The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2090: Fairy Resurrection


A rain that has been raining for a full year without stopping is of course weird enough.

Earlier, because the heavy rain did not reach the northern border, coupled with the premise of being imprisoned by the Dao of Heaven, the entire Great Xia court did not pay too much attention to this heavy rain, and only felt that it was just one of the causes and effects of the dramatic changes in the world.

But the farther back, you find that things are not that simple.

This rain not only caused the place of Taixuan to be in Heze, but even on this vast expanse of land, there was a silent change. It was like some kind of rain, nourishing something, and it began to gradually germination.

Above the school grounds of the Taihang Palace in Fengxin City, the atmosphere was solemn and cold, and then Zhong Lizhan, who stood upright and looked up at the sky, stared at the cloudy sky, and muttered:

"I really underestimated the rain."

"We all underestimated the Xianting Saint Palace!"

As soon as Zhong Lizhan's voice fell, Li Chunfeng's voice sounded immediately, and then the old man raised his hand, flicked his official gown and big sleeve, and then said:

"We knew about the resurrection of the heroic spirits of the Great Lord Zhongtian at the beginning, but at that time, everyone believed that it could return to Taixuan again after so many years, relying on the thoroughness of the sky. The supreme cultivation base.

"In other words, the rebirth of the heroic spirit is not repetitive. In fact, this is also the case, but we have subconsciously ignored one thing.

"That's the way of heaven!"

As soon as the word "Tian Dao" came out, Zhong Lizhan's face directly showed the original expression, and then he reached out from the table and picked up the celestial robe he had taken off before, put it on, and said:

"It turns out that the biggest obstacle to the recovery of these heroic spirits is the Dao of Heaven, and if Dao is imprisoned today, then all this makes sense."

This voice with infinite evil intentions fell, and the black robes of the Radiant Army on Zhong Li's body were worn, and then Li Chunfeng's words next to him sounded again:

"Si Tianjian and An Jiangsi discovered the anomaly for the first time in Twilight Kingdom half a year ago. It was a big battle, and the fluctuations of the battle were extremely fierce. Obviously, it came from two high-level overhauls.

"But in the end, Si Tian Jian did not find out the origin of one of them, and because of his defeat, the clue broke. But soon, the same thing happened again in the second case, and this time, it was the Dusk Kingdom. .

"At the same time this time, because of our attention to it, it made things more eye-catching and confirmed the identities of the warring parties."

"A fairy **** who has revived in the ancient fairy court holy palace?"

As soon as Zhong Lizhan's question fell, Li Chunfeng raised a lot of voices, and it sounded directly:

"Yes, the Lord of the Twilight Kingdom personally took action to suppress the revival of the immortal gods and heroes, but he still escaped, but this also gave us the opportunity to track down, because this person bought an Akashi on the way out."

Just after Li Chunfeng's voice fell, the words from Zhong Lizhan immediately sounded:

"If this rain can revive the immortal gods who left the blood of the heroic spirits, then there must be more than one."

"Naturally there is more than one, and these people are also trying to establish contact with each other, little lord, you should know that every former immortal palace power is a leader of the times, so no matter it is wisdom, Still acting style, they are far beyond ordinary people, and drip-proof."

When he said this, Li Chunfeng's eyes were full of solemnity, because both of them knew very well that the immortal palaces and gods who had stunned for a whole time could not be underestimated.

Then Zhong Lizhan, who nodded in agreement, once again showed a thoughtful look on his face. He glanced at Li Chunfeng in front of him, and his young and vigorous voice came out:

"So can it be understood that Lord Li has come to this Fengxin City, so at least one awakened Immortal Palace has already arrived here, on the land of the General?"

Zhong Lizhan's words and sentences, along with the suffocation that has been suppressed to the extreme, every taboo of the Radiant Army, in a sense, is the ultimate weapon born for war.

They are going to be unsheathed, and they are going to drink blood!

Therefore, in Li Chunfeng’s eyes at this time, under Zhong Lizhan’s celestial army robe, wisps of the original taboo air visible to the naked eye were emerging, and then the former raised his hand and pressed it down, an old voice. Outgoing:

"Little prince, your Majesty has not decided on the attitude towards these resurrected ancient immortals, so for the time being, he can't kill him, and it's hard to say how many ancient heroic spirits in Fengxin City have begun to awaken.

"So in the opinion of the old man, it is better to wait for the Sitian Supervisor to make a clear investigation before acting."

"No, Lord Li, the times have changed a long time ago. I would have thought that above the realm of the Supreme Profound Realm, my Daxia doesn't need to look at anyone's will to act."

In the voice that rang from Zhong Li's mouth, there was a young man's domineering and determination, and then he raised his hand and gently tapped on the white jade table in front of him, a voice that could not be rejected, and then sounded:

"Master Li, I am very clear about the purpose of the Military Aircraft Department who asked you to come here. Your Majesty has not clearly delivered the imperial decree, so I need to open the situation from me. Jingcheng must have a good talk with him about today's affairs.

"But if I let this general express my opinion, I am also the main combat faction. All did not violate the will of this general. That guy should have determined my will. After all, before leaving the capital, your majesty gave me the right to act independently."

"Little prince, will be able to act independently outside, then this is the holy grace that many people dream of."

After Li Chunfeng's smiling voice fell, he raised his hand and grabbed it lightly, directly took out a transparent bead, placed it on the white jade table, and continued to speak:

"Little prince, this is called the Immortal Bead, but it has been researched day and night by the Ministry of Industry and it has only one function, and that is, it will light up directly once a person who has awakened the will of the immortal approaches it.

"Although the rush time is short, the scope of this celestial bead is not large. If it is used to find people throughout the city, I am afraid it will take some effort."

"Now that I have this thing, it would be easier to handle. Even if I had to go through the entire Fengxin City, I would have to take a good look at which immortals, and the heroic spirits were resurrected. I still want to fight Daxia. Reach out."

The extremely cold words came out of Zhong Lizhan's mouth, and then he stretched out his hand and gently held the fixed fairy bead in his hand. At the same time, outside the school grounds, a strong report sounded directly:

"General, according to your instructions, people have been brought here."

"Bring in."


After a sonorous and powerful promise, the middle-aged captain of the Fury Beast Army strode in first, and behind them were the two young men with restrained faces, Qing Yu and Nan.

But as soon as the two of them stepped into this schoolyard, they felt an extremely violent aura, crushing down like a mountain and the ground. At the same time, Zhong Lizhan suddenly lowered his head, because the celestial bead in his hand lit up. !

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