The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1901: Establish a country

"Tianyun Palace?"

Daxia Treasure Ship, in the central hall, Zhao Yu, who was sitting casually behind the table, looked at the zigzag that had just been presented in front of him, and a questioning emperor's voice came out.

Then Sima Annan, who stood at the lower head respectfully, raised his hand and responded:

"His Majesty, there is a city in the center of Fufeng County called Fengxin City, and within this Fengxin City, there are endless winds rising into the sky at all times, and it has never stopped for hundreds of millions of years.

"According to this characteristic, from the ancient times, there was a great power that forcibly moved a large mountain, put it on top of the sky, hovering in the air, and named it Tianyun Palace."

After Sima Annan sounded with a little admiration, Zhao Yu's black eyes revealed a little different color, and he said:

"That's really not a small handwriting."

"Your Majesty Shengming, this Tianyun Palace is huge, and it is now the headquarters of the Tianyun Temple flying race. However, this Tianyun Temple has remained neutral since ancient times. This time, the Tianyun Palace can be opened to allow all monks to hold the World Taoist Association. It was a little unexpected."

After Sima Annan finished speaking, his black eyes turned, and the young voice continued:

"Furthermore, the forces that came this time are very diverse. It can be said to be one of the rare grand gatherings in the Taixuan Land. What is worth mentioning is that the traditional big forces in the Core Land have nothing to do with it."

At this point, he took off his white robe and put on the solemn and solemn Sima Annan, who was embroidered in the official uniform of the Great Xia Chong official with the totem of the **** bird, straightened his body, and the voice continued to be heard:

"First of all, the Holy Court has always maintained a silent attitude towards this World Taoist Association. There is no clear support or opposition. This is a very subtle attitude, which is difficult to figure out."

"This is the consistent style of the Holy Court. As long as he doesn't speak, the forces below will be susceptible to each other, each with their own minds, and confusion. This has always been one of the actions of the Holy Court these years."

After Zhao Yu's unimportant voice sounded in the hall, Sima Annan nodded and continued to speak:

"According to the analysis by the Military Aircraft Department on the recent actions of the Holy Court, its recent actions are quite different from those in the past. They have become extremely bold and radical, as if they have completely changed a decision maker.

"In the opinion of the minister, since the third Futing student in the world blasted through the immortal gate and rushed to the Lingxiao Hall to fight against the Lord, Shengting Tiance Palace may have overlapped power and mastered power. Yes, it is a radical hawk!"

"The recent actions of the Holy Court are indeed a bit abnormal. It not only clearly intervenes in the changes of the other forces, but also directly opened up the rear battlefield with the Central Shangguo. It is an active attack. At the same time, it is also a means to go everywhere in the Supreme Profound Land. Frequent, very active."

After speaking, Zhao Yu raised his finger and gently tapped on the table in front of him. Emperor Huang Huang continued to resound through the hall:

"I have a hunch that the Holy Court will make a fuss through this world Taoist society, so it will remain silent extremely abnormally."

"Weichen believes that perhaps the purpose of the holy court is to make great summer!"

Sima Annan's voice immediately sounded extremely solemn. In fact, this was also one of the most worried places in the heart of all Daxia officials at this time, because this place was Fufeng County in the core of the Central Plains.

This place is too far away from the northern border where Daxia is located, and very close to Tangdu where the holy court is located!

"In any case, there must be a battle between My Daxia and the Saint Court. We know this. The Saint Court naturally knows this. On the other hand, Da Xia and I are not unprepared."

After a steady voice came out of Zhao Yu's mouth, the young emperor's frowning brows stretched slightly, and then he waved his hand to signal the young man next to him to report.

At the next breath, Sima Annan thought for a while, then continued the previous topic, and continued to speak loudly:

"Your Majesty, I mentioned the views of several major traditional forces on the Taoist Society of the World. In addition to the holy court, there are four major upper kingdoms, and this time, to everyone's surprise, these four kingdoms are now But each is in trouble.

"Central Shangguo is fighting fiercely with the Holy Court at this time, and it's overwhelming. It's still a suspense who will be sent to participate in this world's Taoist society, but with the frontline tight, it is definitely not a heavyweight.

"And among the other three upper kingdoms, the Xuemei Nation has fallen into a battle for the supremacy and turned into a mess of sand. As for the two upper kingdoms, Qingzhi and Yanjue, the war has never stopped. Yan Jueguo will face Qingzhi in the near future. The National Congress of the People's Republic of China made a move. After receiving the news, Miss Qing Tian took the people back to the Dongsheng Plain.

"Such a situation, it has never happened in so many years."

After finishing the sentence, Sima Annan's solemn voice came out again:

"This is the epitome of the dramatic changes in the pattern of the top-level forces in the Great Profound Land!"

"It seems that the vicissitudes of luck in this world have become more and more apparent."

After Sima Annan's words fell, the voice from Zhao Yu rang immediately, and then the young emperor raised his right hand and swiped lightly on the imperial table in front of him, and the emperor's voice came out again:

"But having said that, no matter how the aura of the whole world changes, it will not happen overnight, and the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, no matter how ups and downs, will eventually change from chaos to order."

At this point, Zhao Yu paused, and continued to flick his fingers on the desktop, and a steady voice came out again:

"In other words, the ultimate goal of the avenue is balance, and in the process of rebalancing, one goes from one to the other."

After the words "one change and the other change" came out of Zhao Yu's mouth, Sima Annan's eyes instantly condensed, and then his voice sounded:

"Your Majesty, according to your opinion, the other side of the decline of the traditional tyranny of the Great Profound Land is the rise of new forces?"

"It's not just a new force."

Diyin heard, Zhao Yujiang straightened his body and opened his lips slightly, and then his voice sounded:

"It hasn't been known for many years since the land of the Supreme Profound Realm has developed. Even if the great extinction caused by the collapse of the fairy palace destroyed countless inheritances, some forces have survived and are hidden in the dark.

"There is only so much luck in the whole world. Before they were basically divided up, they couldn't make a profit, but now the situation is different."

"Your Majesty, are you saying that those hidden sects are going to formally go to the table?"

Sima Annan's voice just fell, and the door of the Great Xia Treasure Ship Hall was directly pushed open.

Then an official of Sitian Supervisor stepped in hurriedly, came to Zhao Yu respectfully and bowed, and said loudly:

"Your Majesty, the latest news, just now all the Shenji Pavilions in the entire Supreme Profound Realm have issued announcements at the same time.

"The original Hidden Sejong sects have announced their entry into the world, and the most powerful of them is Wujiang Sect of the Hidden Five Sects. Together with another Hidden Five Sects of Soul Burying Sect, and dozens of other hidden sects, they were directly established. A new force."

"A new sect?"

Before Sima Annan’s questioning sounded, the Sitian Supervisor below shook his head, and his extremely solemn voice resounded through the hall:

"Master Sima, it's not a sect, but a kingdom. These sects formally opened the dynasty and established the country, named the Dusk Kingdom!"

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