"Boom boom boom!"

The main island of Fengxin City, since the eruption of the Lanfeng Wind Eye, the deafening roar sounded particularly densely. The rumbling sound, like a big bell ringing, lingered in the ears of all the monks in the main island.

"It's not right, this time the outbreak of Lanfeng Fengyan is not the same as before. There are a few noises in the light, which almost shattered my eardrums. This kind of situation has never been encountered before. ."

On the second floor of one of the largest square restaurants in Fengxin City, a suspicious murmur was heard from an old monk who was quite old. You can see the frown of the old monk at this time. He is an old man who has lived in Fengxin City for half his life.

At the same time, in front of this old monk, sat an equally old burly figure, and saw that the latter was wearing a robe of Nanze country, and at the same time there was a hot breath radiating out under the robe. The old man from Nanze Country to Fengxin City, Huo Lao.

"Huoze, I didn't expect the two of us to be close to 90 years apart, and we can still meet here. This fate is really amazing."

By the window of the restaurant, the old monk continued to sound with joy, and then this monk, looking at Huo Lao, who was also excited in his eyes, raised the wine glass in his hand and continued to speak:

"If you meet the old friend in a foreign country, you should be a confession!"

After speaking, the two raised their heads and drank, and a whole glass of strong alcohol was consumed. Their complexion suddenly became ruddy, and then Huo Lao showed a smile on his face, glanced at the old monk in front of him, and said:

"I can't think of you who used to be the most hot-tempered, but now you have become so elegant. These years are really a knife, smoothing people's edges and corners, and making people calm."

Huo Lao's voice fell, and the old monk in the Tianyun Temple in front of him put down the wine glass in his hand, sighed slightly, and responded:

"To talk about the hot temper, who can compare to you, the hot old man, when we were traveling together in Taixuan, we always opened our mouths and spit out disgusting saliva, but you."

As soon as he said this, Huo Lao's dark face showed a big smile, waved his hand, and said:

"That's all from the past. Now that we can meet again after a long time, don't expose the old man, drink and drink!"

After they finished speaking, the two picked up the wine glasses again and touched them and drank their heads up. The two of them had just swallowed the wine into their stomachs, but the land of the main island where the entire restaurant was located, suddenly shook fiercely.

This jerky jerky, quite violent, even made the bowls and wine glasses on the tabletop in the restaurant crackle.

The earth shook and the house shook. This caused many monks in the restaurant to change their colors. This included Huo Lao with a slightly frowned brow. Then the old man from Nanzeguo leaned forward slightly, looking at the person in front of him. Old monk, some worried voice came out:

"This Fengxin City Lord Island is shaking so violently, is there something unexpected?"

"It's possible that something really happened, otherwise it would not be able to create such a powerful force with the help of ordinary wind-eyes."

The old monk's response was not solemn, and then he seemed to see the weird color on Huo Lao's face in front of him, and continued to speak:

"Huoze, do you feel confused, why is the old man so calm?"

After speaking, the old monk raised his mouth, smiled softly, stretched out his hand, held down the wine glass that was still shaking in front of him, and then spoke:

"Huoze, look at the monks around you, those monks who have lived in Fengxin City for a long time, are they all like the old man? They are very calm."

After the words fell, Huo turned his head and scanned the entire second-story restaurant, and found that just as the old monk in front of him said, some local monks in Fengxin City had a pale complexion, and they should eat and drink.

Then the old monk opposite Huo Lao raised his hand and stretched out two fingers, his voice sounded again:

"Actually, there are two reasons for this. First, when you have seen the vast sea, how can you retaliate with the small lake in front of you? How tragic the city of Fengxin was a year ago, almost the whole city was It's completely broken, so the citizens of Fengxin City who can sit here to drink at this time have been swaying in the ghost gate for several laps, and there is nothing to be afraid of."

After he finished speaking, the old monk looked at Huo Lao, whose face was in dignity and awe, shook his fingers, and said again:

"The second point, isn't there a Daxia monk stationed in our Fengxin City?

"The old man can tell you plainly that in the entire Taixuan Land, there is no place other than Daxia Land in the north. It is safer than ours. Maybe, this violent wind island shake is that. It was made by the people of Daxia in the Taihang Palace."

The old monk’s remarks were a little joking. Of course, he didn’t take this idea seriously. Then the former raised his wine glass and just wanted to put it in his mouth to take a sip, but suddenly he stayed in place because of the wind. The main island of the Heart City was once again directly flooded by a roar that far surpassed the thunder.


This sound was like the sound of glass shattering magnified countless times, and a monk in the city who had experienced many battles was no stranger to this sound.

"This is the sound of shattering enchantment, no, the enchantment above our main island is completely shattered!"

For a time, countless similar exclamations came from the mouths of monks in the city, and then countless monks looked up to the sky, trying to see what happened.

At the same time, the old monk sitting in the restaurant, no longer caring about the wine glass in his hand, hurriedly jumped up and came to the window of the restaurant, together with Huo Lao beside him, looked up, and subconsciously let out an exclamation.

"The enchantment above Fengxin City is really broken."

Accompanied by the words of the old monk, a huge pothole appeared above Fengxin City, and around the pothole were dense cracks extending outward.

The shattered enchantment was as dazzling as a wounded wound, but everyone's eyes were concentrated on the stream of light falling from the top to the bottom of the void.

This streamer showed an icy blue color, just like a blue meteor with a long tail flame. At the same time, the aura swept from within and out of the streamer, instantly lowering the temperature of the entire Fengxin City to freezing point.

"What the **** is this, it's so cold!"

Then a cultivator in the city opened his mouth and let out a low whistle, and looked at the ground beside him. At some point, a slight frost had already begun to appear. At the same time, above the Void of Windheart City, the stream of light continued to descend and hit the ground. Down, the speed is not reduced at all.

Such a terrifying power awakened a monk in an instant, including Huo Lao and the old monk in the Tianyun Temple, opening their mouths anxiously:

"No, the direction where the streamer falls, seems to be the square where our restaurant is located."

Before the words fell, the streamer had already appeared in the uppermost sky of the square, and then the scene within the streamer appeared in the eyes of the two old monks, it was a figure that fell weak on its back.

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