The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2092: Nanze Tianxian

"Xian? Is there really a fairy in this world?"

On the Taihang Palace campus, a dazed murmur came from the girl Qingyu's mouth, and then Li Chunfeng with a solemn face beside her, staring at the same gaze in front of him, immediately responded:

"There are immortals, but this immortal is not the other immortal. It's just that I have been overhauled in the Xianting Sacred Palace, which is nothing more than the title of myself."

In Li Chunfeng's words, there is not much awe, just as the so-called confidence comes from being strong, but now Da Xia is undoubtedly strong enough, so strong that there is no need to fear the former immortals.

The next breath, when Li Chunfeng’s voice just fell, Zhong Lizhan, standing beside the white jade table, stretched forward with his right hand, directly down, directly controlling the silver hill in his hand, facing the ground in front of him. The lying young man Nan, crushed down.


Before the hill arrived, the ear-piercing neighing caused by this heavy object blasting the void completely filled the space between the heavens and the earth. Then the young Nanzeguo Nan, whose eyes were desperate, opened his mouth again and let out an angry roar:

"Why, I didn't offend you, Daxia, why do you hurt the killer?"

After a while, with this hoarse roar, the entire school ground cracked more densely, and at the same time the silver mountains were overwhelmed without any hesitation, with a violent momentum that instantly crushed everything below.

"General, he will die. If this mountain continues to be covered, he will be crushed to death!"

Seeing that the silver mountains were falling under the control of Zhong Lizhan, the anxious color on Qing Yu's face became more intense, and he hurriedly turned to the direction where Zhong Lizhan was, with a request in his words.

However, the iron and blood lingering on Zhong Lizhan's body did not dissipate half of it. Instead, it became stronger and stronger, and then the cold response sound came out:

"He didn't die so easily, because the immortal hidden in his body did not allow him to die like this."

Zhong Lizhan's assured voice just fell, and on the other side of the school field, the roar that originally came from Nankou came to an abrupt end.

Then, the young man from Nanzeguo lying on the ground, his body trembled to an unprecedented degree, and at the same time the entire pupil contracted, enlarged, and then contracted strangely.

After another breath of time, a breath that had never appeared in Fengxin City began to spread out under the silver mountains, and in this breath, there was ancient and high above.

And as soon as this breath appeared, the Daxia Reckless Army soldiers who surrounded the entire schoolyard were like enemies, raising their aura to the limit, just like a large group that has been stretched to the limit. The bow, with only a single command, can completely shoot the dreadful arrow.

At the same time, a burly sergeant of the Angry Beast Army who had finished the array took out a heavy shield from the void, stood horizontally in front of him, and began to approach step by step.

The atmosphere of the schoolyard in the entire Taihang Palace was boiling to the extreme at this moment, it can be said to be on the verge of breaking out!

This was Daxia's first confrontation with the ancient revival fairy, so both Li Chunfeng and Zhong Lizhan looked forward to the eyes of inquiry and thinking.

"This breath is really not to be underestimated."

Looking at the increasingly violent ancient aura in front of him, Li Chunfeng, who stretched out his hand to caress his beard, opened his mouth and spoke faintly:

But the voice hasn't completely fallen down, but the brows of several people are raised together, because the young man Nan, who was almost pressed into the earth by the breath of the mountains, every muscle on the burly body suddenly seemed to be blowing. Start to expand outwards.

Especially his arms swelled up rapidly, and then the skin under the broken robe began to appear one after another extremely ancient runes, these runes appeared icy blue, looking from a distance, just like the same One after another floating snowflakes.

After an instant, the pupils of the young man Nan disappeared, and then a pair of extremely indifferent eyes emerged. At the same time, the former directly raised his right arm, which had expanded dozens of times, and resisted the falling one. Silver mountains.

At the next breath, a vast force gushed from the huge palm of the young man's Nan and his five open fingers, and the silver mountain with its limit weight was held in the air, unable to fall again.

In this situation, Zhong Lizhan in the middle of the school field, his dark eyes lit up, and he uttered four excited words:


When the words came out, Zhong Lizhan retracted his right hand raised forward and took a step forward. With this step, all the broken stones on the entire school field floated in the air at the same time.

"The wild army obeys the order, retreat three steps, and leave the battlefield to the general!"

After this sonorous and powerful command sound rolled out, the wild army who was lined up before, without any hesitation, withdrew three steps back directly, vacating a large area of ​​the entire school field.

Then in the school field where the Qi machine was surging crazily, a weird sound began to sound in everyone's ears, and then at the bottom of the silver mountains under the gaze, little by little frost poured out.

"Crack, click!"

These frost originated from the hand under the mountains, and then a breath of infinite coldness, like a cold fire that was directly ignited on the ice sheet, burned completely with a bang, and it was completely The silver ridges are completely covered.

Under the ice and fire, the solid surface of the mountains directly cracked numerous cracks within a few breaths, and these cracks were completely frozen to pieces from the inside out.

At the next breath, under the gaze of the reckless army and soldiers with more and more iron and blood, the right hand of the young man Nan has been completely changed, turned into a fist, and directly hit the mountain in front of countless frost. superior.

And it was this simple punch that completely frozen and cracked the entire void in front of him, and even the solid laws of space were frozen to pieces, revealing the dark space after the frost.


After an instant, with Nan's punch, Qing Yu, the young girl staring at this scene from behind, closed her eyes subconsciously.

At the same time, the extremely loud roar completely filled the entire void, and under the fist of the south, this huge silver mountain completely exploded outwards, turning into countless ice crystals flying.

Then the Law of Frost swept outward with frost fragments, spreading to the entire schoolyard, like a frost storm bursting and freezing everything.


The intensive freezing sound of frost continued to resound in everyone's ears, and as the storm tornado soared into the sky, Nan swelled his body several times and slowly stood up on the ground, and his eyes had completely become The majestic and ancient snow-white color.

The next breath, wave after wave of extremely ancient auras, crashed outwards, and at the same time an ancient voice came out from Nan's mouth:

"This immortal, the Antarctic Longevity Maharaja sits down, Nanze Tianxian, a mere mortal, how dare to invade the immortal's sleep?"

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