The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2084: Taihang Palace

"Everyone, I’m very sorry to inform fellow daoists that I just received the news from my colleagues in the Tianyun Temple. Because the Eye of Lanfeng in Fengxin City is about to explode, the large array outside Fengxin City will be closed in a quarter of an hour. The closing time limit is two hours.

"If it is a monk who wants to leave the city, please speed up. At the same time, all flying races hovering in the sky, for their own safety, land on the square platform within a quarter of an hour."

In Xinfengxin City, Fufeng County, countless flying races hovered in the sky, and the extremely sweet voice continued to sound unhurriedly.

After the voice fell, in a tall tower building on the main island square of Fengxin City, a pleasant-looking girl from the feather clan waved away from the amplification array in front of her.


After the shining halo of the sound amplification array dissipated, the girl sighed forward slightly, relaxed her body slightly, raised her hand and stretched her waist, revealing her beautiful figure, and at the same time let the other person coming from the side. A middle-aged woman, with admiration in her eyes, said:

"Qing Yu, I dress up so beautifully today, and I have taken a long time off. Could it be that I am going to meet my lover?"

As soon as these words were made, Qingyu, a girl who was stretching her waist, stopped her movements, and an imperceptible panic appeared on her face, but she was quickly put away by him, smiling and speaking softly:

"Aunt Mei, where are you, it's just a little bored. You just want to walk around in the city. Just in the afternoon, because the eye of the wind broke out, the tower is also relatively leisurely. Please trouble Aunt Mei and help me watch it."

As soon as the voice fell, this bright and sunny girl blinked playfully. After a light smile again, she raised her foot and ran out, not giving the middle-aged woman a chance to speak.

Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged woman looked at the girl's back, and shook her head helplessly, her red lips lightened, and she murmured:

"It seems that our little girl has also reached the age of the beginning of love. She should have a favorite young man. It is just a word of love. It is too hurtful. Even the previous Lord of the Palace is also deeply involved, hey."

In this middle-aged woman's sigh, there was a deep helplessness, and then another voice sounded in her ears:

"Aunt Mei, the people in our tower, often see the girl Qingyu running to one place, if there is someone who likes it, it will be there in all likelihood."

As soon as this remark came out, the woman called Aunt Mei became interested, turned around and asked:

"Let's wait and listen, where did Qing Yu, little girl go recently?"

This question fell, and the cultivators of the Tianyun Temple inside the tower showed a little embarrassment. Finally, an elderly cultivator opened his mouth and gently spit out a few words:

"Aunt Mei, the place where the girl Qingyu ran is Taihang Palace."

As soon as the three words Taixing Palace came out, Aunt Mei's expression suddenly changed, and her extremely solemn voice resounded in her mouth:

"Broken, if this girl is attracted to Daxia's handsome x those are the phoenixes of the north, she might be sad!"

After speaking, Aunt Mei, who was on the tower of Fengxin City, felt uneasy at the same time. Inside a restaurant on the main island of Fengxin City, there was a loud voice and excitement. The monks from all directions gathered in the lobby. Within, communicate with each other.

After the re-establishment of Fengxin City and the Tianyun Temple in the city, because of the characteristics of the flying race, it is still the transportation hub of the core of the entire Taixuan Central Plains, plus the characteristics of the Xinfengxin City, making it come from all over the world. The monks are in an endless stream.

Because of this, the content of exchanges in this restaurant is also very extensive at this time. From the recent rainstorms, to talk about which force has stood out in the dispute and became a powerful party, and finally talked about this being held in the city. The Taoist Association.

Then at the entrance of the restaurant, a woman from Xuemei Country took the lead to walk in, followed by the old and young Nanze Country's Huo Lao and the young man Nan.

The arrival of the three people did not arouse much attention. Only some well-informed people glanced at the door calmly, then bowed their heads and whispered a few words to the monks beside them.

As Han Yin said before, this time the Taoist meeting to discuss the heavy rain in Heze did not involve any grievances. Therefore, the atmosphere of Fengxin City was solemn and not stern, but at this time, when I came to the restaurant, many people came to gain insight. Junior.

"Two, let's sit first. The Taoist society will be opened in a few days. During this time, you will live here. As for the next, you have to go to the master to return to life, so don't pass it."

As soon as a few people stepped into the restaurant, the retreat from Han Yin sounded directly, and then the old and the young saluted and thanked them:

"Thank you Fellow Daoist for helping me out on this road. If you just rely on me and the other two, I'm afraid it won't go as smoothly as this."

"You don't need to thank you for your instructions, then see you at the road meeting in a few days."

After speaking, Han Yin nodded his head and greeted him. Then he turned around and left without any muddle. Then Huo Lao hesitated slightly, and then led the young man Nan to the corner of the lobby and sat down, ready to inquire about the news.

As soon as the two of them sat down, they saw a shriveled old man wearing a monk's robe, staggering to the table, stopping his figure, and lowered his head to ask:

"The two of you just came to Fengxin City, do you want to know some news?"

After he finished speaking, the old man stretched out his dry right hand like a dead tree, gently squeezed it with his fingers, and continued to speak:

"The two don't have to think about going to the Shenji Pavilion to inquire, and simply tell you, there is no Shenji Pavilion in this newly built Fengxin City, and the Shenji Pavilion cannot be guaranteed in the Central Plains itself."

The old man’s determined and profound appearance immediately stunned the young and old who had come from Nanze. Then the former saw a play, his eyes lit up, he turned around, sat down on the table, and tapped lightly. Knock on the tabletop and continue to speak:

"Only a three-color spirit stone, the old man can answer one of your questions about this city."

As the voice fell, the eyes of the shriveled old man lit up again, because Huo Lao in front of him did not hesitate to squeeze out a three-color spirit stone, gently buckle it on the table in front of him, and make a soft sound. Then the latter's rough voice sounded:

"Our question is very simple. Why do we have to come to this Windsor City if we want to establish contact with Daxia?"

"This question is really too simple."

After hearing this, the withered old man grinned. His smile was very permeating, and even caused the surrounding temperature to plummet. At the next breath, the old man stretched out his right hand and slowly grabbed the spirit stone in front of him, responding word by word. Outgoing:

"Because this city was established by Daxia, because the Great Sage Taiqing had asked the northern lord to take care of the flying race of the Tianyun Temple before his fall.

"So Daxia built a palace on a wind island in Fengxin City, called Taihang Palace, and Taihang Palace is owned by Daxia.

"In other words, this Taihang Palace is Daxia's land outside the northern border!"

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