The underground site in the middle of Shenjing City still has people coming and going, and everything seems to be business as usual.

But these young people who were excited and walked outside the site did not feel that somewhere in this huge site, there were two young black dragon guards who were slapped like chickens. On the ground, it is hard to move.

After a few breaths, the pressure on Xu Hao and Xu Hao's body gradually dissipated until the burly figure dissipated. Then, Xu Hao, with his hands on the ground, climbed up on the ground with his hands on the ground, and opened his mouth with a cough:

"Cough cough cough!"

Obviously, in the face of the mountain-like ferocity of the middle-aged general, the two young men were naturally not well. Then the dark youth beside Xu Hao also climbed up on the ground. After adjusting his breath, he opened his mouth and asked:

"Xu Hao, who is this just now?"

"The servant of the Ministry of War, General Mo."

After Xu Hao's serious response sounded, the dark youth's eyes rose and shrank for a while, because the four characters of the army minister had put him under great pressure.

The six divisions of the Great Xia Department are the most special. Because there are many branches of the Great Xia Army, the mobilization and suppression of various armies are more frequent, and there is also the existence of the Brain Military Aircraft Department, so that all positions in the Department of War are concurrently held by military generals.

In other words, the burly general just now, in addition to the post of Minister of War, is at least a deputy commander in the army, who is also a general in the army with real power, and the pressure is not small.

"Don't worry, Uncle Mo is my grandfather's old subordinate, and he should come here this time, it should be the old man's idea."

After speaking, Xu Hao, who climbed up on the ground, patted his hands, and the voice continued:

"And this so-called military aircraft dispatch order, isn't it a problem that the old man gave me?"

After the suspicious murmur fell, Xu Hao, with a slightly worried face, stretched out his right hand forward, picked up the military secret folded in front of him, and opened it carefully.

At the next breath, a line of small characters slowly emerged within the fold, directly greeted by the eyes of the two young people:

"Our Bafeng Guan Anjiang Division, through the Ministry of War, specially recruited the newly promoted black dragon guards Xu Hao and Xu Lang, and ordered you two to rush to Bafeng Pass immediately with this secret order, without error!

In the next breath, after seeing the contents of the secret order, the two young men who had not yet stepped out of the platform looked at each other, and a thick solemn color appeared directly on their faces.

It is true that in today's Northern Territory, the weight represented by the three characters Bafengguan can only be understood by military personnel.

Because the biggest role of this southern Xiongguan is outside the corresponding territory, it corresponds to the other counties in the Taixuan Land except the northern one!

In other words, once dispatched to Bafeng Pass, it would be the real Taixuan descending south, with a sharp sword out of its sheath!

Thinking of this, both Xu Hao and the young man Alang began to tremble slightly. This tremor was the tremor that the blood of the soldiers in the body began to tremble, and it was also the tremor of the heart that was about to go to the battlefield to drink blood.

After Xu Hao's mind recovered a little later, he put away the military command in his hand, and the young words continued to be heard:

"Lang, I participated in the previous North Sea battle, and I also know the cruelty of the war. My son Lang from Liuye Alley died in the battle, and once the so-called flesh-and-blood mill started strangling, then life and death would be hard to control, so you still give Leave a message from your parents so that the two elders will not worry."

As soon as Xu Hao's words fell, an old voice sounded directly in the ears of the two of them:

"Leave the message to the old man."

As the voice fell, I saw an old official from the Teleportation Department slowly walking out of the shadow in the corner of this site.

Then the old man looked up and down the two with a smile, and then said to Xu Lang:

"I saw you when you kid was a kid. Your father used to be my best friend, but then he entered the White Emperor Palace's internal affairs office, and the old man, because he was a little older, was tossing outside.

"At this time, I was going to find your father to tell the old story, so it's a matter to send a message, so the old man will convey it for you."

When the voice fell, the old teleportation officer turned his gaze to Xu Hao who was aside, and continued to open his mouth and say:

"Little grandpa, say hello to the old man Wei Guogong for me."

The old secretary's words, sentence after sentence, were fast-paced and did not give the two young people in front of them a chance to speak. Then, under the somewhat blank eyes of Xu Hao, the old secretary smiled and squeezed out two teleportation scrolls. , Handed it forward, and continued to speak:

"Since this military plane is urgent, it's better for the two of you to set off as soon as possible."

After the series of words of the old secretary fell a full breath, Xu Haoer reacted and hurriedly waved his hand:

"Old man, no, no, I have a teleportation scroll on both of me."

"Take it, you have the most basic version in your hand. It can only be teleported to the main site of Bafeng Pass. There is still a long way from the main Yamen where An Jiangsi is located, even if it is the underground waterway of Bafeng Pass. It is also extremely inconvenient.

"The old man's hand, but a teleporting scroll customized for the march, can be directly transmitted to the altar near Anjiangsi, which will also save a lot of time."

As soon as the old official said this, Xu Hao no longer hesitated, raised both hands to take it respectfully, and then the old official of the teleportation department, after nodding for a while, continued to turn around with a smile, and walked away. , At the same time the voice came out:

"There are talented people coming out of the country from generation to generation, and they have been leading the way for hundreds of years. This time, the task of the Anjiang Division's recruitment is very rare. The two can have a snack."

At the same time, on the shore of the North Sea, the southernmost of the two continents outside Daxia, Bafengguan, the same bright moon still hung high in the sky, emitting extremely bright light.

Xiongguan Mingyue is full of sorrow. In the eyes of most people, the moon above the fortress is bright and clean, but in the eyes of a small group of people, the moonlight of this moon is as scarlet as blood.

Bafeng Pass is naturally different from the infinite prosperity of Shenjing City. As the former of the fortress pass, it still pursues the system of fortification. Therefore, once night falls, the wide streets in the fortress, except for the patrolling sergeant Daxia, are extremely empty. .

Time is slowly passing forward, and Da Xia, a state machine that is rapidly operating in the Great Profound Land, is also constantly improving. According to Zhao Yu's will, Da Xia's opening is inevitable.

Therefore, in order to ensure the preservation of Bafeng Pass, most of the foreigners and ordinary citizens in the Pass have been transferred to the brand new Shenxian City behind the North Sea during these years.

In fact, Daxia's current strategy in the southern frontier is very clear. That is, step by step, turning the outer two states on the shore of the North Sea into a place of multi-ethnic integration with Bafeng Pass as a barrier!

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