The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2014: Death charge

Between heaven and earth, there is always something that can give creatures the courage to overcome the fear of death.

At this time, Chenglong moved forward, turned into a mighty torrent, and roared towards the soldiers of the Central Highland where the Immortal Palace Sacred Palace was, they had already forgotten their own life and death.

Now they, in their chests, there is only the intent to fight, and at the same time they know the raging flames of war in the sea, the souls and eyes of every warrior who are burning.

"Kill, kill!"

The deafening shouting and killing, together with the trembling sky outside the sky, wrapped in an unstoppable infinite aura, turned into an ancient wild dragon in advance, and rushed straight to the fairy palace.

At the same time, outside the Xianting Holy Palace, the Holy Court monk who rearranged the line of defense began to become extremely cold and stern, and he opened his mouth with a loud roar:

"Arrange the formation and face the battle. Never let these people from the central government approach the Xianting Holy Palace and invade the Lord!"

After the sound of this command lingered in all directions, countless monks in the holy court and palaces then began to spread out, also assuming a magnificent posture of challenge.

Very often, when the cultivators on both sides confronted each other and rushed, a single cultivator seemed so insignificant. Even the superior of the terrestrial gods and fairyland did not dare to say that he could be surrounded and killed by countless people. retreat.

But there are exceptions to everything, there is no doubt that the monks of the Great Sacred Realm are that kind of exception!

The next breath, just as the cultivators on both sides were about to face each other, outside the Nanxian Gate, the bright figure with a blue lamp stood on his shoulder, raised his hand, and lightly picked off the lamp on his shoulder. .

This pick is not only a ball of flames, but also a big holy eye!

Then the Holy Venerable held the fire, facing the direction from which the army from the central government charged from afar, and squeezed forcefully, an extremely indifferent voice came out:

"The Lord has given you tens of thousands of years to find a way to coexist with this world, but now the entire Supreme Profound Land is still trapped in a quagmire, and there is no improvement.

"And now, the benevolence of the Lord has reached its maximum limit, so let's start with you waiting for the central government to go to the country."

The voice of the god-like voice fell, and the eye in the hands of the Lord was directly crushed.


Immediately, a sound that was not loud and harsh, resounded outside the Nanxian Gate, and everyone felt the emptiness around them, completely changed.

The darkness and silence that originally belonged to the outer sky completely disappeared, and replaced by a world intertwined with countless orange-red streamers, and in the uppermost sky of this world, a huge red eye is hanging high above the sky like a big sun. superior.

"Yin Zun, without the sound of Futing, you and the people from the central government will die as many as they come!"

As soon as this statement came out, the countless regular streamers intertwined around the eyes of the Tao, after a short while, directly turned into streamer arrows pouring down, smashing the sky and the earth and fell against the assault army of the central upper country.

Every streamer ruled down, and wherever it passed, there would be an ancient dragon that was charging, together with the countless soldiers on its body, completely obliterated into blood mist and powder.

This kind of obliteration was silent, even just a moment of effort, but it caused the monks in the army of the central government to count down in an instant, and opened their mouths with a wild roar:

"Damn, damn, avoid these streamers, avoid them!"

All of a sudden, a barren dragon dodged to the side, and the entire Shangguo charge was directly frustrated. In this case, it was like a turbulent wave and torrent that was cut off by a dam falling from the sky.

Then on the back of a huge wild dragon, a young general, turned his head and looked at the whole body that was suddenly illuminated by orange-red light, with a voice of fear, spreading out:

"General, the lieutenant of our army, as well as the whole dragon's brother, are all dead, and they were turned into fragments and powder, not even a drop of blood splashed out!"

After the roar came out, in front of the young general, a general wearing silver armor, holding a large sword high in his hand, turned his head slightly, and opened his mouth to yell:

"As a soldier of the upper kingdom, you should be timid before fighting, and you will continue to fight straight, even if you die, you must cut the sword in your hand on this fairy palace!"

As soon as this scolding sound came out, the wild dragon under him seemed to feel such a determined will. After raising his head and roaring, he stopped evasive and directly followed a straight line, like an arrow from the string, and continued to charge.

"Chong, Chong, step on the South Immortal Gate and punish the holy court thief!"

Then countless roars rolled out again, resounding under the eyes of the entire Dao, one after another huge barren dragons, no longer evasive, and even slammed into the sky in the light of the rules of the Great Sage.

"Ho **** ho ho!"

The one after another roar in the void indicates how tragic this charge is. The rules created under the eyes of the Holy Venerable Dao possess unimaginable power, and without fancy, it obliterates countless soldiers of the country.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a picture that trembles with fear and admiration no matter who reads it.

Because this is a death charge!

Every minute and every second, there are countless soldiers with flesh and blood, who are instantly split into powder by the streamer of the Great Sage's rules.

No screams, no screams, but these are all living lives!

Behind the entire Dao’s eyes, in the outer sky, the dense scarlet blood fog began to roll outward like a wave of fog, and within the blood fog, a creature in the middle of the kingdom is still fearless. charge.

Not only that, there are countless monks in the entire Tangdu land, even the rest of the central Shangguo outside Tangdu city, piercing the void, and galloping towards the Panlong golden pillar that penetrates between the heaven and the earth.

Afterwards, these cultivators from the Central Shangguo clenched the sharp blades in their hands, plunged into the sky-reaching light beam in front of them without hesitation, rose by the dragon, soared to the sky, and then joined the intrepid charge.

All the people of the Central Government are using their living flesh and blood to show that they and the soldiers around them are not fighting alone.

Even if it is blasted into powder by the rules, there will be a steady stream of monks to practice their will, until they rush to the Heavenly Fairy Palace.

"The Central Government, not afraid of death, rush!"

The earth-shaking roar, resounding through the sky, followed by waves of rushing monks before and after, the entire army of the Kingdom, against the rules of the eyes of the Lord, began to step closer to the location of the Xianting Sacred Palace. .

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, you can't get up anymore, let the old minister charge instead for you!"

At the same time, on top of the head of an ancient dragon in the Golden Pillar of Panlong, following the struggle of the weak aura, the old monarch stood up, and the trembling and pleading voice of the old monk at the side came out again:

"The old minister begs your Majesty!"

"Let me go."

At the next breath, the old monarch’s response was incredibly flat, and then he raised his head and looked at the end of the charging torrent. The voice that could not be rejected continued to sound:

"My people are killing the enemy, how can I back down?"

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