Only the most pure sword knows where it is going.

At this time, the sword held by the Sect Master of the Qing Dynasty was undoubtedly the most pure, and at the same time it was clearest about the direction it was going to stab.

Taiqing is the sword of the Heavenly Dao, destined to be the Heavenly Dao, sweeping away all obstacles, and for the Heavenly Dao, who is now striving to open a new era, it has come from the old age and occupies the entire fairy palace ruins, and knows countless hidden holy deities. The biggest cancer!

No one knows what happened when this Great Sage of Taiqing jumped into the fountain of Taiqing, but since then, he has become the sharpest will of heaven.

Unlimited edge, shred everything!

Throughout the sky outside the sky, all the monks who watched the fighting of the strongest outside the South Immortal Gate understood that when the Taiqing Sect Master waved his guardian wings and smashed the three-level barriers before appearing in front of the Lord, this The war situation has completely reversed.

The conversion between offense and defense was only in a flash, and in just one face, the Heaven-Extinguishing Blood Armor condensed outside of the Lord's body was directly cut into countless cracks without fancy.

In particular, the armor of the right hand that directly held the blade of the sword was completely shattered, and at the same time, the light of Taiqing that burst out the sword's might, every time it swallowed forward the might of the sky, it can extinguish the surroundings of the Holy Lord. The rules of destruction and infinite resentment.


In the countless roars of pain one after another, the sharp mouth on the Lord's right hand, together with the blood armor, turned into a thick scarlet smoke and billowed.

Within the thick smoke, the Sword of Taiqing, which was blocked for a moment, rushed forward again, against the right hand that the Sovereign reached out and grabbed it, and pierced the latter's eyebrows.

As Jianfeng passed, Taiqing Sect Master’s body, the void channel that was being created in the dying, continued to extend forward, and even in everyone’s sight, the one that contained the terrifying bubble outside Nanxianmen , All began to change body shape.

From the original oval shape, directly compressed inward, and finally it is even more like a long sword pierced forward!


Scarlet's right hand was completely torn, and Yang Tian let out an extremely violent roar on the bright figure outside the Xianting Palace, and then within the eyes of the saint's eyebrows, **** patterns like centipedes intertwined in an instant. .

At the same time, through the world-destroying pupil in the **** eyes, you can clearly see the sharply enlarged sword tip.

"This saint is destined to be immortal, so you can't kill me, Taiqing!"

After the more violent voice rolled out, the Lord's left hand raised again, spreading his five fingers, and together with his right hand, once again firmly grasped the Taiqing sword light that was already on his forehead.


At this moment, the entire Taixuan core area below the outer sky directly rang out with an ear-splitting thunder and thunder, and thunder bursts out from the already dark and chaotic sky.

The thunder that intertwined on the heads of all the creatures, almost blasted directly down, was full of blue and red colors. This is the manifestation of the two extreme rules of the world, destruction and creation, after they collide with each other.

The Lord is worthy of being an old monster who has lived through several ages and lived for countless years. The accumulation of its background is amazing, and it can be described as shocking and terrifying.

Therefore, outside of Nanxianmen, even if the former has gone through several battles in a row, even in the previous confrontation, it has consumed a huge amount of destruction, but the power of rules surging in the Lord still feels deep. Not bottomed out.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the next moment, a sound of incomparably thick and regular surging sounded within the body of the Lord's dazzling light, and at the same time it stretched forward, grasping Taiqing Jianfeng's hands, and once again outwards. It rushed out of the extremely terrifying power of the Chaos God Sea.

After the power of this substantive Deshen Chaos gushes out, it is directly transformed into a substantive Deshen Haihai water, which violently undulates with the hands surrounding the Lord, trying to corrode the Taiqing sword light ahead.

But all this was in vain. Every time this Taiqing Jianmang swallows, it can completely evaporate all the chaotic sea water that hits, and then the cold voice from the Taiqing Great Sage resounds outside Nanxianmen:

"The power of Three Destructions can't stop this Sect Master's sword, let alone the power of Chaos Destroying God?"

As the words fell, the blue shirt figure still holding the sword firmly in his right hand, the ultimate killing intent in his eyes burst out thousands of times again, even enough to freeze the entire void in front of him.

At the same time, the Great Sage Taiqing held the sword hand full of calluses, suddenly clenched, and continued to lean forward, sending the sword in his hand toward the front.

This slight movement is fed back to the outside world, and the world is turned upside down.

Then in Fengxin City, the sect monks who watched all of this subconsciously let out an exclamation, then showed ecstasy, and opened their mouths and roared:

"Too clear and sharp, incomparable!"

Under this roar of ecstasy and rage, the glow of the sword of Taiqing, which was turning green, directly pierced into the scarlet Taoist eye above the saint's eyebrows.


With the sword in a little bit, the ecstasy of the monks in Fengxin City instantly became several times stronger, but the green shirt figure holding the sword forward, still intertwined with murderous intent and solemnity in his eyes.

Because the one standing outside the Nantian Gate, but the Holy Venerable, is an old monster that even this Heavenly Way would take countless years, and do everything possible to wipe out!

Sure enough, this handle only pierced a trace of the Taiqing sword light, and in the next moment, it stayed in place. At this time, it was not the hands of the Holy Lord that held the Taiqing sword light, but the one on the former forehead. The scarlet eyes above.

I saw this scarlet eye at this time, I don't know when, turned into a terrifying sharp mouth, within the sharp mouth, countless extremely sharp fangs grew out, and directly bit the pierced Taiqing inward. sword.

At the same time, this sharp mouth went deep, as if it had been combined with the legendary Chaos Deity Extinction Sea, and even burst out an unprecedented suction force, which completely led the blazing sharp edge into this Demise God Sea.

Then the bright light on the body of the Lord began to shine at an unprecedented level, and the high voice spread throughout the void:

"Taiqing, this saint was once a minister of the Immortal Emperor Tongtian. I haven't seen any scenes. It's just that there were serious differences in the decision-making of the entire Xian Ting to compete with the Dao.

"This saint has always advocated confronting the Dao of Heaven. With the power of the Immortal Palace Holy Palace at that time, it can completely compete with the heaven, but His Majesty the Emperor Tongtian did not agree, and wanted to take the initiative to avoid it!

"How ignorant this kind of retreat is!"

The Lord’s words rolled and roared, even overwhelming the mighty whistling of the Sword of Supreme Qing. Immediately after the Lord’s entire body, there were countless fierce and terrifying sharp mouths. Each mouth closed and closed, and the sound of rolling sound was passed on again. out:

"This saint is naturally dissatisfied, so this saint detonated the Battle of Beihai with his own hands, and then succeeded in slaying the sky, cutting the eight directions of heaven into seven abruptly!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was like opening up the world, and the sky outside the sky was extremely silent!

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