
Outside Nanxianmen, the tumbling purple gas continued to gather and then split.

Every time these purple qi gather and disperse, it represents that this great zhongtian knows the sea and has countless thoughts being calculated.

In many cases, the strength of a monk is not only a single current supernatural power or realm, but wisdom is also a vital part.

"Daxia in the Northern Territory, Sanxian Mountain was sunk, what happened to the Northern Territory after the soldiers were disbanded?

The muttering voice came out from the mouth of Maharaja Zhongtian, and then in front of him, a response from Zhao Xiu, followed by:

"The juniors have this intention. The Great Lord Zhongtian didn't know it. Entering from the entrance of the endless mountain in my great summer, it is extremely dangerous in all directions, and the direction is chaotic, and there is no way to find anyone.

"Since the immortal emperor created this world back then, you naturally have a way to enter the core of this world. Junior I have been searching for it, but I didn't expect to find the answer in your hands."

Zhao Xiu continued to speak with a touch of joy, but the Lord Zhongtian outside the Nanxian Gate did not directly agree, but raised his hand, pinched his finger to calculate, and the whole body continued to collide and disillusioned. .

Afterwards, the illusory voice came from the mouth of the Lord Zhongtian:

"Gou Chen is in charge of the West Pole. He would kill all the gods, and he is too sharp. If you have a little girl with you, you can still be restrained, but you can complement each other."

The sound came out, and the Phoenix flames around Zhao Xiu's body suddenly burned, and then he solemnly bowed forward and said:

"Junior, thank you Master Zhongtian!"

"If it weren't for the true spirit of the Lord to be seen by the heavens, at this time, I would go to the northern border to see the truth and see what this mysterious country, Daxia, looks like."

With a little melancholy voice, it was heard from the Lord Zhongtian, and then his right hand continued to be slowly raised, and he spoke again:

"The circulation of all things in the world is not immutable forever. In the long life of this lord, I have witnessed too many so-called miracles. On the other hand, the road is fifty and the sky is forty-nine, and the other one is a variable.

"My Lord has always firmly believed that even if it is a heavenly path that is exhaustive, there will be times when it is missed. Looking at the entire Taixuan land today, it can be called a variable. You Daxia is definitely a family."

As the voice fell, among the hands held up by the Lord Zhongtian, the face-sized world ball slowly condensed once again. Perhaps it was because of the knowledge of the origin of this world, which made it more in Zhao Xiu’s eyes. For real.

Even with the sweeping gaze of the Empress Wu of the Great Xia, one can see the basic rules of annihilation and reorganization within the endless mountain world.

"I used to dislike variables the least, but now that the times have changed, I have begun to look forward to them."

As the words spoken by the Lord Zhongtian, the world of immortals in the hands of the former became more and more solid.

At the same time, Zhao Xiu, who was in front of him, directly raised his hand and moved forward slightly. The golden phoenix flame on his arm slowly stretched forward, and finally it separated from the fingers and condensed into a small phoenix. Feather crystals.

This phoenix feather crystal flashed, containing extremely unique information, and then Zhao Xiu raised his hand and waved forward, and the void of the sky suddenly cracked outwards.

At the next breath, a flying messenger waving its wings hovered directly in front of Zhao Xiu's golden figure, and then the latter stretched out two fingers, clamped the phoenix feather crystal in front of him, and gently stuffed it into the flying messenger's rucksack. within.

"What a mysterious means of transmission, this little thing can actually break through the space, and even soar into the void outside the domain. With this alone, it has faintly surpassed the transmission method of the fairy palace."

Today, it may be a particularly surprising day for the Lord Zhongtian. The novel methods belonging to Daxia have allowed this long-lived existence to feel this extremely ordinary emotion time and time again.

"Senior, it is normal for Wu Daxia to be independent of the Taixuan Land system over the years and have something different."

After putting the phoenix feather crystal into the flying messenger's rucksack, Zhao Xiu gently waved the pony with its wings to break through the void again, and bring the contents inside to Tianxin City, Fufeng County. Zhao Yu's hands outside.

Then, with a little proud voice, he continued to say from Zhao Xiu's mouth:

"As the Maharaja said, there is no doubt that Daxia in the North is the variable of this world, and my nephew has the attitude of holding the sky even more.

"My palace can say with certainty that in time, Daxia will be the protagonist on the stage of this place of mystery!"

Zhao Xiu's words were extremely confident, and then he held up the Lord Zhongtian of the Immortal Realm in front of him, showing a smile, and said softly:

"For Da Xia, I will wait and see."

After speaking, Lord Zhongtian raised his hand, stretched out his index finger, and lightly stroked the ball world in front of him. After making a cut, he made a gesture of please.

The next breath, the golden flames and phoenix flames continued to blaze on Zhao Xiu's slender body.

However, the latter did not directly turn into a golden phoenix and rushed into this endless mountain world. Instead, he looked at the purple figure in front of him, and then said:

"Senior, although it's a bit presumptuous, but junior, I still have something to ask, don't you plan to enter this endless mountain world to see it?"

This question came from Zhao Xiu's mouth, and Lord Zhongtian did not hesitate at all, and directly responded:

"The time has not come. Now the two true spirits of Qinghua and Changsheng are almost disillusioned. Without mentioning to wake them up, at least it takes means to maintain stability.

"On the other hand, the secrets of heaven are unpredictable. It is foreseeable that a dispute sweeping the mainland will begin. If this monarch enters this realm, it means that the entire Supreme Profound Land will be completely out of control."

After speaking, Maharajah Zhongtian's body became more blurred, and then he paused for a while, as if he was thinking and hesitating.

The last faint voice continued to be heard from the Lord Zhongtian, lingering outside the Nanxian Gate:

"One more thing, this monarch has just used the power of the true spirit to calculate the general situation of this world.

"If this monarch returns to the High Heaven Palace at this time, to punish the Lord who is in the midst of a fierce battle, there is a 50% chance of winning."

After the words "50% chance of winning" came out, Zhao Xiu's face changed for a while, her red lips lightened, and her voice was about to come out. The voice of the Great Lord Zhongtian sounded first:

"If you think about going with me, you don't have to."

As the voice fell, Lord Zhongtian, who was in the midst of the tumbling purple air, kept his posture unchanged, and his voice continued to sound:

"The rest may not know, but I am very clear to the Lord that the High Heaven Hall is not an ordinary person who can climb to the top. Since this holy lord can climb to the top of this hall, it means that his cultivation level is already extremely high.

"At the same time in the High Heaven Hall, the number of people is meaningless. It doesn't make any difference whether you go or not. Therefore, you should go to the Immortal Realm with Gouchen, please!"

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