The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2063: The maharaja is dissatisfied

In many cases, the game between forces and forces will eventually become a confrontation between personal wills, and Tianwaitian at this time is the best example.

Although tens of thousands of years ago, the towering fairy palace within the sky outside the sky was completely destroyed, and countless immortals disappeared without a trace at the same time, but the will and the game left by the former Emperor Tongtian are still faithful. The implementation of the imprisonment plan for the Heavenly Dao.

And what made everyone's heart tremble was that the eyes of this crape myrtle Zhoutian array, which had almost completely imprisoned the heavens, were only the shadow left by Immortal Emperor Tongtian sitting in the Lingxiao Palace for countless years.

No matter how much power this shadow that controls the countless Ziwei Emperor Qi in the entire formation, Guangguang can calculate the actions of the Heavenly Dao for tens of thousands of years after its collapse, the wisdom of the Immortal Emperor Tongtian is worthy of the name of the Heavenly Emperor.

But the sky to the sky is at best level with the sky, not high above the sky, so in the face of the vastness of the sky, even the most careful calculations are mostly useless.

Under the sword of heaven, everything is broken!

In order to break this situation, Tiandao even made five full swords. The first four swords, the former slashed the spirit of the Emperor Zhongtian to a state of dying, and also blasted the shadow of the Emperor Tongtian from the spirit of the monarch.

And this last sword slashed the eyes of this crape myrtle celestial formation!

Under the God of Heaven’s Punishment Sword, time and space are still twisted like twisted twists, but within this twisted time and space, that blazing white sword, wrapped in the endless power released from it, is like the endless dark void, The shining meteor that crashed down.

At the same time, under the shooting star sword light, the countless Ziwei Emperor Qi that was as substantial as it was shattered layer by layer, followed by this bright sword light, unobstructed among the lights of the crape myrtle, appeared in the fairy. Right in front of the emperor shadow.

After all, the shadow is just a shadow, even if it is the shadow left by the Emperor Tongtian, there is no wisdom, so it only has the simplest counterattack.

At the next breath, the figure of the immortal emperor enveloped in the flames of the Ziwei Emperor suddenly began to fluctuate violently, and finally the purple meaning in his eyes suddenly lit up, like two direct rising suns, and finally blasted forward. A purple streamer.

Ziwei Emperor!

After an instant, the streamer blasted by Ziwei Emperor's eyes also turned into sharp and incomparable arrows of Emperor Wei, and they rushed forward, directly opposing the blazing light of the Dao in front of them, and then eliminated each other.

"Boom boom boom!"

For a time, in the endless twisted void outside the Nanxian Gate, the loud noise of Ziwei Emperor Qi and the power of Heaven's Punishment was enough to shred everyone's eardrums.

But under the eyes of everyone, between the endless tumbling air machines, the two colors of white and purple are intertwined and bombarded to an unprecedented degree, and they are trying to completely suppress each other.

However, this top fight, which was late for tens of thousands of years, actually only lasted for a very short time.

After a moment, the winner is divided!

The purple qi in the sky dissipated completely, and at the same time, that blazing white edge, in the tumbling purple qi, pierced through, followed by the right hand of Tiandao Will's sword holding it.

At this time, the dense cracks on the body of the Great Sage of Taiqing who received Tiandao also began to shatter outward. Therefore, if a monk could observe the bombardment outside the Nanxian Gate from close range, it would only be described by one word.


This tragedy is not only for the fairy palace, but also for the will of heaven.

But still the same sentence, the reason why Tiandao is called Tiandao is because it is almost invincible, invincible will, and invincible!

In a short instant, the Ziwei Emperor Qi barrier in front of the shadow of the Emperor Tongtian was completely shattered by the mighty sky, and the sword in his right hand was almost completely broken by Tiandao, and it pierced into the front without fancy. Tao Shadow's chest.

Time stops right now!

"God, the way of heaven is broken after all!"

At the same time, the same thought appeared directly in the minds of all the monks in Tianwaitian, and then every monk opened his mouth, wanting to make exclamations and screams, but suddenly realized his thoughts, I don’t know when to start. , Already completely unable to control his body.

In this situation, it is like everyone's mind and consciousness, under the last breaking sword of Heaven, he was directly and completely shaken out of his body, his vision drifted backward, and the distance from the Nanxian Gate in front of him was getting farther and farther.

But in spite of this, every line of sight was desperately locked in front of Daoyijian, trying to see the subsequent changes after the confrontation.

Then, in the hands of Tiandao Will, the sword that pierced the shadow of the immortal emperor directly split outwards like a scorching sun, and the dazzling light that burst out from within it, which was difficult to look at directly, instantly flooded everyone's sight.

Under the dazzling light, the entire crape myrtle formation suddenly shook wildly in an instant, and at the same time the crape myrtle imperial aura was rolling, just like the evaporated tide, it began to dissipate at an extremely fast speed.

Not only that, the crape myrtle Zhoutian array shrouded outside the Immortal Palace Holy Palace also suddenly appeared numerous cracks, as if there was a supreme existence, almost completely smashed it with a punch!

The Ziwei Emperor Qi is the foundation of the entire Zhoutian Great Array, and at the same time, the sitting figure of the Immortal Emperor who can control the Ziwei Qi is the eye of the entire Great Array.

Now that the eyes of the formation were torn apart by the sword of heaven, the Ziwei Emperor Qi that maintained the formation was instantly unsustainable, and the whole formation of Ziwei Zhoutian immediately began to shatter and collapse.

"Divine will is difficult? This great prince never believes in God's dilemma. We only believe in one thing, that is, man will conquer heaven!"

The Zhoutian Great Formation burst into pieces, but the Great Lord Zhongtian, who was stepped on the ground platform by the will of Heaven, opened his mouth and let out a roar.

After this roar came out, the soul was about to dissipate. The Great Lord Zhongtian, who was dying, raised his right hand, spread his five fingers, and stretched out to the Nanxian Gate above and the Ziwei **** surrounding Nanxian Gate. Column.

"Get up, get up, this maharajah!"

In the old voice that the Lord Zhongtian continued to roar, there was a hoarse voice, and he was doing his best to control the Ziwei Emperor Qi, and to restart the Zhoutian formation that imprisoned the heavens.

But this world will always be extremely cruel!

There is only one Immortal Emperor Tongtian, and Maharaja Zhongtian has never gotten the recognition of the Ziwei imperial qi since the beginning. The supreme energy of Ziwei imperial qi was once not good, but now naturally it is also not good.

Therefore, no matter how angry the Lord Zhongtian, who stretched his hand forward, roared, the air of the crape myrtle in the entire formation continued to fade at a low tide, and then the crape myrtle pillars standing above the void The rune, the same goes out little by little.

At the same time, it was extinguished a little bit, there was also the flame of hope burning in the eyes of Maharaja Zhongtian when he looked at the Nanxian Gate above!

"My lord, don't accept it!"

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