The next day, the sky was bright and there were torrential rains.

Dawn dissipated the darkness, and Fengyuan City suddenly became extremely lively. Early in the morning, countless monks who had been waiting for the whole night walked out from the restaurant and headed out of the city.

Like pouring rain, it enveloped the entire large city, and at the same time, on the street, an umbrella was propped up like a blossoming moving flower in full bloom under a heavy rain.

Although the monks are not greatly affected by the environment, not everyone likes the monks in the southeast county and likes to be wet all over.

Due to the special geographical location of Fengyuan City, news circulated extremely fast, but in just one night, the news that the little princess of Xuemei Shangguo approached Fengyuan City directly spread throughout the city.

Therefore, the monks who watched the excitement rushed to the outside of the city one after another, because soon there will be a great battle that will be staged outside the city.

"Boy, thank you Sister Fanxing for getting out of the siege."

On the streets of Fengyuan City, a voice of gratitude came from the young Jianxiu's mouth, then he turned his head and looked at the woman with a broad sword beside him and flying in the sword robe, and continued to speak:

"These monks in the Southeast County do not distinguish between right and wrong, really hateful!"

His voice fell, and the Qinglian Sword Sect Master who was holding an umbrella on the side kept walking, and the sound of no serious response came out:

"Master once said that in addition to talent, what determines the height of a monk's practice is also the pattern."

After the word pattern came out from Fanxing's mouth, Fanxing lifted the umbrella, glanced over the crowds of people around him, and continued to speak:

"The ants on the ground always like to criticize the dragon and phoenix soaring in the sky. As everyone knows, for the dragon and phoenix, they don't care about the behavior of the ants at all. If they are annoying, they can clap their hands and kill them.

"At this time, Fengyuan City flocked to the outside of the city to watch the excitement. This is the case, and we are actually there."

In Fanxing’s words, although there was no too strong emotions, the young Jianxiu beside him was shocked and hurriedly bowed his head respectfully. Then, after listening to Fanxing’s ears, Fanxing’s voice came out again:

"Speaking of which, although you and I are one of the humble beings, there is one thing you must remember clearly. Since you have travelled through mountains and rivers and joined our Qinglian Sword Sect, you can't lose the edge of sword repair!

"My Baolian Sword Land, although I can't breathe under the pressure of the holy court, it's not a local chicken shingle outside of the southeast county. It can be insulted at will."

Speaking of this, a trace of cold killing intent shot out from Fanxing’s eyes, almost cutting the rain column in front of him, and then the young Jianxiu beside him swallowed, and a weak voice came out:

"Senior Sister, although I am very angry, but because of this, I am afraid that it is not good to be enmity with the Alliance of Navaxia?"

"Don't worry, this hatred can't be formed."

With a certain voice from Fanxing's mouth, then the girl with a broad sword speeded up her pace, and continued to speak out with a voice that was neither light nor heavy:

"These people will die, and soon. Up to this point, this so-called Faxia alliance is a joke. Before, Daxia could be called as an ant and ignored it.

"But now, Daxia has serious business to do. Since he wants to do business, she can't tolerate these flies buzzing in her ears."

As soon as Fanxing's words fell, the sky of Fengyuan City seemed to have a reaction, the rain was more violent, and the atmosphere suddenly became particularly solemn.

The world begins to suffocate, that is the murderous intent has arrived!

A more violent downpour came, almost obscuring the sight of countless creatures in the city, and then more and more monks stepped out of Fengyuan City, and Wuyangyang gathered to the huge square outside the city.

And among these, it is natural that there are several monks from Qinglian Sword Sect. They just walked out of the high wall along the crowd, and the voice from the young sword repairer immediately sounded:

"Senior Sister Fanxing, look, those monks who joined the Faxia Alliance are gathering there."

As soon as the voice came out, several people turned their heads and looked sideways, only to see a large number of monks gathering on one side of the clearing not far away.

The robes of these gathered monks are all the same, and the races are also numerous, indicating that they come from different sects.

If there are people who are familiar with each other, naturally they will come forward to communicate, and if they don’t know each other, they will stand at a distance with their hands in arms and don’t talk to each other. Looking at them from a distance, it is like being called up and going to expedition. military.

"The thunder is loud, the rain is small, and it's such a slack look, it really is a group of clowns."

With a little disdain, it was heard from the Qinglian Sword Sect's disciples. In fact, it was not only them, but many cultivators around also showed such expressions.

In fact, it's no wonder they think that the Alliance of Faxia is not a powerful weapon, it is really because the name of the alliance before it is too loud.

At the next breath, the monks gathered outside the city seemed to have thought of something, lifted their heads, looked at the top of their heads, and then a little bit of astonishment appeared in their eyes.

Following the sight of these people, you can see a huge treasure ship overflowing with colorful light on the sky outside Fengyuan City, floating above the void, pouring out intoxicating light.

Despite the heavy rain drifting in the sky, this treasure ship hanging high above the nine sky is still so dazzling.

At the same time, the huge word “Daxia” on the treasure ship was shining, and the Fengao Jiutian Flag that fluttered in the wind on the bow gave people a magnificent illusion of a nine-day **** phoenix directly descending.

"Senior Sister, you said that the extremely young Emperor Daxia is on this treasure ship at this time?"

When the young sword repairman said this, his eyes were full of admiration. It is true that everyone in the world believes in the strong. Although the young emperor did not make a move, he only covered the sky with his hand in the Qinglian Sword Sect. One point, left an indelible impression in the heart of a large number of sword repairs.

At the same time, a stalwart figure engraved deep in her heart began to suddenly appear in the heart of Female Jian Xiu Fanxing.

After a few breaths, Fan Xing recovered to his senses, retracted his gaze from above, and responded:

"The whereabouts of such a big man is something I can figure out at will, but since the news that your Majesty will shelter the little princess of Xuemei Country, there must be a powerful monk in this treasure ship."

"Does the Nantian King Xiliu still have to do it?"

"The Southern Heavenly King Xiliu probably won't make any more moves. After all, his status is special. If he is so high-profile in Fufeng County, he is undoubtedly hitting the face of Shengting."

The voice of the female sword repairman here just fell, and the billowing sword intent began to rise out of her body, and at the next breath, an extremely fast flying race galloped in the distant sky, and came to everyone's head in a blink of an eye.

Then the flying race retracted its wings, cut through the rain, landed on the ground, and said loudly:

"The latest news is that the little princess and the eldest princess of Xuemei Country broke out in a shocking battle in Panshan City, and then the little princess broke out and rushed into the Armor-Eater Forest, less than two hundred miles away from here!"

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