The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1879: Kill the city

Since ancient times, the Shangxiao City area in the eastern part of the Central Shangguo has been known for its extremely prosperous.

In the core area of ​​Taixuan Central Plains, more than half of the trade is concentrated here. Numerous cents, treasures and goods circulate in this area. It is so prosperous that even the central government has ordered that in order to ensure the smooth flow of trade, the entire Shangxiao There is no curfew in the city.

It is also this eastern region, which pays almost half of the national taxes to the central government every year, and it is a well-deserved wealthy region.

But this area, at this dawn, began to eat people!

As the so-called fighting for the land, killing the wild, fighting for the city, killing the city, the area around Shangling City is now a real purgatory on earth.

"Boom boom boom!"

With each swing of the Devil's Chain, the blood mist filled the sky, and at the same time, the blood and fire impact exploded after the death charge of the soldiers of the country filled everyone's sight.

Such a brutal massacre took a full quarter of an hour before it eased. Then, on the city wall of Shangxiao City, a commander appeared behind the third prince Ao Wen with tears in his eyes and a hoarse report. :

"His Royal Highness, the forward troops lost 90%, and one hundred thousand elite troops died in battle!"

As soon as the word "Death" came out, the entire city wall of Shangxiao City fell into deathly silence, and the atmosphere was full of solemnity and grief.

After a while, the question from Yin Wen sounded:

"How is the defensive line of the 21st city outside the city of Killian arranged?"

When the question fell, the general behind took a deep breath, and then responded:

"The people in the 21st city are still evacuating quickly at this time, but the elite troops have been stationed in the city, and have relied on the city wall to arrange the defense line. Among the dozens of cities in the front, the wall enchantment is ready. It can be turned on immediately."

Hearing this news, the silver armor generals who were surrounded by turbulent spirits nodded slightly, and their complexions improved a little. It was only then that they understood how correct the previous Yin Wen order to withdraw the city was.

On the battlefield where dangers are everywhere, life and death, that fleeting military plane is often the death of countless people!

"Let the cultivator above the void enter the 21st City. I have to recognize the facts now. This time the holy court has come prepared. This is a protracted battle. Don’t try again before dawn. This city is extinguished."

After the utterly loud words fell, the surrounding generals secretly clenched their fists. It is true that no matter how strong these generals' hearts are, it still takes time to accept the gap in their hearts.

Afterwards, the generals who took a deep breath nodded their heads and said together:


The roar came out, the third prince Yin Wen didn't look back, his voice came out:

"Tangdu's support, can there be news?"

"His Royal Highness, Tang Du is too far away from here. Even the fastest flying race will take a few days, and there is news from the front line that the holy court in the remains of the Xian Ting Sacred Palace has been tepid. His attitude is directly and heavily pressured."

"Sure enough."

A solemn voice came from Yin Wen's mouth, and everyone knew the meaning behind the words of the third prince.

That is, the holy court no longer waited for the so-called Daohui of the world to be held, and directly launched the most frenzied offensive, and using the teleportation circle to make the city of Killing Sleep come to the rear, it was just the beginning!

"The nail that kills Miancheng must be removed!"

Words word by word came out of Yin Wen's mouth, and then he raised his head and looked at the night sky that seemed bright but not bright when dawn broke.

And for some reason, at dawn today, it is extremely difficult to pierce the darkness and rise, just as the eastern part of the Central Kingdom at this time is shrouded in lengthy darkness and cannot see the light of the road ahead.

Just as Yin Wen was thinking about it, the general's shout in his ears directly sounded:

"His Royal Highness, there is a change in the front, this Killing City has a new action!"

As soon as he said this, Yin Wen abruptly withdrew his gaze and stared at the front with scorching eyes, only to see the sleep-killing fortress that had been silent for a period of time before, and the nine huge chains of slaying demon began to dance violently again.

In the end, he raised the chain in full view, just like a huge spider monster, raising the spider's legs high, and this is undoubtedly a precursor before predation.

"What is the attempt to kill Sleepy City?"

Such an abnormal situation made the people of the Central Shangguo who were watching all this, all questioning, but in the next moment, the voice of these people's questioning directly turned into a terrified roar:

"The sky is up!"

I saw the city of Killing Sleep condensed under everyone’s sight, and the nine chains of Demon Slaying that stretched out, and at the same time blasted towards the ground below, accompanied by a roar, these nine huge chains easily pierced into the ground below. Among.

At the same time, the ground centered on Killian City, once again resembled an earthquake, began to fluctuate particularly violently, and then the nine chains of slaying stretched straight, as if they were truly nine spider legs.

At the next breath, a light gray luster circulated on the surface of the chain of death, and the entire huge sleep-killing fortress slowly stood upright under countless unbelievable gazes.

"The city is moving, this Killing City can actually move!"

A terrified roar filled with the cities in the eastern part of the Central Upper Kingdom. After a breath, the nine chains around the Upper Ling city shook together, and the entire huge fortress giant city burst out of the ground, like a creeping behemoth. Suddenly jumped up.

What a numbing sight this is!

Including the three princes Yin Wen on the walls of Shangxiao City, no one would have imagined that they would be able to move as they descended and crashed into the ground-killing fortress at such a fast speed.

After a few breaths, before most people had reacted, this sleep-killing fortress appeared directly above another city surrounding Shangling City, and then directly pressed it down with the slightest fancy.

When the two big cities collided, there was no surprise that there was a deafening noise:


Under the loud noise, the nine chains of Devil Slaying in the city of Killing Sleep stretched down, violently pierced into the defensive barrier of the city below, and began to raging wildly, so it looks like a city, it is hunting another city. .

This is a naked predator scene, **** and cruel. At the same time, all the monks from the Central Shangguo country, at the same time, there is a cold current from the tail vertebra to the top of the head, and the whole body is shivering.

"The holy court thief, slaughter our city, this hatred will never be eliminated!"

Immediately afterwards, roars of extreme anger came out, and then the chain of slaying that extended from the city of Killing Sleep completely shattered the square walls of the city below.

In the next breath, the fortress continued to press down, and countless blood poured out from the broken city, turning into a pool of blood flowing out.

So glaring, so sad!

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