The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2005: The second way to heaven

The Fufeng clan, Lanfeng is the body, shaped like the sky, after falling down, it looks like the dome has fallen.

And when the turning point of this upheaval of heaven and earth begins with the death of the mysterious and powerful Fufeng clan as the prelude, then the subsequent development is destined to be earth-shattering.

A look of horror, extremely horrified, appeared on the face of every Central Shangguo in Tangdu.

It is true that Dadao's best thing is to obliterate the madman's Luotuo, and when the ancient Fufeng rushed out of the fairy palace, how ecstatic these people of the upper country were, then they are now hundreds of times panic.

The bright hand that stretched out from the burning lamp of Tai Xuan and overturned the photograph not only extinguished the vitality of the ancient Fufeng, but also directly shattered the inner hope of all the cultivators of Central Shangguo.

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible!"

With an incredible whisper, it continued to be heard from a monk who was in the middle of the kingdom, and then these people, regardless of their cultivation level, all spit out a mouthful of blood, their complexion extremely pale.

When the faith that supports the move forward in the heart, after the complete collapse, the cultivators and generals who have been suffering from war and chaos, the cultivators and generals of the country, what emerges from their hearts is extremely desperate.

Despair and fear are the devil ingrained in everyone's heart, and when this devil is released outwards, it is the vital Tao heart of the monks that impacts.


On the front line of Tangdu’s battlefield defense line, as the ancient Fufeng fell downward, the old general who was originally full of joy, after his face flushed violently, spouted a mouthful of blood forward and fell straight back. .

"Old General!"

A cry of exclamation came from the soldiers behind him, and then the soldiers rushed up and supported the fallen old general, watching the latter's eyes without spirits, blood gushed out, and murmured:

"It's over, it's over, it's all over!"

After this murmur with infinite despair came out, above the sky, the golden dragon of Shangguo that was rushing up, opened his mouth and let out a dragon roar that shook the sky:


This shocking dragon roar caused the soup, which was slapped into the deadly silence, to be stunned, and then the majestic voice of the old monarch resounded through the world:

"I'm not dead yet, what are you waiting for?"

Di Yinbi, another golden dragon pillar of light that penetrates the sky and the earth, rises immensely within the Yin palace. At the same time, among the pillars of light, one after another giant figures of ancient wild dragons appear, intertwined and intertwined, and they are instantly facing each other. Outward pouring out infinite dragon power.

This shocking scene of Wanlong's awakening appeared after Tangdu, together with the roar of the old monarch, pulling the souls of countless people back into the abyss of despair, and then one after another knelt forward and shouted loudly:

"The enemy is at present, we must be cowardly before the fight, we shall die!"

After the overwhelming shouts sounded, this golden pillar wrapped around ten thousand dragons rushed toward the sky at a speed that was almost teleporting.

"Panlong Great Formation, open!"

Accompanied by the old monarch’s roar that resounded across the sky, the Ten Thousand Dragons Golden Light Array, together with the materialized Golden Light Longwei, directly caught up with the golden dragon arrow that rushed towards the Taixuan burning lamp. After the two merged with each other, they turned into A spear of the dragon, one after another, tore open huge pits in the depths of the sky.

After just a few breaths, the dragon's spear hurriedly approached the outer heaven barrier where the Xian Ting Sacred Palace was located above. At the same time, the dazzling hand that stretched out from the burning lamp was raised again. Then the next time for the second time.


Between the sky and the earth, a sharp hiss suddenly sounded, and the second palm that was overturned by this hand directly shot out the incomparably bright hand covering the sky.

After an instant, the void sky dome of Tangdu was no longer a hazy orange-red color, but a completely bright light, and even almost every inch of the space was filled with the dazzling light of diamonds.

Afterwards, this dazzling hand that covered the sky extended downwards, and slapped the ancient Fufeng's body with another palm, making the latter fall even faster.

But this is far from over, the next breath, this big hand covering the sky, without fancy, directly presses on the body of Ancient Fufeng, and then all the way down.

Such an extremely violent scene, when viewed from below, is like an incomparable big hand, pushing another behemoth into the turbulent bottom of the sea in a shocking posture.

After a breath, within the Tai Xuan burning lamp, the magnificent voice that could not be rejected once again came out loudly:

"The sound of the court is dead, and you have exhausted the energy of waiting for the central government to go to the country, even if you struggle again, it will be in vain."

This word from the Holy Venerable, with incomparable certainty, then the hand that pressed down to cover the sky became more violent and faster, and even caused the massive Lanfeng in the ancient Fufeng body to begin to shatter and disintegrate. , Turned into wisps of wind fragments, flying around.

These bluish-yellow wind fragments are like ashes after the burning of the wind, dragging a long tail flame, extremely beautiful.

This may be the last swan song of this ancient Fufeng!

"Holy Lord, you and I have been right for so many years, our central government has been strong and strong, so how can it be shaken by a few words?"

For some reason, when he said this, the old monarch in the center of the palace was already tall and tall and tall.

Afterwards, dense golden dragon scales appeared on the former's body, opened his mouth, and without hesitation, he spit out a golden dragon's breath toward the place where the fairy court holy palace was located above.

The old monarch of the Central Shangguo, at this time, opened the imperial palace underneath the long dusty Panlong formation in one breath. The purpose is very clear. That is to use this Panlong formation to directly connect the ground and the sky. The separated nine heavens.

The existence of Tianwaitian is particularly mysterious. It represents the aloft of the fairy garden, but the fairyland is different. If the Central Kingdom wants to conquer the holy court, it must open up a way to the sky.

For countless years, there was only one way to climb the Heavenly Immortal Palace outside the sky, and that was the ladder above Tangdu, but now, after the emergence of the Panlong Golden Pillar, there is a second way to climb the sky!

"This Central Highland is hidden deep enough that there is a large formation comparable to the ladder of heaven, breaking through the shackles of the nine heavens and reaching the outer heavens."

When the dragon’s spear surrounded by the golden pillars of the Panlong Array completely tore through the nine heavens and approached the outer sky barrier, above the Tangdu Void, among the holy court defense line composed of countless floating fortresses, one big The voices of the monks communicating with each other sounded immediately, and then a more solemn voice sounded immediately:

"Never let this gun blast through the outer sky barrier, otherwise the army of the Central High Kingdom will go directly to the Xian Ting Sacred Palace, which is extremely detrimental to our holy court."

As soon as this loud cry came out, and the next breath, several great powers from the palaces, no longer hesitating, swept the vast supernatural powers directly forward, and uttered an angry shout:

"Shoot, cut off this formation!"

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