The world governs together, this is the supreme ideal and ambition of the Great Sage Taiqing to the world during this World Taoist Association.

"In today's situation, if there are forces to completely dominate the world, it will inevitably consume countless hours, wars everywhere, and endless battles.

"You should all know that under the troubled times, life is like a must, and in the end it will even lead to Tai Xuan and Lu sinking, and the corpses are all over the field. The Beihai used to be the best example."

In the center of Fengxin City, the majestic and majestic voice from the Great Sage of Taiqing continued to sound, and the three sages of Taiqing suspended above the Taoist lotus of heaven and earth were distracted, slightly sideways, and opened a high-grade Taoist lotus below. Welcome to the first power to step out of Tianyun Mountain.

"The robes are embroidered with the moon, and they are mainly women. It should be the Yueyuezong."

When a group of people took the lead in flying out of the Tianyun Mountain surrounded by white clouds, their exact appearance was directly revealed in front of all the monks.

I saw these monks flying towards the top-grade lotus platform, just as the monks below said, each white clothes fluttering, graceful posture, at the same time, on the robe, several rounds of bright moon embroidered on it, looking from a distance, it looks like a fairy in the sky , Magnificent.

At the next breath, there continued to be ground monks. After a short period of thought, they continued to explain:

"Yue Yuzong, according to legend, was a branch created by a certain empress in the ancient fairy court, who used the power of the moon wheel. The Zongmen Daochang is Mingyue County, the land of Taixuan. It is powerful and should not be underestimated."

When these words fell, the other monks next to him immediately asked:

"Then with Yueyue County's strength, is it qualified to stand on that high-grade lotus platform?"

"It should be no problem."

After the sound of a determined response came out, the monk who spoke first continued to explain:

"Friends of the Daoists don't know that this Moon Ozong Sect is a well-deserved leader in Mingyue County, and there is the blood of the ancient queen in the body, and the talent is extraordinary.

"Moreover, its relationship with the Central Government has always been very shallow. The two forces have always been inseparable from each other. I can even guess whether this case took the lead in flying out of Tianyun Mountain. It means."

As soon as the words came out, the brows of the cultivators around him suddenly wrinkled slightly, and immediately under the gaze of countless lights, a group of cultivators belonging to the Moon Sect slowly landed on a high-grade lotus platform.

At the next breath, a glamorous woman headed by Yue Longzong turned her head and looked at the Taiqing Great Sage beside her with the eyes of a bright moon. After nodding her head, her red lips lightly opened, and an ethereal voice came out. :

"My Moon Obi Sect, I am willing to believe in the Great Sage of Taiqing once."

After speaking, the Sect Master Yueyun retracted his gaze and regained his gaze at Tianyun Mountain below, and continued to spread every word of voice:

"The Saint Court has the intention of annexing the world, but it has no heart for the common people. You naturally know the style of the Saint Court, whether it is the Tiance Palace or the Martial Palace, how domineering it is on weekdays.

"Therefore, instead of being eroded and swallowed one by one, it is better for us to control our own destiny."

After speaking, the Sect Master Yueyue paused, then raised a lot of voice, resounding through the sky again:

"This law of co-governance in the world is not unreasonable. By the way, this is also the will of the central government to go to the country."

The voice fell, and there was a boom, another particularly violent riot, which sounded directly, and the amount of information contained in this statement by the Sect Master Yueyue was not insignificant.

Because it directly shows the central government's attitude toward the country!

Today, the pattern of the Taixuan Land is extremely typical with one super power and multiple powers, and the holy court is naturally the only super power.

The rest, such as the Four Great Kingdoms, the Hidden Shizong Gate, and so on, are all hegemonic powers. Among them, the Taiqing Sect and the Central Shangguo two are the most representative.

In other words, the will of these two families represents the will of most of the remaining sects. Now, the two directly unite and jointly promote the law of co-ruling the world, which can directly shake this from the depths of my heart. In the hearts of those in power who are already hesitant.

In the Taixuan Land, which follows the law of the weak eating the jungle, there is never a shortage of radicals, and at the same time, no one would be willing to become a vassal of another force if it were not forced to do so.

For a long time, the holy court has never been kind to the high-ranking monks. Therefore, at this moment, the hearts of these high-ranking power holders in Tianyun Mountain are suffering an unprecedented shock.

"This repair can be understood. This time, the World Dao Association is the Taiqing Sect and Central Shangguo and other big forces, uniting with the rest of the world cultivators to form the so-called heaven and earth alliance to fight against the holy court!"

With the progress of this world Taoist society, more and more monks began to grasp the hidden context behind this.

Then a complex look began to appear on the faces of these monks.

At the same time, in the eyes of these monks, there is a deep sense of powerlessness, and involuntary, perhaps it is the best portrayal of the hearts of these monks.

However, as far as the high-ranking forces on Tianyun Mountain are concerned, it is unfortunate or fortunate that they still have the opportunity to choose at this time, but they don't have much time left.

Then in the next period of time, in the formation of the major forces within Tianyun Mountain, there was a steady stream of inquiries and answers.

"Elder, in your opinion, what should you do?"

There was an obvious dignity in this question, and then the elders standing behind opened their lips and stopped talking. Finally, after taking a deep breath, they finally gave their answers.

"My lord, if our sect has no attachment to the holy court, then the old man thinks this might be the best opportunity."

The voice fell, and there was another brief silence, followed by a melancholy voice, slowly passed on:

"That's what you want."

As soon as this word came out, this person of the sect who had just made up his mind raised his brows, because in this Tianyun Mountain, another figure crossed out and appeared directly above the void.

However, only one person appeared above the void this time, and he was wearing a full-body white neon feather coat. On the feather coat, peacock feathers interlaced each other and exuded a jade-like luster in the sun.

The tall body, fair skin, and extremely beautiful face make everyone look from a distance as if they saw an indesectable bird of heaven and earth.

This is undoubtedly an elf belonging to the sky!

Then the ubiquitous wind in the entire Fufeng County seemed to sense something, and began to cheer and chant, and began to greet the coming of his own ruler.

Then the monks in Fengxin City looked at each other, and a voice of doubt came out:

"This, is it the Lord of Heavenly Cloud Palace?"

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