The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1889: Wolf of the South Wind

"His Royal Highness, why do you admire the Northern Realm Daxia so much? You must know that this time the people sent by the princess to intercept and kill almost occupy half of the entire Xuemei Upper Kingdom."

Going south from Fengyuan City, the radius is close to hundreds of miles, and within the armor-chewing forest, the wolf of the South Wind, which moves like a ghost, jumps from side to side among the old trees, and at the same time often slows down. Sniffing the smell in the air, to avoid the chasing soldiers behind him.

The strength of this southern wind wolf is extremely powerful. Since Fengxue Shenshan, he has taken Hanwenxing all the way to Fufeng County, even if he suffered serious injuries, it is like a puppet machine that never gets tired.

On the back of the wolf of the south wind, after the old woman's question fell, the girl with her lips pressed out, stretched out her hand to tighten her robes, and responded:

"Mother-in-law, in my limited memory, the most powerful force is Da Xia, although I don't know how strong Da Xia is, whether it can, or even solve my troubles."

Speaking of this, the little princess of Xuemei Country paused for a while, and then continued to speak:

"But mother-in-law, you know many things, I can't choose, and this time, I want to choose my destiny, even if only once."

The girl's steady but persistent words fell, and the old woman's mouth moved, but in the end she did not speak to refute, she just closed her eyes and began to fully mobilize the source of her body's strength.

The old woman is no longer trying to change the girl's mind, so the hardest road is ahead. Unknowingly, this old woman has already set the end of this journey as Fengyuan City!

"Huh, huh!"

After the giant wolf's paw left the ground, a dense faint sound was produced, and the appearance of this sound also indicated that the wolf had already entered the most violent charge stage.

Then the winds on both sides began to roar, and the hair on the wolf's body began to dance violently like a squally wind blowing a ribbon. In the depths of the dense forest, there appeared a blue and white arc that was invisible to the naked eye.

The speed of the giant wolf is unparalleled, and between the sinking of the two on the back of the wolf, it has crossed the entire forest and appeared at the end.

The next breath, the old woman who closed her eyes and adjusted her breath suddenly opened her eyes, raised her hand directly, and pressed against the wolf's back below. Then, on both sides of the back of the wolf of the south wind, countless ice crystals began to condense rapidly, and immediately condensed. Into a pair of huge ice wings.

"Your Royal Highness, hold it firmly, if you are afraid, close your eyes!"

The dignified voice of the old woman rang in her ears, and the girl beside her did not close her eyes, but stretched out her right hand to grab the hair of the giant wolf in front of her.

"Get up!"

With another low drink from the old woman, the wolf of the south wind stomped on the ground heavily, and its body rose directly into the sky, like a blue and white off-string arrow, directly rushing out of the forest of Armor-Eater Tree.

After an instant, the violent wind rushed towards her face with the heavy rain, and then the **** the back of the wolf raised her head, and what appeared in front of her was a horrible scene that almost hung the world upside down.

I saw outside Fengyuan City, the extremely violent rainstorm filled every inch of void, just like a tsunami leaning against the sky, directly overwhelming.

At the same time, within this overwhelming rainstorm, a large number of ice crystals quickly condensed, looking from below, as if there were countless ice arrows, condensing, and at the same time, the temperature of the void outside Fengyuan City dropped to freezing point in an instant.

"Look, it's coming out, there is a huge monster that rushed out in the Armor-Eater Forest, it should be the little princess!"

Accompanied by this loud shout, countless monks outside Fengyuan City gathered together to watch, and there was a violent riot. Then they raised their eyes and looked ahead, and the exclamation came again:

"A good-looking ice wolf, turned his back on the ice wing, soaring into the void!"

Before the sound of admiration fell, the southern wolf, fluttering its wings and rushing in the sky, raised its eyes to the sky and let out an ear-piercing roar, instantly resounding everywhere:


This wolf howl seemed to declare war, or to declare to the world that the little princess on the back of the wolf is the orthodox inheritance of Xuemei Shangguo!

Before the roar, centered on the body of the south wind wolf, the torrential rain turned into ice crystals, revolving around the huge body of the giant wolf, and finally turned into a mighty forward ice storm, exuding violent violent outwards. The power of, began to span the entire void.

"Good fellow, I thought the little princess would choose to rush towards Fengyuan City quietly, but I didn't expect to be so magnanimous. With this alone, it made me think highly of it."

"Look up high, but this is to die. This little princess is also the head iron. Although Da Xia releases news, she can be led to board the treasure ship, but if it is an ordinary person, Da Xia will definitely attract attention in this Fengyuan City. Li, he sneaked into Fufeng County from other places.

"Even in the face of the sharp wind, it is better than plunge into the encirclement set up by the princess now. You must know that although it is not obvious on the surface, the people who came here to intercept and kill the Snow Charm country have long been laid out.

This person's voice just fell, perhaps to prove that his words were true, the violent storm outside Fengyuan City suddenly changed wildly, and countless ice crystals began to violently condense, condensing crystal figures standing in the sky.

Every figure that appeared above the void was wrapped in unimaginable chill, pouring outwards, completely freezing the surrounding rain, making the entire void, between the moments, as if a large sea of ​​ice appeared.

At the same time, the positions of these figures are also very particular, forming an airtight formation, like an ice net, blocking the entire world.

"It's a strong formation. Among them is the power of the laws of the Landing Divine Realm, so there must be a powerful person in the upper realm. I just don't know who it is."

The murmured exclamation continued to be heard from the watching monk on the ground outside the city, and then after the other monks thought about it, they agreed:

"These sages of the Xuemei Nation must not dare to show up directly. Although these people have openly supported the eldest princess, no matter who it is, even the sages of the Xuemei Nation, cannot kill a former monarch in such a grand manner Pro-referred to the successor.

"Because this is blatantly provoking the authority of the Snow Mountain Temple, so in full view, these people can only do it in secret!"

The voice fell, and a intensive sound was suddenly uploaded in the void outside Fengyuan City.

"Crack, click!"

Along with this dense clicking sound, the frost law controlled by the Xuemei clan was moved, and then in the void above the sky, under everyone's gaze, a truly grounded ice net appeared.

At the next breath, a huge ice bird flew from behind over the stretch of armor-chewing forest behind.

On the back of this ice bird, Princess Xuemei, wearing a luxurious feather uniform, stood proudly, and then stepped forward, staring at the front with cold eyes, and the voice rolled outwards:

"My dear sister, since she is unwell, don't run around.

"My palace has already found the magic medicine for you under the Snow Wind Mountain, let's go back with me!"

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