"Boom boom boom!"

The continuous roar from outside Fufeng County, together with the icy wave mist pouring outward, seemed to move this clashing void to the top of Fengxue Shenshan in an instant.

The same blizzard, the same frost law is full!

The Land Fairyland is a great being who has stepped on the bridge of heaven and earth. It is extraordinary when it is shot, and the peak is when it is shot.

The overwhelming cold wave of destruction directly obscured everyone's perception of the sky above the sky without any accident. After dozens of breaths, the strength of the confrontation, together with the law of ice, rushed from top to bottom to Fengyuan City. In addition, a large number of monks rushed to their backs.

At the same time, countless ice crystals spread out on the ground wet by the rainstorm, and when the monks outside the city opened their mouths and shouted, they all drank white smoke visible to the naked eye, enough to show the low temperature.

"The gods fight, the mortals suffer, I almost get frozen."

In the crowd outside the city, after the high-level monks used their breath to wash away the chill, a large number of monks who recovered, with a grumble of fear, continued to look at the sky ahead.

However, the eyes of these people were still completely obscured by the thick rolling cold fog. They couldn't see the violent fighting inside, and could only hear the roar of the burst of supernatural power and the deafening wolf howl.

Xue Mei Shangguo came to intercept and kill the superior superior realm powerhouse, who intentionally concealed his identity, so after the official dismissal, he used the law to condense countless ice crystals lingering in all directions, isolating everyone’s perception from the outside. .


The howl from the wolf of the south wind still carries a strong and extremely evil intention, indicating that the battle for the position is not over yet, but some monks outside Fengyuan City are still in the ice crystals in the rain above their heads. , Noticed a slight strangeness.

"Senior Sister Fanxing, there are fewer ice crystals in this rain?"

Among the crowd outside the city, the young sword repairman from Qinglian Sword Sect retracted his right hand from outside the umbrella, and heard the response from Fanxing in his ears:

"The reduction of ice crystals in the rain means that the overhauls of the princess have begun to compress the entire battlefield inward. In other words, the situation of the giant wolf and the little princess are not good."

Fanxing's judgment was not groundless. The changes in the Qi of Heaven and Earth could most reflect the situation on the field, but the girl with a broad sword was not completely focused on the sky in front of her.

Then Fan Xing lowered his head, his pale cyan eyes turned to the stagnant water on the ground, and the cold voice continued:

"These monks from the Faxia Alliance are secretly passing on news, and they should be plotting some kind of action."


The young Jianxiu showed a hint of surprise beside Fanxing, and when he lowered his head, he saw a large number of very inconspicuous small tadpoles among the stagnant water, swimming swiftly.

These tadpoles are numerous and densely packed outwards. What is even more weird is that when there is an obstacle in front of them, these tadpoles will directly grow limbs, jump up, several jumps, and then jump to the shoulders of the target monk. Above, there was a slight cooing sound.

"The way the monks in the Southeast County pass the news is really weird."

After seeing clearly the means of transmitting the message, the young Qinglian Sword Sect cultivator just wanted to continue speaking, but suddenly realized that a figure was standing beside him, for some unknown time.

This figure was dressed in a large black robe, underneath the robe was an ordinary woman's face, but there were two sword eyebrows soaring to the sky, which contained endless sharpness.

"This fellow Taoist, are you?"

At the next breath, Fanxing took a step forward, put away the different color on his face, and asked softly, followed by a steady female voice from the front:

"Listen to them, you also use a sword?"

"Qinglian Jianzong, Fanxing, met fellow Daoists."

"When your Majesty passed by Qinglian Sword Sect before, I was still on the road, so I didn't catch up, and it was a pity that I could not learn the swordsmanship of the top sect in the Taixuan Land.

After speaking, Jiansheng stretched out his feet and lightly stomped off the few frogs passing by. With a faint voice, he continued to speak:

"Perhaps after this turmoil is over, you and I can talk about it."

"It is an honor for Fanxing to be able to learn the swordsmanship of Daxia's top monks."

After the girl Fanxing came out with a respectful voice, Jiansheng nodded, raised his leg and continued to step forward, step by step towards the front.

And the direction of Jiansheng's advancement is the gathering place of the Faxia Alliance convened by the GCC!

"This Daxia is finally about to make a move, I don't know if it is to deal with this Faxia Alliance or the princess of Xuemei Nation?"

With a voice of excitement, it was heard from the young sword repairman of Qinglian Sword Sect, but the Fan Xing beside him did not speak, but suddenly raised his head and looked up to the sky.

In the next instant, a wolf howl with intense pain was passed down directly, and within this wolf howl, there was a decisiveness that the fish died and the net broke!


At the same time, along with the spread of this wolf howl, inside the countless surrounding ice crystals above the sky, a vast and extremely mighty power began to rush outward.

Afterwards, the countless ice crystals that obscured the line of sight, under the mighty impact force, only persisted for a short period of time, they were completely washed away, so that the scene inside was completely exposed to everyone's eyes.

As far as the eye can see, it is directly the wolf of the south wind with ice thorns and cracks on his body, and even a large number of wounds!

"This southern wind giant wolf has been so badly injured!"

A cry of exclamation came from the monks on the ground. Before the words fell, the wolf of the South Wind, covered with numerous wounds all over his body, leaped to the side, stretched out his claws, and slapped a spear of ice crystals directly. broken.

However, at this moment, the magical power that blasted the wolf of the south violently did not stop there.

I saw that the ice gun here had just been smashed, and a ghostly figure surrounded by countless ice crystals instantly appeared on the right side of the giant wolf. Then the figure raised his right arm and shot it directly with a palm.

This palm seems extremely light and fluttering, but the power it creates is incomparable.


Under the palm of the sturdy respect, the wolf of the south wind uttered a painful roar on the sky, and a large amount of blood gushed out directly from the dense wounds on the huge body.

"Acknowledge your fate, Grandma Wolf, based on your ancient identity, this deity can guarantee the lives of both of you!"

An icy voice sounded above the void, and then the more severely injured South Wind Wolf swept its tail directly and used practical actions to show its will not to surrender.

"That's an offense!"

The voice that resounded through the void was even colder, and the right hand continued to press forward, piercing directly into the body of the giant wolf, and then began to push the wolf of the south wind all the way forward.

"Boom boom boom!"

The cracking iceberg roared through the sky, and after a few breaths, the wolf of the south wind that was pushed all the way into the void, was firmly pressed against the empty ice net on the horizontal fence, and there was another painful cry.

At the same time, Zhao Yu, who was sitting behind the desk on the deck of the Crescent Treasure Ship, put down the bitter tea cup in his hand, spoke gently, and uttered three words:

"Qiu Hengji."

As soon as the emperor's voice fell, the fat man Qiu Hengji, who had been waiting for a long time in the cultivator of the Huijun in the summer, shook his body undetectably, raised his foot to take a step forward, and responded:

"Your Majesty, the minister is here!"

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