Unknowingly, the Hallmaster of the Heavenly Cloud Palace, who had disappeared from the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, had actually become the weather vane for the choices made by a large number of powerful monks in this world's Taoist society, relying on his unique charm.

Therefore, when the head of the Heavenly Cloud Palace, the tall figure dancing in neon clothes and feathers, sinks into the void under the gaze of countless lights, and steadily stepped on the high-grade lotus platform below, using this as a starting point, a large number of cultivators are already excited. We all made the same choice one after another.

In the following period of time, a family followed by a family of high-ranking monks flew out from Tianyun Mountain, tightly pursing their lips, carrying the core disciples and elders of the entire sect behind them, and stepped onto this heaven and earth lotus platform.

"The universe is undecided, you and I are both dark horses. One sect is not strong enough to fight against the holy court, but by combining all the sects, you can indeed play chess with the holy sovereign."

Accompanied by an old voice resounding above the void, another family of people with big robes flying, the imposing manner of the sect, flew out of Tianyun Mountain.

And this family jumped to the void sect, which directly caused a discussion from the monks in Fengxin City below:

"Look at it, after this family of forces set foot on this heaven and earth Dao lotus, almost all of the original 108 high-grade Dao lotus were filled. Doesn't this mean that this time the law of the world is completely successful? , Only half a step away?"

This exclamation fell, and all the cultivators in the city who had reacted fixed their gazes on the magnificent Taoist lotus above their heads, and then a thick incredible color appeared on their faces.

I saw that in everyone's sight, the outermost part of the Heaven and Earth Dao lotus, the 18,000 low-grade Dao lotus was completely filled by the monks of the sect.

Not only that, but further inside, above the 1,800 middle-ranked Dao lotuses that flowed in the air of Taiqing, there were also fascinating figures, without exception.

At the next breath, countless monks in Fengxin City continued to focus their eyes on the center and began to sweep the 108 high-grade Dao lotus at the core.

Today's high-grade Daolian, compared with the empty appearance before, has been completely changed. A high-ranking monk with a compelling aura, standing between the almost materialized Taiqing Qi, although his brows are frowning, but In his eyes, there is still a strong color of determination.

As the head of the powerful forces in power, once they make up their minds, they are bound to be the brave generation. Then these high-ranking monks turned their heads and swept their eyes across the whole body, then their eyes condensed, and they muttered:

"These one hundred and eight high-grade lotus stands are still empty."

"In fact, being able to achieve this level is already extremely impressive."

At the next breath, a voice with a little emotion came from the mouth of another monk, and then the older monk raised his eyebrows and continued to speak:

"In a sense, this time the Taiqing Great Sage promoted the law of co-ruling the world, the most important thing is the number of basic sects.

"Now, the middle-rank Dao lotus is all occupied by forces, including the countless incompetent forces in Fengxin City, even if the upper-rank forces are vacant, it doesn't matter."

As soon as this remark came out, some monks around nodded, and then some monks lowered their sights again, gazing at the huge Fengxin City below, and then said:

"Although I don't know the strength of this holy court, hidden behind the scenes, but at this time, this heaven and earth lotus, or the so-called Tianxia Pavilion in the mouth of the Taiqing Great Sage, is as large as it is now, it can be regarded as a gathering. At least 70% of the combat power on the surface of the entire Taixuan Land.

"Such a situation can be said to be the first time in tens of thousands of years. This suzerain believes that he can still meet this holy court head-on. Without mentioning the odds of winning, it is after all because of his ability to beat his wrists. , Fall on a few sons, save yourself."

Just as the masters of the sect communicated with each other, another sighing voice immediately came from the side:

"I hope so. In fact, we don't have too great ambitions. We only want safety and stability. However, as the Great Sage Taiqing said, if we don't do anything, it is tantamount to waiting for death.

"However, in the opinion of this sect master, if we want to win the world chessboard that determines the age of the era, it is not enough for our sects, and we are still missing the very crucial link."

The sound of this unimportant or unimportant voice made the high-ranking monks on the entire high-grade lotus platform look sideways, and at the same time, they looked at them with inquisitive gazes.

The next breath, this elegant sect overhaul, raised his hand to the top and shook it lightly, without selling it off, directly said:

"You guys have forgotten that in this World Daohui, this Great Sage of Taiqing divided all the forces into the fifth rank and the fourth rank. Among these four ranks, the lower, middle and upper ranks have been divided, so there is still left. At the end of the game, it is also the top rank."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions were horrified, and they blurted out:


These three short words, after being spoken by a high-level modifier, carried an unimaginable weight.

At the same time, above the void of Fengyun City, the Sect Master Taiqing who stood proudly holding the sword in the Tianyun Palace, because of the rolling of the weather, the blue hair and the robe rolled outwards violently.

When every wave of Taiqing Qi surged outwards, the boiling blood in the Taiqing Turbid River under him would be suppressed for one point.

Then the Taiqing Great Sage's left hand was released from the hilt of the Taiqing Longsword that was pulled out a little, and he slapped the front suddenly, and the entire sky was empty, and there was another gust of wind.

After an instant, the billowing clear air once again turned into a long cyan dragon roaring forward, and after opposing each other, directly in the Tianyun Palace, condensed one after another sapphire case table with cyan light.

As soon as these desks appeared, they undoubtedly attracted the attention of all the monks below.

Afterwards, a noble and magnificent aura slammed down like the top of a mountain, and washed over the bodies of all the monks in Fengxin City.

Overlord-level forces must be extremely noble!

After that, countless monks stepped their feet and bowed their heads, trying to see how many sapphire case tables that represented the overlord-level forces in this Tianyun Palace.

"Did you see clearly, how many sapphire case tables are there?"

As the questioning voices from the cultivators came out, in the eyes of the cultivators who looked upward, the color of doubt emerged.

Because they couldn't see exactly how many desks there were in the Tianyun Temple. At first glance, each table was completely condensed, but if they were carefully distinguished, they suddenly became extremely blurred.

"Strange, this is too mysterious, it is impossible to distinguish the specific quantity."

"This is normal, this Great Sage Taiqing may be able to directly delineate the specific number of forces of the remaining ranks.

"But the overlord-level forces can be delineated in a simple sentence?

"That's the overlord level, and every house is the overlord of one party!"

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