The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2003: Ancient Fufeng

Fu Ting Sheng, a person who plays a decisive role for everyone in Central Shangguo.

And in this tens of thousands of years, Taixuan's most prosperous Shang Citizens, such a sentence has been circulating.

I only know Fuqing, but I don't know Taiqing.

This short phrase reveals the prestige of Fu Ting Sheng in the Central Government. It is no exaggeration to say that Fu Ting Sheng Fu Qing is the pillar and backbone of the country.

In fact, under countless years of development, the forces of the Supreme Profound Land of the Houxiangong era, including the four great kingdoms, have almost the same internal structure in order to maintain their inheritance, and all the forces that stand on the ground , Both need a point that cannot be avoided.

That is the overhaul of the Zhenzong with a superb cultivation base!

The Zhenzong major repair is the belief in the minds of all the people, and it is also a manifestation of the power heritage, including this time the World Daohui's competition for the heaven and the earth, and the role played by the high-level monks is very important.

Since ancient times, although Wen has not been the first and Wu has not been the second, no one of the people of the Central Government will be convinced of the name of Fu Ting Sheng, the third in the world.

Because the Fuqing in their minds is a true practitioner, the darling of heaven and earth, and a perfect practitioner.

"Fuqing, my Fuqing is defeated!"

When the old monarchs of the Central Shangguo roared with tears and resounded throughout the central palace square, the dragon court monks who had torn the air and appeared in the square stepped directly on the ground in front of them, and their souls suffered. Unimaginable heavy blow, and a muffled hum was forward.

"Help adults!"

A cry of sorrow came from the mouth of this long Ting Daxiu, and then these people flushed all over their faces, and pressed the corners of their mouths to prevent the gushing blood from flowing from the corners of their mouths.

In the next breath, a high-level Dragon Court monk with extremely violent auras raised their heads and watched the changing wind and clouds above, the horror scene like a myth, and finally it was difficult to restrain the shock of the soul, wow, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Above the nine-layer sky, the faintly burning Taixuan burning lamp in front of the Xianting Sacred Palace exudes waves of orange-red light outwards.

Because of the infinite distance, in the eyes of the ground monks, this lamp is actually a small point, which is like the light of stars seen when the ground looks up at the sky.

But no one would dare to look down upon this star-like light spot, because it was this lamp that dispelled the infinite darkness of the entire world, and almost all of the huge central Shangguo was shrouded in this dim light.

Orange-red lights shining on the faces of countless ground monks, and at the same time the sword of heaven that pierced Taiqingdao’s eyes, like a comet that pierced the void, dragging a long splendid tail flame, moving forward. .

The outer sky above the Nine Heavens was developed by the fairy palace with countless manpower and material resources. Therefore, whether it is from the ground of the central Shangguo below, or the Fufeng County where the Tianxia Daohui is being held at this time, it is unimaginable between them. distance.

As a result, in everyone's eyes, even if this sword of utter clarity had already shattered the law of space, it rushed forward like a teleport, but in the sight of the cultivator below, it was still moving forward very slowly.

In fact, as far as the Central Shangguo monks who have suffered from the flames of war and are numb, they can't understand how terrifying the scene where the sword of Taiqing above the sky is piercing the lamp of Taixuan.

At the same time, they couldn't imagine that if this sword burst out completely, it might wipe out their fragile lives.

"Mother, don't you say that this sword is really gorgeous. It is worthy of being the Taiqing Sect Master, one of the most powerful in the world. Look at the thoroughness of the sky and the Taiqing torrent surrounding this sword. Above the ground, I am afraid that half of the county land can be cut directly, right?"

On the front line of Tangdu's frontline battlefield, several generals who had just fought in blood, sat on the ground with a big butt, leaning against the blood-stained city wall behind them, and a rough voice sounded.

After this word fell, several soldiers of different ages around nodded and agreed:

"High-ranking monks have powers that we can't even imagine. Lao Tzu hopes that the sword of the Sect Master of the Taiqing can slay all the bits and pieces in the Celestial Palace to death with one sword."

"How easy is it."

The silly voice just fell, another older veteran, but his head was far away, and then he continued to speak:

"Xianting Sacred Palace, as the site of the once Xianting, possesses one of the most extreme defenses in the world. Just this Nanxianmen has the supreme power of Zhenshan, Zhenhai, and Zhenwu, even the former Xianting. During the period, in addition to the town's envoy, there were fewer than two hands that could push the gate with strength.

"Our Central Shangguo, as the successor of the fairy palace, was supposed to serve as the ruins of the fairy court, but it was really hateful to be occupied by the old thief and the magpie's nest for so long.

After the heavy anger and unwillingness flashed on the face of the old general, the general in silver armor raised his hand and wiped the blood on his face, and the voice continued:

"It is precisely because of the power of the Nanxian Gate that helped Lao blast open the Fairy Gate a few years ago, that made us people feel extremely proud."

As soon as the word "help old" appeared in the veteran general's collar, the eyes of the generals who heard the words suddenly lit up, and then a younger general relaxed his somewhat restrained body and said:

"Although the Taiqing sword above this is the most vast and most powerful magical power I have ever seen in my life, but I still think that the old man who went to the country is the strongest monk in Taixuan!"

Young Xiao said this with great certainty, showing his almost worship-like confidence in the sound of Futing. Then the former stretched out his right hand and pressed the blood-colored city wall beside him, and the young voice sounded again:

"Waiting for the old man who blasted open the gate of the fairy palace, once the Holy Venerable was killed in the Lingxiao Hall, then this battle can be quickly ended. I have said it to others. When the war ceases, I will go to the other girl's house. Propose marriage."

After speaking, the young man's face was filled with shame and triumphant smile, which made the surrounding people laugh tacitly.

Then the old general who spoke before stretched out his scarred right hand, slapped the former's head with a slap, and joked:

"It seems that your kid's lifelong affairs are tied to helping the old man. Helping the old is kind. If your kid kills more enemies, maybe his old man knows it and will come to be your witness."

"That kid really can't ask for it!"

These joking sounds had just fallen, and the world suddenly changed, and a loud and violent noise like thunder and ears rang down from the top of the sky.

This violent thunder and thunder shattered the extremely rare tranquility of Tangdu, and also caused this group of soldiers from the Central Government who were joking with their front feet to cover their ears subconsciously.

At the next breath, everyone raised their heads again, and was shocked to find that the South Fairy Gate of the Xianting Sacred Palace, which occupies a whole half of the sky, opened outwards impressively under the continuous roar.

At the same time, a green-yellow haze wind that can be seen by the naked eye gushes out from the Nanxianmen, like endless yellow sand flowing out of the fairy palace, and in a blink of an eye, it turns into an invisible, stateless, extremely huge giant beast against the sky.

"Fufeng, this is ancient Fufeng, right?"

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