The sky outside the sky, the rules of murderous madness surging, the voice from the saint looking at the world, continues to sound like thunder:

"Taiqing, your sword is not good enough!"

These three words are not enough, with an undoubted domineering voice, the scarlet eyes behind the Lord will suddenly begin to fluctuate violently, and the rules of destruction intertwined within it slowly rotate.

At the next breath, on the right hand that the Lord lifted upward, countless ferocious rules of destruction appeared, and if someone looked at the Lord’s hand from a quiet distance, they would be terrified to discover that these destructions Within the rules, there are countless sharp mouths full of fangs.

After an instant, these densely popped sharp mouths opened all together, making a silent neigh. At the same time, within the chaos tornado that was directly cut in half by the dragon of Taiqing, the one that was magnified countless times. The huge mouth of the tooth emerged directly.


Then a weird roar rolled out from within the huge mouth of the fangs, and then the huge mouth opened outwards, swallowing the Taiqing dragon in front of him with one mouthful.

At this moment, the bright blue light of Taiqing outside Nanxianmen disappeared instantly, and then there was a deep silence.

At the same time, the sect monk in Fengxin City, who had just raised his arms and shouted, was like a duck with his throat directly pinched, and his voice stopped abruptly.

In front of everyone, the light of Taiqing that could have been divided into courts dissipated in an instant, and then the scarlet light, which symbolized death and destruction, completely filled the entire void, and pierced into all the sects deeply like a knife. The mind of the monk.

The fight between the strongest overhauls is naturally changing rapidly. From the original Taiqing dragon's infinite edge and indomitable front, to this time, it was completely swallowed by the chaotic giant mouth, and it only took a short and incomparable moment.

"Swallow, this Great Sage Taiqing was completely swallowed up!"

With a trembling voice, it came from the mouth of a monk in Fengxin City, and then these monks looked at each other, and all of them could see the obvious panic in each other's eyes.

The next breath, these sweaty sect overhaulers, just about to continue to speak, their temples continued to jump fiercely, and directly turned their heads, looking at the fairy palace in front of them, the color of ecstasy in their eyes, once again appeared And out, blurted out:

"Qing Mang, look at it, in this chaotic tornado, Qing Mang, which symbolizes the aura of Taiqing, has appeared again!"

As soon as this statement came out, a particularly violent riot occurred directly in Fengxin City, and then under the hands of the mighty destruction of all things, the light of Taiqing, which had been swallowed and completely dissipated, suddenly appeared again. .

It was the first strand at first, followed by the second strand, and finally the third strand.

Three strands of green light represent the three swords of Taiqing, and they are also three Taiqing sages at the same time!

"Not dead, the Great Sage of Taiqing, who was enveloped in chaos and death, didn't even die!"

Along with the monks in Fengxin City, the mountains roared like a tsunami, and the light of Taiqing that began to shine under the palm of the world became more and more dazzling, and at the same time, it became clearer and clearer.

I saw within the body of that giant chaotic beast, the green shirt fluttering, and the violently dancing Taiqing Sage, still holding the sword and steadily moving forward, and what is shocking is that even if it is deep in the boundless chaotic Dead Sea, its But still moving forward, fearless and fearless.

A sword of light and cold will set Tai Xuan, and the sword aura will be thousands of miles away!

This eye-catching infinite will, together with the vastness of Taiqing, directly tore the chaos and death of the whole body, directly impacted all the hearts and minds of all people, and also caused the original morale to fall into a slightly depressed Central Shangguo assault army. , Once again ignited the infinite fighting spirit, and raised their arms and roared:

"Chong, Chong, kill!"

At the next breath, the forefront of the assault army stretched out his left hand, and the old monarch of the Central Shangguo who had crushed the neck of a sacred court in front of him, released his hand, and allowed the completely dead sacred monk to slide down. , And at the same time raised his arms and opened his mouth, let out a roar:

"The Taiqing Sage still holds the sword forward, and this battle is far from over. The soldiers of the Central High Kingdom, along with me, completely broke the line of defense composed of these holy court people, boarded the Xianting holy palace, and brought the chaos back to righteousness. , Set foot on the sky!"

After the four words of stepping on the sky came out, it completely ignited the fighting will of the soldiers in the middle of the country, which was boiling to the limit. The speed of the entire army was shattered in the direction, so that the Holy Court monks were already at risk The line of defense was completely collapsed and completely defeated.

"Turn the chaos and return to the sky, step on the sky, turn the chaos and return to the sky, step on the sky!"

Under the uniform roar of iron and blood, a torrent of soldiers rolling forward, on the other side of the Xianting Saint Palace, stepping on the body and blood of the monk of the Saint Court, hurriedly approaching outside the Nanxian Gate, and then the soldiers who charged ahead. , The iron and blood killing intent on his face almost reached the limit.

Because within their eyes, the platform on the other side of the Nanxianmen in front of them is almost in front of them. At the same time, it also means that the final long-cherished aspirations of generations of Central Shangguo will be realized in their hands.

Once you step outside the South Fairy Gate of the Immortal Palace in front of you, it will be the real final battle!

At the same time, the other side outside the Nanxian Gate was still a scene of destruction where the gods and demons were afraid.

And the middle-aged body in the blue shirt that reappeared in the body of the Chaos Giant Beast, two crazy swords of Taiqing, revolving and cutting around this thin figure.

These two Qingmang long swords, which are transformed into a sanctuary by Taiqing, are wrapped in the supreme edge that cuts everything. At the same time, they completely chopped all the chaotic and miraculous sea waters that poured into them, turning them into defensive barriers, and tyranny. The chaotic sea water is completely blocked out.

As we all know, the sea water of the Chaos Destroying Sea has the terrifying power of destroying all vitality. At this time, the Taiqing Sheng standing proudly within it is probably the only one who has completed this incredible since the Houxiangong era. The existence of lift.

Taiqing Qi is worthy of being one of the original treasures when the heaven and earth first opened. The vitality possessed by it is beyond imagination. At the same time, it also makes the Holy Venerable who stands outside Nanxianmen in front of Scarlet Dao's eyes, a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes. The color.

At the next breath, this dazzling figure who seemed to dominate the world continued to raise his left hand, and after overlapping it on top of his right, he pressed it down severely, an extremely cold voice, rolling out:

"Destroy the sky!"

Destroy God, destroy the world, destroy the sky.

Following the previous two ways of destroying the gods and destroying the world, this third type of magical powers once again appeared under the hand of the destroying world, and this type of magical powers, the Lord has only one purpose.

Extinguish the sky, the way of heaven is extinct, and the one that exterminates is Taiqing!

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