"The beam is broken."

In Zhao Yu's extremely young life, these short words sounded countless times in the mouth of the young emperor, and every time the name of Liang Po was heard, there would be a clear, young and extremely magnetic response. Outgoing:

"Your Majesty, the minister is here."

This time, facing the spear of divine power that fell like a pillar of heaven, the response that resounded, there were still not too many ups and downs and waves.

Then the bald man standing behind Zhao Yu suddenly took a step, and his whole body began to swell wildly.

At the same time, on the surface of Liang's broken body, countless black beast scales overlap each other, forming a layer of unparalleled defensive beast armor. A terrifying abyssal aura that does not belong to the land of Tai Xuan bursts out loudly and surrounds the whole body.

"Boom, boom!"

After an instant, the spear of divine power was completely blasted, and the entire sky was once again completely filled with extremely dazzling white divine light, and then a pillar of divine power was formed that penetrated the upper and lower sides.

"Damn it, this Sect Master finally survived the death of the Lord, how could he die in the hands of Heaven at this time, I don't accept it!"

The mighty light of divine power safely occupied everyone's sight, causing the sect monks who were crushed to lie on the high-level lotus platform under them, closed their eyes, and let out an extremely unwilling roar.

But everyone knows how small and pale every living individual is in the face of the Heavenly Dao that has come down almost with complete will, and the most frightening thing is that at this time, the power of God that almost destroys the entire Fengxin City is just It's just a look back at Tiandao.

Just one glance will obliterate all beings, this heavenly power is unparalleled!

"This Sect Master, not reconciled, not reconciled!"

Under the hoarse roar, all the sect monks in Fengxin City trembled and waited for the eternal darkness to come, but after a few breaths, the pain and darkness of death did not come down.

Then a sect monk opened his eyes inconceivably and looked at the top, and then the entire eyes were so shocked that they shrank to the size of a pinhole, and he opened his mouth and let out a strange cry of incomparable shock:

"The sky is above, the sky is above, how is this possible!"

Before the words fell, there were bursts of incomparably violent gasps, and following the sight of the people on the ground of Fengxin City, you could just see on the Daxia Treasure Ship above, an unforgettable scene appeared.

I saw above the treasure ship, I don't know when, there was a giant hand full of black scales, but rather than a hand, perhaps it is more appropriate to describe it with sharp claws.

At the same time, this sharp claw was extremely sharp and extremely large, like a huge black umbrella flowing in pitch black and light, not only covering the entire treasure ship below, but also covering most of the heart of the wind city.

And what shocked all the cultivators at this time was not the sudden heaven-shielding beast claw, but this heaven-shielding claw, which was able to blast the beam of heavenly punishment from top to bottom in the most incredible posture. Completely blocked out.

Every inch of the void within the beam of Heavenly Punishment is filled with unparalleled Heavenly Punishment Thunder Serum, and the power of the Law of Heaven contained in these thunder pulps can naturally be felt by all monks in complete clarity.

And because of this, the picture that appeared in front of him at this time shocked the heart of every sect monk!

The Daxia Treasure Ship under the mighty sky still stands proudly in the void, and the figure above the treasure ship, with his robe flying and breath surging, at the same time, Liang Po behind Zhao Yu just raised his right hand. Block all the gods and thunder.

Time can change a person, and Liang Po is no exception.

What makes everyone unpredictable is that the bald boy who once stood alone in front of the beast tide can now stop Tianwei with only one hand!


The mighty power surged, bombarding the claws of the broken beams of the sky-shielding beast, and there was another loud noise that shook the clouds and the sky, and no matter how the power of punishment on this day, how madly rushed down, this Roshan beast that covered the sky and covered the sun The claws are still as steady as a mountain, unmoving.

"Master Liang, really mighty!"

The next breath, Sima Annan’s excitement and admiration sounded directly, and even at this moment Sima Annan had infinite confidence in Liang Po, and the scene in front of him still made him sigh deeply. Violently concussed, and subconsciously continued to blurt out and made his debut:

"This time, for Mr. Liang, I really admire the five-body cast!"

As soon as Sima Annan said this, all the Daxia Zhong officials around who heard the words nodded in agreement, but soon, the Daxia Taboos on these decks suddenly bowed their heads and stared down.

Because the beam of divine punishment torrents that penetrated from above, directly expanded outward, along the void, toward the periphery of Windheart City, and continued downward.

Liang Po can use the incomparable scales of Roshan to block this eye of the Eye of Heaven, but it does not mean that Fengxin City below can do the same.

And under the torrent of the gods and powers of the sky, Fengxin Dacheng, which had been torn to pieces with its magical power barrier, was not even much stronger than a piece of tofu.

Therefore, in the next moment, the entire land of Fengxin City was cut into dozens of pieces without fancy, and cracked outwards. At the same time, except for the buildings and creatures under the huge palm of the beam, the rest could remain stable for the time being. Under the power of this look, they were trembling.

After a breath, these sect monks who were lying on the high-level lotus platform, their complexion changed once again as never before, because the Dao lotus under them, also under the mighty divine might, began to appear the first ray. crack.

"Crack, click!"

The dense sound of cracking sounded in the ears of the monk, and at the same time, wisps of broken marks visible to the naked eye appeared on the lotus flower after another, and spread rapidly outward, and finally the monk was terrified. Under his eyes, it completely shattered outwards.


After the first Dao lotus was broken, the sect monk above Dao lotus fell into Fengxin City like dumplings, followed by the second, third, and then from the lower Dao lotus, all the way to the top. Top grade Taolian.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

One after another, the intensive cracking sound, together with countless void cultivators who crackled and fell, rang one after another under the envelope of the heavenly power.

Then a sect monk who smashed into the ground of Windheart City was also shattering. He supported the ground with his hands and raised his head on the ground, looking at the world Daolian who had the opportunity to completely shatter, his expression was extremely sad, and he opened his mouth. With a cry:

"It's over, this Taiqing Daolian is completely shattered, which means that the so-called law of co-ruling the world has completely died.

"This is the life's hard work of the Great Sage Taiqing, Heavenly Dao, you only took a look at it and completely smashed it into pieces. How sad, how sad!"

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