The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1984: Buddhism opposed

As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Therefore, even if the Central Shangguo was suppressed by the Holy Court over the entire battle, it was still a well-deserved hegemonic power.

In fact, in a sense, since the collapse of the Immortal Palace tens of thousands of years ago, the Central Shangguo was established outside the holy court, surrounded by a heavy wall.

In other words, if there is no central government, in these long years, the holy court has been blocked from the expansion of the holy court, then the current pattern of the Taixuan land will inevitably be very different, at least this world has the most vitality. The very core of the Central Plains will be included in the Xianting Palace.

But in the current situation, it can be said that the Central Shangguo is confronting the Holy Court head-on with the power of a country. The Tangdu front line, including the Shangxiao City in the east of the Shangguo, has countless monks bleeding and dying at every moment.

If it is said that which power at this time is extremely urgent to complete this law of co-ruling the world, in addition to the initiator, Taiqing Great Sage, it is none other than the Central Government!

Over the past three years of fierce battles, especially the large-scale assaults of the holy court during this period, have consumed most of the heritage of this powerful country. Not only the frontline soldiers have been killed and injured, but even the Yin imperial family itself has fallen to many clansmen. .

Even the emptiness of this kind of background can be glimpsed from the phantom of the King of the Kingdom condensed from the sapphire table in the Tianyun Temple from the moment the dragon turns into the sky.

In the Tianyun Palace, within this rich golden light and the figure of the old monarch lingering in the Dragon Yuan, although the vast and magnificent aura is still pouring outward, some monks with advanced cultivation can still feel a little strange.

Because the old monarch at this time was more rickety than ever, and at the same time, the voice that resounded through the void contained an urgency that even the former hadn't noticed.

"It seems that the recent days when the Central Government went to the country were really not easy."

After the voice of the young and heroic came out of Sima Annan's mouth, immediately following the gaze from the Daxia Treasure Ship, the gaze condensed upwards and gathered in the Tianyun Palace, above the golden figure sitting behind the sapphire desk.

It is worth mentioning that after the old monarch took his seat, he stopped speaking. This indicates that it is only a projection of the will of the Central Government, and also shows the seriousness of the situation at the Central Government at this time.

"The Central Upper Kingdom came here to participate in the Taoist Society of the World, but this old monarch only came to the simplest projection of will, not even a distraction. It can be seen that even this old monarch may have been unable to sit still and directly shot. "

After this particularly solemn voice came out from the mouths of several overhaulers, everyone's hearts were stunned.

However, fortunately, the Central Government has fully demonstrated its will to implement this law of co-ruling the world, which has also made all the monks on the lotus platform of heaven and earth look much better.

At the next breath, a monk in Fengxin City suddenly condensed his eyes, because in the Tianyun Palace, the second sapphire case table, which came out completely and solidly, began to suddenly emit a strong color to the outside.

The sudden appearance of blue energy meant that the second overlord-level force was invited, and then the white clouds floating above the entire Fengxin City, directly under the action of a vast force, gathered inward.

In just a few breaths, although the size of a flower is not big, it is gentle and soft, and the rhyme of Taoism flows through the white clouds, and it cuts through the void, like a teleport, and directly rushes into the white cloud hall that is all white.

"This cloud contains the essence of Taoist rhyme, floating out of the dust, and even has the laws of space. It is not something that ordinary monks can display. If Ben Xiu is right, it should come from the western gateway of the Central Plains, Dayan Xiongguan."

As soon as this voice came out, it had already flown into the white cloud in the Tianyun Palace, hovering directly behind a sapphire case table, motionless.

Then, under the gaze of countless lights, an extremely young figure walked out of the cloud, tapped its right foot, and jumped into the Heavenly Cloud Palace.

In the next breath, the practitioners who saw the exact appearance of this young man from the top down, blurted out directly:

"How come a little Taoist priest?"

As soon as the three words "Little Taoist priest" came out, the riots that rang above each Taiqing Taoist lotus even worsened, and the chaotic sound continued to spread:

"Dao gown, Dao hairpin, this cloud is from Dayan Xiongguan, yes, but this Dayan Temple is also one of the Five Hidden Sects at any rate. It used to belong to the three ancient schools. It was too hasty for a little Taoist from the Guangguang School to come. Right?"

Under the divergent opinions, the little Taoist standing in the Tianyun Temple showed a calmness that was not suitable for his age. He raised his hand to salute in front of him, and said loudly:

"Dayan Taoist Temple, Tingchuan, I have met all Taoists!"

Although the voice of the little Taoist Tingchuan still carries the crispness of a young person, it is neither humble nor overbearing, and looks extremely calm. Immediately after he stood upright, the young voice continued to preach:

"The Buddhism marched eastward, and countless Taoist practitioners in Dayan Pass worked hard to resist. Therefore, it is difficult for the teachers and uncles in the Guan to get out of the east. Therefore, I will represent Dayan Pass by the small path. I hope you will not be surprised."

After finishing the sentence, the little Taoist Tingchuan raised his eyes and looked around. After seeing no one retorted, he gently threw the robe forward, his expression unchanged, and he wanted to sit down slowly behind the sapphire case table.

Because of his young age, the figure of the little Taoist priest behind the sapphire case table seemed a bit thin, but no one spoke to rebuttal.

The determination of this overlord-level power is no better than the low-grade power, and the key lies in the will of the Great Sage Taiqing in the Tianyun Temple.

Obviously, today's Dayan Xiongguan has been recognized by the Taiqing Sect Master, and once the latter admits, let alone a young little Taoist priest, even a babbling child is eligible to sit at this table. after that.

However, the development of the situation always exceeded everyone's expectations. Just after listening to the little Taoist priest in Sichuan, he was sitting cross-legged, and there was a sudden change in Tianyun Mountain.

In the next instant, bursts of Buddhist sanskrit sounds came out directly in Tianyun Mountain, spread out, resounding through everyone's ears, and after the Buddhist sounds, there was the mighty light of the Buddha.

I saw the vast golden Buddha light, like a rainbow soaring to the sky, rushing out of Tianyun Mountain, spreading open, and instantly illuminating the world.

In the next breath, Fengxin City, which was originally especially weird, became even more confusing and confusing with the spread of this rich Buddha's light.

Afterwards, the sound of Buddha's chants sounded more densely above the void, and at the same time, within Tianyun Mountain, a group of figures shrouded in the light of Buddha walked out of the void step by step.

The silhouette of this group of people, with no inch hair and various cassocks, is also headed by a young novice monk.

"This Buddhism is worthy of being the destined enemy of Daoism. The little Taoist priest has not yet sat down with his front feet, and the Buddhism on his hind feet came out to find fault.

"But the strange thing is that this Buddhism is also headed by a little novice. These two forces who fight for life and death in the Western Regions are really interesting."

After this voice fell, the Buddhism group directly stood still in the void, and then the novice monk in the lead raised his hand and applied a Buddhist seal, a voice full of magnetism, and it spread out:

"The Dao Sect wants to sit down at this sapphire case table, my Buddhism is opposed to it!"

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