The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1975: Walk for the sky

No one knows better than the Heavenly Cloud Palace Lord at this time that the eyes of the Sect Master Taiqing in front of him will never open for someone alone.

Because in his eyes, he sees the general trend of the world, and what he pretends is also the common people of the world!

Therefore, this princess of the sky, who was crowned in one era thousands of years ago, chose to stand on this sky in another identity at this time, standing in front of the Great Sage of Taiqing.

"Woohoo, I didn't expect, I didn't expect that the identity of this princess in the sky is so shocking.

"This Heavenly Cloud Palace is already an indispensable force in the Supreme Profound Land, and behind it, there is even the Fufeng Clan."

With a particularly indifferent voice, the Hallmaster of Tianyun Palace used a particularly indifferent voice. After he reported his house, the entire huge Fengxin City blasted again and completely exploded the pot.

Since the beginning of this world Taoist meeting, these monks who participated in the meeting have experienced too much horror.

Later, some people who knew the inside story continued to speak after a brief period of thought:

"The Fufeng clan, this is an ancient race that has been extremely mysterious since the Xiangong era, including the Fufeng County where we are at this time, are named after this clan, which is enough to show the mystery and power of this clan.

"However, for tens of thousands of years, the Fufeng clan has almost never been born. I didn't expect that the Lord of the Heavenly Cloud Palace would be the princess of this clan!"

As soon as this sound of shock fell, there were several extraordinary overhauls who continued to look up at the sky, and the response came out:

"No, this Fufeng clan was born a few years ago, you might have forgotten someone."


After this questioning sound came out, several insiders pressed their lips tightly, and after hesitating for a few breaths, they spoke softly:

"The third person in the world, the sound of Futing!"

The three words Futingsheng fell, and then the cultivators who opened their eyes narrowed, and the voice continued:

"Maybe you don’t know. A few years ago, in the Tangdu of Shangguo, the third in the world, when the sound of the third house in the world blasted open the fairy gate with a mighty force, the one who accompanied the former into the ruins of the fairy palace was a member of the Fufeng tribe. .

"At that time, the entire sky of Tangdu was shrouded by countless intertwined and cut winds, and the earth-shaking scene made many people unforgettable throughout their lives. Although Ben Xiu has not seen it with his own eyes, so many eyes have seen it. I want to come. Will not cheat."

After speaking, the monk who opened his mouth seemed to have thought of something. He raised his brows and said with an uncertain voice:

"Or there is another possibility that this Supreme Profound Land recognized as the third strongest person in the world is from the Fufeng clan!"

As soon as this statement came out, a stronger color of astonishment appeared in the eyes of a monk, and then that beautiful shadow standing proudly above the void of Windheart City, the weight behind it was in The minds of these monks suddenly became countless times heavier.

Tianyun Palace plus the Fufeng clan, the power behind it is already beyond the level of a high-grade power, and can even be classified as one of the overlord level.

With such strength, no one dared to underestimate it, even the middle-aged man sitting behind the desk in the Tianyun Temple.

At the next breath, Sect Master Taiqing, who was sitting upright and crossed, finally slowly raised his lowered gaze and looked at the figure of neon clothes that he didn't want to look at carefully before. Then a steady voice came out:

"Friend Tianyun, how can you enlighten me!"

After these four words came out suddenly, the Taiqing Qi surging above the void of Fengxin City became more violent in an instant.

At the same time, the Lord of the Tianyun Palace, surrounded by the billowing wind, raised his flawless jade hand, and suddenly waved it in front of him. Words by words sounded outward:

"As we all know, Taiqing Daoist you have always been hidden under the general trend. You are neither like a holy priest, commanding the holy court to dominate the world, nor like the third sound of the court in the world, assisting the central government.

"In other words, you have nothing to do with Taiqing Daoists. You only need to pursue the great road. How can you truly benefit the world and the common people? How can I wait for the forces of the world, and how can I trust you to establish the so-called co-governance of the world? New world system?"

The words of the Palace Master of Tianyun Temple undoubtedly expressed the doubts in the hearts of a large number of monks around, so every monk who heard the words, including those in power of the family, all nodded in agreement.

It is true that everything in this world has cause and effect. This great sage of Taiqing, through the Taoist Society of the World, completely changed his old style of hiding between the heavens and the earth, and even wanted to promote the new pattern of the world in one fell swoop. It will inevitably make people think deeply. , The deep meaning hidden behind this.

Therefore, with an inquiring gaze, Dao directly turned to the direction of the Taiqing Sect Master, and the next breath, the magnificent response from the latter, immediately came out:

"Under the troubled times, the flames of war are raging, and this saint can't bear the world's creatures being overwhelmed by charcoal, so he launched this method to stop Ge Taixuan for a long time.

The words of the Great Sage Taiqing were convincing, deafening, and lingering like a bell in the ears of all monks, but the Princess Fufeng, who stood proudly in the sky, still did not change her face, and continued to speak in a cold and stern voice:

"Taoqing fellow, how can you guarantee that you will not carry this so-called law of co-ruling the world, worry about this creature on your front foot, and change your hands to fight for hegemony that day?

"And once I step on this so-called lotus platform and enter the so-called rank, how can I ensure my own safety?"

As soon as the head of the Tianyun Palace made two rhetorical questions, countless monks subconsciously nodded their heads and agreed:

"Yeah, in today's situation, I can't help but can't help it, so no one dares to trust anyone easily.

"Perhaps this so-called law of co-ruling the world is a guise used by the Taiqing Sect Master, in order to fight against the holy court, and then dominate the world!"

In an instant, one after another voice of discussion sounded, and at the same time, the Qi mechanism above the void of Fengxin City suddenly became particularly murderous.

After that, the monks were silent, waiting for the Taiqing Great Sage's response.

Time passed forward every minute, and finally, Sect Master Taiqing, who was condensed under the countless light, gently turned his head and swept his gaze forward across the entire Fengxin City below.

The gaze of the Great Sage Taiqing still carried magnificent power, and all the cultivators lowered their heads wherever they looked.

At the next breath, everyone’s ears belonged to the Taiqing Sect Master’s response, which sounded directly:

"Everyone, this saint will never do the above-mentioned things, because heaven is watching all this."

The words of the Great Sage Taiqing are unprecedentedly high, resounding like a roar of anger.

When the voice fell, he straightened his body slightly, and the Great Sage Taiqing, who caused the sky to change in every move, opened his lips slightly, and his voice continued to linger around the world:

"This saint's actions are all walking the way for the sky, this shining sky is irreversible!

"Since this saint walked out of the Taiqing Spring alive, he has reached an agreement with this Taixuan Heavenly Dao.

"From now on, I will become a sword in the hands of Heavenly Dao!"

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