At the same time, the billowing mist produced by the high temperature of the thunder evaporating the purple ice completely covered the entire outside of Shangling City in an instant.

Under the thick fog, the moon sky ignored it, and once again condensed a round of white moon in his right hand, struggling to smash the ground below.

"Array, condensation!"

After an instant, faced with the violent bombardment of the moon magical power in Yuekong's hand, this quarter of the big formation, like a mountain fire after being ignited, began to frantically absorb the blood contained in the blood of countless creatures outside the city. vitality.

It is true that, as previously judged by Zhao Yu and the current moon sky, the core principle of this space formation that spanned the world from the ancient fairy palace era is not a real tearing space, but a kind of summoning an array. , Then a huge amount of energy must be needed to support the operation of this array.

In the past of the Immortal Palace era, it is still unclear what energy the teleportation array is supported by, but the moon sky at this time, or the holy court, is the vitality in the monstrous blood outside the city at this time. Power to support the cohesion and operation of the magic circle.

In other words, for the formation of this quarter of the teleportation formation, the third Zhe Yuekong of the Saint Court Martial Palace almost slaughtered the entire Upper Lingcheng!

There are corpses outside the city, and countless lives are harvested in the same city.

Afterwards, a strong **** vitality began to pass through the purple moon above the blank array, and suddenly descended, forming a scarlet beam of light connecting the sky and the earth.

In this scarlet light beam, there is the vitality and hatred of countless lives in Shangling City when they disappear, and even a particularly harsh noise of wailing.

The scarlet beam of light was injected into the blood formation, and the whole magic formation became more and more scarlet, and then the ground outside the upper Ling city began to melt rapidly, and the magic formation fell into the ground.

In this way, it was as if there was a complete existence of Tongtian, holding an extremely complex and huge soldering iron, and forcibly imprinting a part of the formation on the eastern part of the central country.

In the next second, a trace of joy appeared on his face under the moon sky hood, but soon, his brows were raised, because a sword of thunder directly smashed the enchantment of the moon that was placed outside his body.


Accompanied by two loud piercing noises, the entire barrier was instantly covered with numerous cracks, and then wisps of blood thunder crawled in through the gap and spread out like ants vying for one another.


A calm and young voice sounded between the heavens and the earth, and then countless blood thunders burst outwards in an instant, followed by an extremely sharp sword tip, tearing open the entire enchantment and piercing into the interior.

As soon as the tip of the blood crystal sword pierced, the infinite thunder and lightning almost penetrated the entire void. After a while, the figure of Shanzi holding the sword, like a **** descending to the world, instantly appeared beside the moon.

At the same time, Shanzi held the sword upward and directly picked it up. The lightning sword light from bottom to top cut open the entire void and headed towards the neck of Yuekong.

At this time, Yuekong was still in the posture of pressing her right hand on the ground, her body kneeling down, and for any major repairs, this posture was undoubtedly extremely twisted.

However, the former is worthy of everyone in the way of space. The moment before the blood crystal sword came, he forcibly exiled the space to tens of thousands of layers.

"Boom boom!"

The cracking sound of dense space instantly lingered in the ears, and under the blood crystal sword, the space exiled by the moon sky was not much stronger than ordinary white paper, and it was completely cut off in the blink of an eye.

However, even in this fleeting time, Yuekong still raised his whole person, holding two rounds of Guangyue with both left and right hands at the same time, and slapped the front fiercely.

Two rounds of Guangyue hedged, and instantly burst out the infinite power of the cold moon!

Then the mighty absolute zero-degree cold wave swept out of the void, trying to push back the blood crystal sword and the mountain that continued to be added.

Although the fighting between the two was only a few moments, no matter the law or the air force, they had already fought thousands of times.

Afterwards, the face of the mountain under the nightmare division's robe remained unchanged, and he continued to hold the sword and rushed into the cold wave in front of him. At the same time, he appeared in front of the moon again like a bone gangren.

"Forcibly used the power of the flesh to break through the tide of the moon in this constellation without any damage, who are you?"

Yuekong opened his mouth and let out a cry, and then he felt the terrifying and violent Long Wei under the black robe of the figure in front of him, and continued to open his mouth:

"The power of the dragon, you are from the Central Shangguo? No way, it is impossible for the Central Shangguo to hide such a strong monk!"

Before the words fell, the hands under the black robe of the moon sky directly became the hands of the sharp-mouthed moon demon full of bones and bones. Then he suddenly raised his hands, directly as if grabbing the dragon's arrow before, and grabbed the Chao Chao. The blood crystal sword pierced from the eyebrows.

A round of cold moon began to appear behind the moon sky, and then the entire body of the former began to emit countless moonlights, which meant that the moon sky wanted to follow the law and exiled the person in front of it into the moon cave like a golden arrow.

But this time, his inevitable moves no longer worked, because before the moon sky had to summon the Dark Moon Gate, a vague shadow appeared directly behind it.

This shadow also contained the extremely violent dragon bloodline, as well as the majesty of the thunder that ruined the world, directly raised the right fist covered with dragon scales, and slammed it on the waist of the moon sky.


After a loud noise came out, Yuekong's entire body flew out like a cannonball, opening his mouth and let out a terrified roar:

"It turned out to be the person in the mirror. After the collapse of the fairy palace, the once the first magical technique of Mirror Flower, Water and Moon, has been lost, why did you?"

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