The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1996: Sword of Defense

The Great Sage of Taiqing drew his sword out of its sheath, called the sun to condense the sword, and the mighty power of destroying the sky and the earth rose into the sky.

Afterwards, all the sect monks in Fengxin City subconsciously agreed that the direction of this rare sharp sword edge was the Great Emperor who had just spoken the words of rejection.

Therefore, the sect monks who jumped sharply in their temples focused their eyes on the dazzling sword in the hands of the middle-aged Tsing Yi man, and at the same time, they feared how shocking the world would erupt after the real conflict between the two parties broke out. can.

But the follow-up development surpassed everyone's expectations. The Great Sage Taiqing, who erected his sword, pierced the sword that contained the mighty power at the beginning of the world to the sky above everyone's head.

Above the sky, Taiqing Daoyan slowly rotated, without seeing any abnormalities, but once he reached the terrifying realm of the Great Sage, he would naturally not be aiming for no reason, it was just a simple sword that pierced the sky.

Therefore, all the sect monks, holding their breaths, continued to mobilize all their spiritual powers, following this Taiqing sword, trying to see how strange is behind the sky, which can make the Great Sacred Realm the strongest. Who blasted this shocking sword.

In the Tianyun Hall, the Taiqing Sect's Sect Master didn't move fast while holding the sword upward, but the whole body, the white and flawless Yunshan Hall, had already begun to tremble violently, and dense cracks appeared one after another.

The next breath, before the Tianyun Temple was unbearable, and before it was about to collapse, the flying figure of Tsing Yi in the White Cloud Hall stepped forward, moving out of the Tianyun Hall, and instantly appeared above the void.

At the same time, the three great sages who were previously distributed in the void of Fengxin City rose up into the sky at the same time, appearing around the Taiqing Great Sage's true body, guarding the latter, forming a three-talented formation.

Subsequently, the materialized Taiqing fluctuations turned into sapphire robes and spread outwards. The three distractions raised their hands to form seals and slowly pushed out the Taiqing Taoist eyes above them.

After an instant, three beams of blue light rose into the sky within the Sancai formation, like an arrow from the string, and blasted into the Taiqing Dao's eye that was rotating clockwise above.


The next breath, a deafening roar, suddenly spread out from within the eyes of Taiqing Dao, as if countless thunders were being gestated, perhaps in the next instant, countless talented thunders would be dropped, sweeping the entire Fengxin City.

There is the unparalleled sword intent of Taiqing in the front, and the majesty of the heavens billowing down in the back, almost slap the monks in Fengxin City below him on the heaven and earth Daolian.

"Puff up your breath, give this Sect Master steady, otherwise you will be fainted by this mighty heavenly might!"

A roar came from the sect masters, but before the words fell, there were still a lot of monks with a low level of cultivation around them, and they slammed forward directly, and the people who hit them turned their horses back, which caused a great chaos on the Taiqing Daolian. .

"With such a strong majesty of the Heavenly Dao, is it possible that the Heavenly Dao will completely obliterate the entire Fengxin City, shouldn't it, isn't the Taiqing Sect Master claiming to be the Heavenly Path?"

The voice with infinite fear suddenly came from the mouth of a powerful sect master repairer.

And as soon as the words fell, in the eyes of all the monks, the Taiqing Dao Eye, which hung high in the highest part of the sky of Fengxin City, suddenly opened after a short while.

In fact, many monks, especially remember that not long ago, this eye of Taiqing, which contained the vast and majesty, was also trembling to open.

But at that moment, the eye was not completely opened, which also made all sect monks especially curious about the appearance behind this eye.

And now, the look after the Taoist Eyes of the Taiqing is finally fully displayed before everyone's eyes!

I saw that with the opening of the cyan eyes, the first color that appeared was black, which was as deep as the night sky.

In other words, this too clear eye actually has the same black eyes as the human race!

"This Taiqing Eye can be said to be a reduced version of the Eye of Heaven. The former possesses this pitch-black eye. Doesn’t that mean that the Eye of the Eightfold Heaven’s Path, which controls the Taixuan Land, actually looks like this pitch black, but why? It's the blood eye that is circulating the matter?"

After this suspicious voice came out, along with the opening of this black eye, the entire world of Fengxin City began to darken rapidly.

The dark eyes of Taiqing Dao obscured the sky and the sky, and also brought Fufeng County under the envelope directly into a dark starry sky.

At the next breath, the black eyes in Dao's eyes began to transform and fluctuate, and at the same time, in the center of the eyes, a huge monster began to gradually emerge.

Even if most of the sect monks present had spent their entire lives, they couldn't really see this thing, but the moment it appeared, everyone's minds had been hit by unprecedented shocks.

That is a huge palace that stretches forever, even though it has fallen into dead silence, it is still unparalleled in power, the world's largest palace!

Above the palace, the majestic Nanxian Gate stands at the forefront, and behind the Nanxian Gate, which is shrouded in pale blue light, is the unparalleled building that represents the strongest era in the Taixuan Land.

"Xianting Sacred Palace, behind this so pure and honest, it turned out to be Xianting Sacred Palace?"

A strange scream was heard from the mouths of all these monks in countless numbers, and then a sharper shout, and then continued to roll out:

"The sky is above, the sword in the hands of the Great Sage Taiqing, but it pierced the eye above, that is to say, this sword did not pierce Da Xia, it really pierced the Xian Ting Sacred Palace.

"That is to say, the Sect Master of the Taiqing Dynasty was going to be the first to blast open the fairy gate like the third sound of the court that day, and participate in the fight with the Lord?"


As soon as this word came out, not only the countless sect monks above the Taiqing Daolian, even Li Chunfeng and others who were at the first level above the Daxia Treasure Ship were shocked, and then they spoke:

"how can that be?"

Before the shocked words fell, he stood with his hands on the deck, and the expression on his handsome face returned to solemn Zhao Yu. He continued to stare at the fairy court palace that appeared in Dao's eyes in front of him. It came out loudly:

"At this time, this sword of Taiqing is not an offensive sword, but a defensive sword!"

After finishing the terrifying emperor's voice, Zhao Yu directly stretched out his right hand and held it against the void. A wooden sword surrounded by silver light appeared directly and was firmly held by the former.

This wooden sword, except for the interweaving of silver and light, is ordinary, and even much smaller than other standard long swords, just like children playing.

Afterwards, the substance of Taboo Emperor Prestige began to burn on this wooden sword, and at the same time, Zhao Yu's aura inside his body stood tall, like a volcanic eruption, soaring rapidly.

"Holy Court, what a big handwriting!"

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