The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1898: Wanxiu Worship Service

This world is terrible, cruel, life and death are hard to control, everyone suffers, but this world is sometimes colorful, and thanks to the gift of God.

For example, the long drought meets the rain, and the old knowledge in another country, and so on.

Although Tiandi Dadao is indifferent and ruthless, but occasionally there will be some kindness, so in the eyes of the caring people, the world is round, because the parting people will meet again after going round and round.

"The cultivator of Shengting Tiance Palace did not appear, which means that the princess of Xuemei Nation has been put together. Then the battle for the position of Xuemei Nation can be said to be settled."

The entire void outside Fengyuan City, along with the princess Xuemei Kingdom's screaming roar, kept ringing, and all the monks watching the battle on the ground had their own judgments in their hearts.

Princess of Xuemei Country, the trend is over!

"Unbelievable, this is unbelievable. The old man never imagined that this battle for power would end in such a simple way."

Accompanied by an unbelievable cry of exclamation, a cultivator of the Supreme Profound Land who had recovered his senses began to tremble in his heart, followed by a chill deep into the bone marrow, rushing straight to the top of his head.

This chill comes from the incomparable strength of the mysterious northern force above the head, and also from the figure in the black robe, which releases several supreme magic arts between gestures, easily obliterating all the elite and overbearing powers of the entire Xuemei Upper Kingdom. .

In other words, as long as this figure is willing to destroy the world and destroy the earth, the combined divine art can easily erase his own power, and it is an instant kill!

Everyone in the world is in awe of the strong, and the strength that Da Xia has shown outside Fengyuan City at this time has dispelled all doubts and disputes, and infinite awe in these people's hearts.

"From now on, everyone's debate on Daxia's strength can be put to an end, no matter how Daxia has become so powerful, the strong rise of the king of the north is a foregone conclusion."

With a strong voice of awe, it was heard from the monks outside Fengyuan City. Then there were other monks around who looked at the madman-like princess in the void, and continued to say:

"Although the little princess was rescued by Daxia, the eldest princess is still alive, indicating that there are still variables in this matter. I just don't know what Daxia will do with the princess?"

"Could it be that you just killed it?"

After this response was heard from the mouths of the other monks, all the people who heard the words were shocked. Just as they wanted to say that the last sentence was impossible, they felt a hot red glow and directly rushed toward their faces.

In the next breath, strands of red golden glow directly shone on the face of a monk outside Fengyuan City, and then everyone raised their heads and looked at the three-wheeled arcane magic ball rotating around the Daxia treasure ship above. To complete the conversion again.

Above the sky, three rounds of red **** are flying in the sky, which means the sky is burning with flames!

"This arcane ball has moved again, it has moved again!"

After the terrified voice came out of the mouth, the people who seemed to have thought of something directly moved their gazes to the south, staring at the location of the princess of Xuemei Kingdom.

After an instant, the empty space above the head of the Xuemei Kingdom princess suddenly began to slowly crack outwards, just like a god's hand, forcibly tearing Tianqong apart.

Then, as the sky cracked, the endless crimson glow poured out in an instant, and at the same time, the shadow of the nine-day sun appeared after the shattered void.

Above this round of the shadow of the big sun, the vast and unparalleled golden flames of the big sun burst and burned, instantly evaporating the rainwater that had just gathered below.

At the same time, the temperature outside Fengyuan City surged wildly in a straight line, as if the real nine-day **** sun descended directly, roasting the whole world.

After an instant, unprecedented light flooded everyone's sight, and even the monks directly lost the ability to see things, and the entire sea of ​​consciousness was completely filled by this round of nine heavens.

In the next breath, the surface of the nine-day sun, which revealed a part of the trace behind the void, began to burn violently, and the great sun **** flame like a fire dragon began to rotate clockwise, as if it was rapidly converging inward to destroy the heavenly punishment.

"My palace hates, my palace is not reconciled!"

Under the volley of nine days, the princess of Xuemei Country with a disheveled hair, the Qiqiao began to gush out wisps of blood, and countless bloodshot eyes filled her eyes.

Then the eldest princess raised her head, staring at the top of the condensing nine gods, and screamed again:

"Don't think that with Daxia's support, you can sit back and relax, you are a little girl, you can't afford the entire Xuemei Shangguo, this palace is watching you under Jiuquan.

"Time will tell, who is the perfect successor of Xuemei Country!"

The screaming sound fell, and a pillar of scorching sun that pierced the entire world, descending mightily.

Outside of Fengyuan City, it was directly flooded with unprecedented brilliance, and then under the gaze of countless lights, the sun hits the sky and ground, wrapped in incomparable scorching power, instantly enveloping the figure of the princess of Xuemei Kingdom. Inside.

The forbidden magical powers formed by the three-wheeled flame arcane magic ball, the power contained in it is the ultimate in the world, so even if the princess of the Snow Magic Kingdom has the body of the treasure fishing dragon rod, it will be in an instant In time, was evaporated into nothingness.

Silence, infinite silence, once again enveloped the entire Fengyuan City, watching the void that had become completely empty, and for a long time no monk had spoken.


After a while, it was frozen by continuous freezing and then by the torrential rain that was mercilessly evaporating, and finally came late and began to envelope the world. Some cold rain slapped on the face, making many monks regain their senses.


Then a deep breathing sound came from the mouth of the young cultivator of Qinglian Sword Sect, and then he retracted his gaze from afar, just about to speak, his brows were slightly frowned, and a voice of doubt came out:

"What smell?"

The words of the young Jianxiu fell, and the stars on the side sounded directly with solemn voices:

"It's bloody, because the cultivators of the Faxia League over there, headed by the GCC, are all dead!"

As soon as this death word came out, the young Jianxiu suddenly looked down, his pupils dilated and shrank, because the ground not far away was full of corpses at some point.

Each of these monks of the Faxia Alliance seemed to be asleep, lying on their backs on the ground.

No one knows when they died, only a thin sword mark appeared on everyone's neck, everyone was like this, and they appeared in exactly the same location.

The next breath, a more icy chill, like a rolling tide, slapped on every monk's forehead, making his hair stand on end.

Then the first sect monk slowly stepped forward and bowed respectfully to the Daxia Bao Ship standing proudly above the sky, and said loudly:

"Elder Minghuizong, pay homage to Daxia, the lord of the north."

After the first respectful greeting sounded, after the second group of monks looked at each other, they also stepped forward together, respectfully saluting, and the voice came out:

"Xingyezong, bring all the disciples of the sect, to meet Daxia, the lord of the northern realm!"

The voice fell, and outside Fengyuan City, more and more monks, bowed their heads respectfully, and greeted the sky like a tsunami:

"I'll wait, meet Daxia, the lord of the North!"

From then on, everyone in the world is clouded, the phoenix of the north, once spreading its wings, ten thousand repairs and worship!

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