The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2001: The old monarch standing up on the bed

The Great Profound Land is too large, so big that it requires all directions of heaven to be fully controlled.

However, the secret of the heavenly way is something ordinary people can master, so almost everyone will hardly see the eye of heavenly way that represents the radiant and infinite power of the sky in a lifetime.

Today’s night in Tangdu is destined to not be ordinary, and it is destined to be written down in history!

After the dramatic changes of the world, the universe will be completely reversed, day and night will be indistinguishable, and the cold dark night of the battlefield in Tangdu Center, in the short period of time, is completely illuminated by the orange-red light emitted by the heaven and earth blue lantern, and the green light of Taiqing Daoyan. disperse.

However, the intertwined light of the two is not dazzling, so the entire sky that is set off is orange-red like dawn, even with a little poignant beauty.

In this situation, the two commanders on the Tangdu battlefield who were facing each other and charged, ordered Mingjin to retreat in a tacit understanding, and commanded the army to retreat.

Suddenly, the sound of magical powers that enveloped the entire Tangdu, the sound of the rushing to kill, the fear and roar before death, all fell into silence, and the entire Tangdu front line returned to the extremely rare peace of these few days. .

Tangdu has been quiet for a long time, so that the citizens of Shangguo in the middle of the country who are still on the edge of Tangdu breathe a sigh of relief, but they are still buzzing after shaking. Loud head, opened the door and walked out of the house.

Then these people raised their heads and watched the magnificent scene where the Xianting Saint Palace and Taiqing Daoyan were facing each other in the sky above the sky.

In the next breath, their pupils of various colors and the depths of their eyes reflected the sword, the sword of the Taiqing Heavenly Dao that stretched out from within the Dao's eye.

But what is weird is that, in the face of such a terrifying scene, these people in Tangdu, who have been fighting for several years in the Central Kingdom, did not have a very obvious look of astonishment in their eyes, and some were only numb. Bland.

Perhaps for them, no matter what changes have taken place in the whole world, it will not be worse than the current situation.

Meaningless means to fear.

Then these Tangdu guys, who were leaning on the door, took out a stick of dry smoke from their sleeves and took it to their mouths. After a while, they narrowed their eyes and muttered:

"Such a big scene, you won't even let this soup live, right? If all this soup is ruined, it's dead to say, if you get lucky, don't you want to become a homeless tramp?"

After this voice fell with a little dissatisfaction, perhaps he felt the dry smoke in his hand dull. These guys frowned more tightly. After spitting out a smoke ring, he cursed:

"God, this thief, there is something to ruin everything!"

After finishing the words, the agitated men felt that it was not enough, and directly spit on the rare occasion of the hedge above.

After the saliva flew out, it crossed an arc, and finally landed on the ground not far away.

At the same time, in the deepest part of the Yin Palace in the middle of Tangdu, a particularly violent cough suddenly sounded:

"Cough, cough!"

After this cough came out, a worried voice sounded immediately outside the main hall door:

"Maharaja, do you need to let the imperial doctor come and see, the old slave has prepared the Long Yuan Dan."

Along with the sound of this sound, a figure in the bed deep in the palace sat up particularly slowly, and at the same time coughing, together with the old and majestic voice, came out:

"No, you only need to prepare a few more Longyuan Pills. After you take it, you can temporarily suppress the five decays of heaven and man."

After the words of the five decays of heaven and human beings came out, whether it was the old monarch of the central government or the old royal servant who was carrying Long Yuandan and was about to push the door in, his movements were slightly stopped.

Then the old servant at the door put away the different color on his face, and was about to raise his hand to push open the gorgeous door with golden light in front of him, and then he heard the voice of the old monarch resounding in the hall again:

"Is there any news about the third child recently?"

"Back to the Lord, although we have sent people to search the entire eastern part of the upper country, we still haven't found any traces of the Three Highnesses."

In the words of the old insider, any two words are especially emphasized, and his meaning is self-evident.

As the saying goes, you have to see people in life and corpses in death. There is no news at this time, which means that the three princes, Yin Wen, still retain the hope of surviving.

After he finished speaking, in the hall behind this door, apart from coughing, no other words sounded.

Then the old inner official outside the hall door, his complexion began to change for a while, after hesitating for a while, he finally opened his mouth and said:

"My lord, there is something old slave who thinks about it, but I still think it's better to tell you."

After speaking, the old internal official did not continue to hesitate, and raised a lot of sorrows, and then spread out:

"Just now, Elder Longting, who was performing the task of besieging the monks of Tiance Palace in Tangdu, sent news to the palace.

"The news said that His Royal Highness the Eighteen who took the initiative to act as bait have been martyred bravely!"

When this word fell, the air in this hall seemed to be completely frozen, and the temperature inside and outside the hall became particularly cold.

After more than ten breaths, there was an old voice in the depths of the hall:

"My lord knows, tell the news to the world, and treat the mother of the eighteenth kindly. Come in."

"Old slave respectful decree."

After the old inner clerk let out a low cry, he raised his hand and gently pushed open the door of the temple in front of him. At the same time, the red and blue light woven perpendicularly above the Tangdu Sky Vault shone down, passing through the open door of the hall, and shining into it.

At the next breath, the old civil servant with his head slightly lowered raised his head, and the whole person trembled suddenly, and he blurted out subconsciously:

"Maharaja, you?"

At this moment, in the center of the hall in front of the old servant, under the shining light of that not bright light, an old man in a dragon robe was standing upright, and his body was surrounded by an unprecedented solid and vast aura.

"If I remember correctly, the sun has already set at this time, why is it still so bright outside the temple."

After a breath, a lot of deep inquiries sounded in the ears of the old householder, and then the former hurriedly bent his waist lower and explained:

"Your Majesty, the Tangdu Void has changed abruptly since then. Not only did the orange-red lights gleam, but also the fairy palace that lived high in the sky, as well as a round of eyes of heaven."

As soon as he said this, the old monarch in an unprecedented state, his red golden eyes lit up instantly, after a few breaths of thought, his voice came out:

"There is still this matter. Could it be the Tianxia Daohui in Fufeng County, and something has happened, wait for the monarch to take back the clone and take a look."

When the voice fell, the old monarch of the Central Upper Kingdom directly stretched out his right hand and grabbed it in front of him, and then the violent dragon roar sounded directly in the entire palace hall.

After an instant, a shadow of a golden dragon tore out in the void, and one head blasted into the middle of the old monarch's eyebrows, while the latter closed his eyes tightly.

After three more breaths of time, the eyes of the old monarch opened again, and at the same time, in his eyes, there was a roar of violent storms and a roar of ten thousand dragons!

The next breath, word by word, came from the old man who stood up from the bed, resounding in the hall:

"The world governs together, Taiqing has a sword!"

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