The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1910: Awaken the true spirit

Above Tangdu, above the nine heavens, outside the towering holy palace, the light of the stars spread out, transforming into a galaxy holy path, across the heavens and the earth.

At the same time, sacred pillars stood upright along the way of galaxy. The statues of immortals depicted on the sacred pillars looked respectful, folded their hands, and bowed to salute in front of them, like a tsunami. The sound resounded through the sky.

Thousands of immortals worship and pave the way for the stars.

Such a welcoming ceremony of this scale, placed before the fairy palace collapses, is also a first-class scale, and the number of people who can enjoy such a welcoming ceremony in the entire world is definitely not more than the number of hands.

Naturally, this includes the Four Royal Maharajas who once guarded the Quartet under the seat of Emperor Xiandi.

At this time, above the void, the illusory voice that passed down also clearly showed the identity of the person who came.

Maharaja Chen on the West Pole Upper Palace Gou!

As soon as the word Gouchen came out, the entire sky seemed to feel the emptiness, and began to tremble violently, and at the same time every sacred pillar trembled more and more violently, the shadow of the immortal on the pillar, the immortal robe on his body When there is no wind, his face is more respectful, and he shouts loudly, resounding across the sky:

"I'll wait for the immortals, and welcome Maharaja Chen, the Shanggou on the west pole!"

Under the welcome sound, the middle-aged figure standing with his hands stepped forward, and then the galaxy under his feet automatically flowed forward, carrying the former, and slowly appeared outside the Nantianmen platform of the remains of the Xianting Sacred Palace.

The Nanxianmen, where the heaven and the heavens are located to suppress the entire immortal palace remains, no matter how time changes, it still penetrates the sky and occupies almost the entire sky, containing the indelible force of the magnificent shock pressure.

However, because the gate of Jinhai has not yet returned, this fairy gate is half-covered at this time, and the platform outside the fairy gate is deserted and clear, and no one enters or leaves.

Whether it was once or now, this sacred palace is a sacred place between heaven and earth, and those who can come and go freely are all masters of luck between heaven and earth.


The starlight flowed forward, scouring the platform outside Nanxianmen, and even made a dense sound like the waves hitting the beach. Then the figure above the starlight stepped forward on the platform, and a deep voice came out:

"You woke up too early."

This word is just like the roar of thunder, and it is also like the roar of countless immortal soldiers and gods who charge collectively, full of inexhaustible warfare that can't be described in words.

Maharaja Chen, the Shanggong Gou of the West, once ruled the gods, and commanded the most elite killing troops in the entire Immortal Palace era, and presided over the affairs of human warfare. It can be described as invincible, invincible, and brilliant.

In other words, Maharaja Gouchen is the warrior **** of war who was once worshipped by the people!

With a word from the God of War, the world's most extreme fighting spirit naturally gathered, and at the same time, it rolled forward, directly baptizing the void outside Nanxianmen thoroughly.

Then an extremely vague figure slowly walked out of Nanxianmen, raised his head, two purple eyes lit up, and at the same time, the void in front of him shattered, and he roared with lightning and thunder.

After countless years, Zi Qi and Bing Ge Qi once again collided in the void outside Nanxianmen violently, and then a ripple visible to the naked eye spread directly, sweeping across the entire sky in an instant.

After an instant, outside the Nanxian Gate, inside the sacred pillar that originally portrayed the shadows of countless immortals, there was a muffled sound, and they revolved and flew back, looking from a distance, it was as if thousands of immortals were retreating, which was extremely exaggerated.

Then the middle-aged man standing on Sendai with his hand held up, raised his right hand and grabbed to the side. All the pillars exploded at the same time at the next breath. After the pillars exploded, they turned into stars flying in the sky, so gorgeous, And all together, like thousands of birds returning to the forest, rushed back to Maharaja Gouchhen's body.

At the next breath, an increasingly majestic voice came from the middle-aged man:

"The power of the crape myrtle is not weak, which means that you have been awake for a long time, Lord Zhongtian."

The word Zhongtian sounded, and if there were other immortals listening to it, it would definitely be shocked because it was too horrified, because the word Zhongtian represented another four imperial existence in the world.

The Maharaja of the Arctic Zhongtian!

"In fact, it's not long, just a few years."

A faint response came from the mouth of the figure directly below Nanxianmen, and then the burly and heroic Zhongtian Monarch continued to look straight ahead and said:

"This era has really changed."

As soon as the words of the Lord Zhongtian fell, the voice of the middle-aged man in front of him came out:

"Tens of thousands of years ago, you and I should have known that the times have changed, so I left a little back to keep the only thing true."

After speaking, the killing spirit within Gouchen's thin body became more turbulent, and even turned into an ear-piercing roar, and then stepped forward, and the voice revived:

"Zhongtian, you should know how difficult it is to retain this last bit of true spirit under the watchful eyes of this heavenly Dao. You and I have spent almost all your life's accumulation before you can achieve it."

Speaking of this, Maharaja Gouchen looked around and saw that the darkness around him remained and his fortune was dim, and the questioning voice continued to be heard:

"If today's machine is still gloomy, and it is far from when you and I can be born, why do you wake up this monarch at this time?"

This questioning, with great power, of course, the higher the level of cultivation, the more you understand how difficult it is to make small movements under the heavenly way, and for Maharaja Goochen, being awakened this time is the last The swan song!

"Gou Chen, you hold back your excitement first, this monarch will wake you up, it makes sense."

Void and ethereal voices began to be heard from the vague silhouette, and then the former raised his hand and waved forward, and the misty purple air appeared in the void, and at the same time, the ethereal voice sounded again:

"Because it's not just the prince, including you, can't wait, and can't afford to wait!"

After the voice fell, Lord Zhongtian folded his hands inward, and the surrounding purple energy began to rotate inward. Within the purple energy, the former's voice came out again:

"Someone won't let us sleep peacefully, if it wasn't for this monarch who was born earlier than before, he didn't even know that he was already in the game, and you didn't find out, why at this time, you are the only one here. people."

As soon as this remark came out, a more violent surging weather situation suddenly burst out on the platform outside Nanxianmen, and then the extremely cold voice sounded directly:

"I thought you only awakened me."

"If you want to wake up the true spirit in advance, I will naturally not only wake you up."

An extremely dignified voice was heard from the Majesty Zhongtian, and then a more majestic voice continued to roll out:

"When I awakened you, I also tried to awaken both Qinghua and Changsheng, but there was no response, and until now, he hasn't been here for a while.

"Gou Chen, what does this mean, you should be very clear?"

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