The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1869: Break the line

"Mirror flower and water moon, mirror flower, water moon!

"If this mirror flower refers to the person in the mirror, then the water moon is space. That's how it is, that's how it is, this constellation finally understands."

Outside the city of Shangling, the originally hot, undulating, chaotic aura did not last long, and then gradually eased, and then came out from Guangyuekong's mouth with a suddenly realized voice.

At this time, the light moon sky was completely penetrated by the entire heart by the blood crystal sword, and at the same time, it seemed that the shriveled body without flesh and blood was covered with dense thunder shackles.

Among these shackles, there is even the ancient dragon might. It can be seen how terrifying the existence of an ancient dragon, domineering thunder, and mirror flower water and moon.

"You are a monster!"

Words of words sounded again in Guangyuekong's mouth, and then he watched the face in front of him hidden by the hood, and he couldn't see the real mountain, and continued to speak:

"Although I don't know where you are from, one thing is certain. You are not from Central Shangguo. Because of such a monster, Central Shangguo can't hide at all."

In the words Guangyuekong opened, there was a certainty, and then Shan's hand holding the hilt of the sword moved slightly, and the blood thunder began to riot, causing the former to make a direct snoring, and even a lot of people began to appear on the skeletal body. Crack.

The next breath, Guangyuekong took a deep breath, and the hoarse voice continued:

"My brother and my brother were once one of the most pure disciples of the Wujiang Sect. They are twins. They are born to be connected with each other, and they can even share vitality and realm. This is undoubtedly a unique ability.

"But this ability did not bring me luck, but endless torture."

Speaking of this, Guangyuekong's icy eyes began to be covered with bloodshot eyes, and a thick color of resentment emerged directly, and he continued to open his mouth and roar:

"Because the former suzerain of the Wujiang Sect has an almost pathological pursuit for the magical powers of the mirror flower, water and moon!"

As soon as the words came out, the eyes under Shanzi's hood condensed, and a little complicated color gradually appeared in his eyes, and then the voice from Bai Yuekong came out again:

"This person has conducted brutal and inhumane experiments and tortures on our two brothers, and even turned us into the appearance of a human, a ghost, and a ghost like this one is now, but now seeing the real magical powers of the mirror flower, water and moon, this seat is suddenly I feel so sad."

When the voice fell, Bai Yuekong raised up to the sky and let out a wild roar. In this wild roar, there was a complex and extremely complex emotion, there was sorrow, anger, and a strong unwillingness.

"My brothers and I have worked so hard to stand on the bridge between heaven and earth. After we have gone through thousands of sails, we will be able to compete with the real magical powers of the mirror flower, water and moon, but at this moment, they are far away. The first divine art of the palace really deserves its reputation!"

After finishing the words, in front of Guangyuekong, a shadow condensed from the back of the mountain again, and he was the person in the mirror who had been pierced by countless moonlight thorns before.

And the person in this mirror is unscathed from the hole in his body to this moment, which is just a few words!

After that, two equally steady gazes began to look at Guangyuekong's body, but Shanzi's heart at this time was not as indifferent as his gazes.

This world is really too impermanent. In many cases, what you don't want, or even hate, is what others can't ask for!

"Perhaps everything is so-called fate."

A faint voice came from Shanzi's mouth, and then he condensed his thoughts and no longer hesitated. On his hands, denser dragon scales appeared, and then he held the blood crystal sword that pierced the moon sky, inch by inch. Press into the blank array in front of you.

What Shanzi has to do is actually very simple.

The existence of this purple moon broken air array completely concealed everything that happened in Shangling City, and as long as this large array was blasted out of a gap, after the chaotic laws within Shangling City gush out, Central Shangguo will In the next instant, I directly noticed the anomaly here.

After all, the celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial and celestial celestial celestial movement that is not a display in its upper country.

"Kacha, Kacha."

Accompanied by the blood crystal sword gradually piercing into the Ziyue Duankong large array, although slow, but the voice is not low, but Guangyuekong has almost only the bones on his face, but he doesn't care, and a hoarse voice is heard. :

"The Purple Moon Broken Air Array set up by this seat this time, but it took countless time to condense by the Great Master of the Saint Court Martial Arts Palace. Can it be shattered by your sword?"

As the voice fell, Guangyuekong slowly raised his hand, grasping the blood crystal sword on his chest, and continued to speak with a frantic voice:

"There are two people in the moon sky, so this Ziyue Broken Sky Array will naturally have one front and one back. Even if you stab one, it will take a lot of time to smash the second one."

The hoarse words of Guangyuekong came out, perhaps to prove that what he said was true. With the flash of the purple moon above the sky, the gap in the large array that was originally pierced by the blood crystal sword began to slowly heal.

"Unless you can pin me and Dark Moon here at the same time, otherwise, this Ziyue air-breaking array will not be broken!"

A roaring roar came from Guangyuekong's mouth, and then he firmly grasped the blood crystal sword in his hand, and a wisp of purple blood dripped from his palm, his eyes turned from madness to coldness, and the voice continued:

"No matter who you are, I would like to advise you here. This time, my holy court is targeting the central government. Don't run into this muddy water."

"The people of the holy court are really confident."

Faint words came from Shanzi's mouth, and then under the incredible gaze of Guangyuekong in front of him, the person in the mirror behind Shanzi slowly floated forward like a ghost and appeared above the void.

At the next breath, the person in the mirror once again grasped in the void and slowly drew another sword outwards.

The entire void outside the enchantment of Duan Kong, along with the sword being drawn out by inch, began to diffuse out with fascinating colorful rays of light, and the colorful rays of light appeared in the eyes of Guangyuekong, and at the same time Let the latter see the exact appearance of this sword.

"This is Cinnabar, a sword made of Cinnabar?"

The horror in the voice of Guangyuekong’s opening became more and more vigorous. Obviously he understood the effect of this star sand to break the formation, and then he kept his eyes open and watched the person in the mirror transform the star of the star. The sword was handed over to Shanzi.

At the next breath, Shanzi's dragon scales held the colorful sword in his left hand, turned the sword's edge downward, and pierced Guangyuekong's body again.


After a soft sound, Shanzi gradually exerted force, the sharp sword pierced the latter's body again, all the way down, the sword tip plunged into the purple moon broken air enchantment below, and then the young taboo of the Night Dire Division bowed his head Speak softly:

"This time, do you think this big empty formation can be broken?"

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