The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1932: Kick to the iron plate

Respect and pursuit of beauty is one of the instincts of creatures between heaven and earth, even the succubus active in the depths of the earth is no exception.

Therefore, they struggled and even plundered the original aura of the creatures on the ground to achieve their purpose of looking good in their skins, but after all, a demon is a demon, even if she is dressed in human skin, she is still a demon!

Therefore, under the eyes of everyone, this succubus revealed his own succubus itself in a harsh scream.

The original white and delicate skin was shattered and faded outwards. Instead, it was replaced by a dark brown bark-like magma skin. At the same time, huge fangs and lizard-like eyes were gradually revealed, even the entire devil's body, The outside swelled several times.

The huge bat demon wings spread out, and at the same time the billowing demon flame rose above the body, accompanied by the succubus's increasingly harsh roar:

"It turned the demon into such an extremely ugly appearance. The demon wants to tear you apart, tear you apart!"

The piercing roar resounded through everyone's ears, and then the succubus stretched its magic wings outwards, suspended its body in the void, and firmly held the long whip held by Guan Shanbei in his right hand, opened its big mouth with fangs, and a ball of earth's center. Poisonous fire, violently condensed in the mouth.

In this picture, looking from the stage, you can see Guan Shanbei at this time, like a **** of war, standing proudly on a high platform, holding the whiptail with his right hand, like flying a kite, firmly confining the cruel charm above the void The devil, no matter how hard the latter struggles, it is difficult to escape.

However, the outstanding young generation of this succubus clan has a variety of methods. At the same time, he manifests his true body as soon as he feels the strength of Guan Shanbei, which also indicates that his fighting wisdom is not weak.

Yan Jueguo, located beneath the ground, is a world of cannibalism that is countless times more cruel than the land of the Supreme Profound Land. Every demon that can rise up has stepped on the bones of countless other demons and climbed to its current position step by step. .

Therefore, this female succubus did not go to her head because of her anger. The fierce color still appeared in her eyes, and then she completely condensed the poisonous flames of the earth in her mouth, and sprayed directly forward without fancy. Out.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, the place where the poisonous flame breath was pouring out of the succubus's mouth was not Guan Shanbei directly in front, but the long whip in his hand.

After an instant, the demon flame blasted on the long whip, directly as if water poured into a pan, with a hissing sound, it completely boiled.

Immediately afterwards, a materialized poisonous flame spread forward rapidly, containing the extremely violent flame demon aura, like a meteor, following the long whip, blasting forward to the north of Guanshan.

This momentum is so fierce that even within this poisonous flame, one can see the demon claws that only extend outward, and the wailing sounds one after another, and then the billowing poisonous flames become more and more intense, bursting and transforming into A cloud of poisonous flames was immediately pressed down.

The flames cover the top, and the devil roars.

After the horrible and violent aura surged outwards, Guan Shanbei straightened out the robe on top of his body, flying violently because of the violent confrontation, but above the young face of the former, there was still an extremely calm and indifferent.

Although his right hand is not too strong, the thick layer of cocoon in his palm indicates that this is a hand holding a gun!

At the next breath, Guan Shanbei raised his head, watching the ugly succubus who was struggling crazily above, and the poisonous flames in the center of the earth that was crushed down. In the black eyes, the indomitable fighting spirit intertwined.

"The world is vain, it is a devil or a god, and only one shot can break it!"

A young voice came from Guan Shanbei’s mouth, and then this young monk who had risen to fame in the recent Daxia period, held the long whip in his right hand, and at the same time held the left hand of the scarlet spear in his hand, with a sudden force. .

In the next instant, Guan Shanbei took a violent step forward and slammed the spear on the surface of this elevated platform, making a loud noise like a fine iron impact:


This loud noise is particularly violent, just like the morning bell that awakens hundreds of millions of people in the early morning of the city of God, carrying the supreme power to dispel the entire demonic energy and evil charm.

At the same time, the shadows of blood guns began to emerge from Guan Shanbei's body, one after another, forming nine blood guns.

The nine shots formed a formation, condensed inward, and suddenly rose.

In a short while, a beam of blood-colored battle aura light that pierced the sky completely appeared on the high platform in the eastern part of Windheart City. Accompanied by the astonishing unparalleled murderous aura, the beam of light condensed inward, forming a sky-breaking shot.

"Breaking the sky!"

Compared with the previous time when he participated in the secret martial arts performance in Shenjing City, Guan Shanbei at this time has improved beyond his imagination.

At the same time, it went a step further with the use of gun intent, reaching the height of the formation of ideas. At this time, the bursting shot that occupied everyone's line of sight, rose majesticly, and clearly indicated one thing.

The underground magic flame cloud, which was spit out by the succubus with all its strength and added with the power of the magic whip, was seen in an instant, and was completely penetrated by this sky-breaking shot without any obstacle.

At the same time, all the beliefs that belonged to this underground succubus were also penetrated!

Even though this succubus has extremely rich fighting experience, but facing opponents who are much stronger than himself, his mind still begins to tremble, and his faith collapses.

"Come here!"

The word by word continued to be heard from Guan Shanbei's mouth. This angry shout was even more deafening than the previous roar of the Four-armed Buddha.

Below the world, in addition to the power of the Vajra Buddhism, which can naturally suppress the evil spirits, there is also the power of blood billowing like a dragon. At this time, what is flowing within Guanshanbei's body is already beginning to move rapidly. And the boiling human blood.

At the next breath, Guan Shanbei firmly grasped the long whip with his right hand and again violently force, and after pulling it down, he directly wrapped the whip on the long spear standing on the high platform in front of him, circle after circle.

What a violent power erupted in Guan Shanbei's body at this time, even if the succubus had exhausted all his energy and flew backwards, it was also drawn close to the ground for a large amount again.

From the void to the ground, it only took a short while, and it was so fast that it was impossible to react at all, and the cultivators who were watching all this directly let out an exclamation:

"Strange, why doesn't this succubus let go. According to the current situation, if the Yan Jue Country Succubus is dragged to the ground, it must be stabbed to death by a single shot. There is a silver lining."

"It's not that he doesn't want to let go, but that he can't do it!"

As soon as the question of the former fell, a response sounded immediately, and then the monk who opened his mouth to respond, raised his hand to the top, and responded:

"This succubus wanted to let go, but the iron-blooded fighting spirit had already imprisoned the former's body. In other words, this succubus had kicked the iron plate this time!"

As soon as he said this, everyone around him stared at the monk, and their brows jumped fiercely.

Because the Yan Jue Succubus who fled madly in the midair, after a scream, he couldn't take it anymore and was completely pulled down from the void by Guan Shanbei.

Afterwards, Guan Shanbei's slender figure backwards, his hands down, and directly slammed the succubus on the platform.


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