The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2023: Guns from the Sea of ​​Despair

"Great Sage Taiqing, this is the Great Sage Taiqing that appeared outside the South Xianmen of Xianting Saint Palace, right?"

When the figure holding a sword and flying in Tsing Yi was blasted out by the holy lord’s vast and extremely bright streamer, a punch in the void of space, the blurted voice made it easy for all the monks in Fengxin City to speak together. All sounded.

Then these people hurriedly turned their gazes to look above the void of Fengxin City, only to see the figure holding the sword that stood upright in the sky, in an instant, like a mist of water, shattered and disillusioned, disappearing without a trace.

Such a weird situation means that Sect Master Taiqing, who has been holding Fengxin City and traveling through the endless emptiness before, is actually just a great saint distraction before.

"It's just a distraction, and you can stand up to the entire Fengxin City, smash the endless void, and move to Taiwaitian. The cultivation base of this Great Sage Taiqing is terrifying, terrifying!"

"Didn't you hear what the Holy Venerable just said in person? He said that among all the monks in the entire Houxiangong era, Futing Sheng had the highest realm, balanced offense and defense, and unworked skill, which can be described as a shield of supreme mysteriousness.

"And the Sect Master Taiqing in front of us is the highest in comprehension, grasping the Qi of Taiqing when the world was first opened, killing Wushuang, is the sword of the Taixuan of this era!"

When the monk uttered the four words of the sword of Taixuan, he had an obvious color of worship, and then because of the destruction of the Taiqing Distracting God above Fengxin City, he was still moving forward to the big city, so he completely stopped. Above the void of this place outside the sky.

However, the hearts of countless monks in the city continued to vibrate crazily to an unprecedented degree, and they almost wanted to jump out of their chests, because outside the Nanxian Gate, that peerless confrontation belonging to the strongest had just begun.

From beginning to end, this great sage of Taiqing made one sword, and he also only made one sword!

That is the real Taiqing sword!

Outside the Nanxian Gate, because of the heavy punches from the Holy Venerable and the countless streams of destruction that poured out, everything in front of him was destroyed in an instant, including the ruins suspended above the void, all crushed into pieces.齑粉.

At the same time, in front of the Lord, in the deepest part of the space that had been stripped layer after layer, the mighty and dazzling stream of light came forward, forming a dazzling star and galaxy, and facing the void and deep with the force of overwhelming mountains and seas The cyan figure at the place was photographed immediately.

In the next breath, two faint words came out of the Holy Venerable's mouth, and these short two words carried a terrifying murderous intent that made everyone's creeps.

"World Annihilation!"

After an instant, this world-destroying intent was blasted outwards in the shining galaxy, and directly turned into a hand that covered the sky, completely covering the head of the Great Sage of Taiqing.

At the same time, everyone can clearly feel that this big hand covering the sky is completely different from the supernatural powers that the Lord used to make shots in the past.

Because the dazzling light radiating from the inside and outside of this hand is no longer a diamond-like white, but the ultimate scarlet that contains the power of infinite extinction.

In other words, this is the real hand of annihilation!

At the same time, besides the rules of destruction created by the Lord himself, on the surface of this hand of destroying the world, there is also a strong and extremely rich breath of the **** of insomnia!

What is annihilation?

Every time the crisis of annihilation in the Taixuan Land is almost inseparable from the sleepless people in the Chaos Deshen Sea, and the power of sleeplessness is displayed with the body of a living person, which means that the palm of the Lord has nothing Reserve.

Facing the sharpest sword in the Houxiangong era, even the saint who claims to be invincible in the world, dare not keep any hands!

"Destroy God!"

After an instant, outside the South Immortal Gate, the voice of the incomparable indifferent voice of the Holy Venerable rang out again, and after the hand of the world, the power of the **** of destruction, which destroyed the world, immediately followed.

And after the manifestation of the power of the **** of destruction, it was a sea, a sea of ​​chaos that appeared in the hands of the world.

I saw that under the big scarlet hand that was photographed head-on by the Great Sage Taiqing, the void was once again shattered, and under this broken gap, an aura that made all living creatures terrified suddenly came out.

This breath, even if it only appeared a little bit, had already caused all the monks of the sect in the outer sky to change their expressions wildly. They looked at each other, trembling and inconceivable voices, and said:

"This is Mie Shenhai's sleepless breath, right, this Sect Master shouldn't feel wrong?"

After this word came out, these sects were overhauled, raised their heads, looked at the hand of World Exterminator where the void was still shattering above, muttered and continued to speak:

"Impossible, this Holy Venerable is obviously a living person, how can he mobilize the Chaos and Destroy the Sea? This is totally unreasonable!"

As soon as this statement came out, on the other side of Fengxin City, on the deck of the Daxia Treasure Ship, a young voice from the Southern Heavenly King Chang Xiliu slowly sounded:

"It is said that in Shengting Martial Palace, there is a so-called second philosopher, who was born in Chaos Deshen Sea but was magically undead. Therefore, he was born to be able to stay under the aura of Huangquan of Deshen Sea for longer than ordinary monks. The weird ability.

"It is precisely because of this ability that the second philosopher of the martial arts can control the chains of the **** of destruction in the chaos fortress, and release the mighty power of chaos to the east of the central kingdom. It has brought great trouble."

Because this second philosopher of Wugong had a prominent reputation on the battlefield of Chaos Goddess Sea, he was no stranger to the Nantian King Xiliu who had fought in the Goddess Sea all the year round.

But then, I felt the chaos and extinguishing aura that seemed to be gushing out directly in front of me. The dignified color in the eyes of this blonde flying woman from the Jade Axis Fire Mansion appeared, and the cold voice came out again:

"I thought that the second philosopher of the martial arts palace was the living person who had the closest connection between the entire Taixuan Land and the Chaos Deshen Sea. I didn't expect this saint to be even more outrageous!"

Chang Xiliu, with an extremely solemn complexion, used two words that are outrageous to describe the saint’s move, which is enough to show the horror in his heart. Then Sima Annan standing on the edge of the deck, his dark eyes flashed, and asked:

"Ms. Chang, although the North Sea was once attacked by the Chaos Sea, Wu Daxia knows very little about the Chaos Deshen Sea. I don't know how the forces in the Chaos Sea are divided?"

As soon as the question came out, Chang Xiliu, who stood holding his hand not far away, did not hesitate too much, and the response immediately sounded:

"The forces in the Chaos Sea are much simpler than our Taixuan Land. The sleepless people rule the entire Deshen Sea, and among the sleepless people, the Lord of Chaos is respected."

The four words Lord of Chaos, Chang Xiliu said very solemnly, and just about to continue to speak, his pretty face suddenly lifted, and he opened his mouth and said:


The voice fell, and outside the Xianting Saint Palace in front, the space under the Great Destroying Hand was completely shattered, and then the turbid Deshen Sea water began to surge outwards in this void, and a large palm was formed in a blink of an eye. The sea.

The sea in the palm destroys the gods and the world, shaking the world.

However, in the next breath, in the depths of the void where this World Destroying Hand was broken, a low dragon howl suddenly came out.


This sound of howling was a roar of a dragon and a roar of a gun. As soon as it sounded, the people in the front of the Daxia Treasure Ship stood on the deck like petrification!

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