Since Zhao Yu took control of Daxia, this great country stepping into the new era step by step has shown unparalleled terror in countless ways.

One of the most important points is the ability to draw inferences from one another.

Daxia has a terrorist think tank headed by the Military Aircraft Department, and in the thinking system constructed by these almost monster-like think tank monks, everything has its own unique role.

In other words, Daxia will not let go of any small opportunities or threats, and it is clear that the immortals who have begun to recover under this rain of enlightenment are the greatest threat to Daxia in the land of Taixuan. one.

Facing this kind of threat, facing the ancient revival immortals who once dominated the wind and clouds, the Daxia military plane also responded before carrying out the closed-door game. At this time, outside the low mountains of Wanghe City, these three rivers were attacked. The two black dragon guards who scurry around with their heads are one of them.

The ancient revival immortal is different from the major forces in the Taixuan Land. The most special aspect of the major overhaul in the traditional sense is that the former possesses a vast and powerful immortal power.

This power is more powerful than those supernatural powers condensed from heaven and earth vitality, and to a certain extent, it is similar to the ancient power contained in the Daxia monk at this time.

In other words, the magical powers used by the immortal force are stronger, and the defensive barriers constructed are stronger. Therefore, Daxia has developed corresponding weapons in response to this.

At this time, standing on the back of the ancient black dragon, full of bowstrings, the pitch-black dragon arrow blasted out was just one kind.

"What a horrible arrow!"

In the low mountain, after countless runes lit up on the arrows and dragon scales, a low voice from Wangjuan sounded directly, and as soon as his voice fell, Sun Jian's response sounded in front of him:

"Natural horror, you know that this is another form of the Black Dragon Guard. Xu Hao is equivalent to giving up the infinite power and defense brought by the huge size of the ancient black dragon, and chose to directly condense the ancient black dragon's Dao soul into an arrow. .

"So the edge of this arrow can be imagined!"

Sun Jian’s words of admiration just fell, and all the people around who heard the words appeared a little bit of astonishment. At the same time, Xu Hao held this huge arrow covered with scales and runes. Above, the dragon scales that were originally attached to the arrow were completely open at the same time.

The next breath, a more terrifying aura, instantly extended outwards, firmly locking onto the running True Monarch Sanhe.

There is no need to elaborate on the perception of the ancient immortals, so True Monarch Sanhe sensed this terrifying murder in the first place, and directly opened his mouth and let out a strange cry:

"What the hell!"

As soon as this strange cry came out, the former began to mobilize all the immortal sources on his body, controlling the power of the boiling Three Rivers around, trying to tear the void in front of him and move away.

However, the reality is often extremely cruel, especially for the ancient immortals who do not belong to this era. Therefore, after an instant, Sanhe Zhenjun's body suddenly shook, and at the same time he lowered his head inconceivably and stared at his chest.

Because his chest, at some point, has been completely penetrated by the black arrow, and following Zhenjun Sanhe's sight, one can see the densely overlapping dragon scales on this dragon arrow.

"The true monarch is an immortal. He is an immortal who has not died in the Great Tribulation. How could he die here?"

With an extremely unwilling murmur, after it came out from Sanhe Zhenjun's mouth, he stared at the gaze below, the ancient black dragon dragon scales above the dragon scale arrow were extremely ferocious, just like an ancient black dragon in darkness. Dragon claw.

At the next breath, True Monarch Sanhe felt his body being pulled back quickly, and at the same time, the devilish young voice sounded directly in his ears:

"Black Dragon Guard Xu Hao Xu Lang, ordered to punish the immortal!"

As soon as the word Zhuxian came out, the body of True Monarch Sanhe began to tremble more violently, and then the power of the long river lingering outside his body began to collapse completely without any suspense, and his whole body quickly fell into the mortal world.

"If I remember correctly, this may be the first immortal killed by our Daxia soldiers. These two Black Dragon Guards are really fighting spirits!"

As Sun Jian's voice fell on the low mountain, the surrounding Daxia younger generations had bright eyes, their breath surged, and they were eager to try.

It is true that behind these two simple words of Zhu Xian, how exciting is that!

After a few breaths, as the entire billowing river collapsed, the body of True Monarch Sanhe, pierced by the dragon and arrow, drew a weak curve and smashed into the outskirts of the low mountain outside Wanghe City.


After a muffled sound, True Monarch Sanhe's body rolled back and forth on the muddy ground, and such an embarrassed appearance was undoubtedly completely nailed in the dust.

And it’s worth mentioning that at this time the place where the True Monarch of the Three Rivers rolled down was surrounded by corpses. These refugees lying on the ground in all directions, were all drowned abruptly by the torrent of the river previously engulfed by the former. I have to say that this is undoubtedly a huge irony.

"True Monarch Sanhe is another arrogant ancient immortal. You may have forgotten that in this era, the difference between immortals and vanities is not as huge as you think."

After the steady and young voice was uploaded in the void, the ancient black dragon that soared above the void from the sky and the sun, together with Xu Hao on its back, swooped down, and in a blink of an eye it appeared directly above True Monarch Sanhe.

At the next breath, Xu Hao gently lifted his left hand, and the dragon arrow that pierced through the body of the fairy flew directly back to the former's hand, and perhaps it was contaminated with the blood of the fairy before, causing the arrow to be dazzling. The scarlet light circulated on the entire surface of the dragon scale arrow, flashing and shimmering, containing the terrifying aura after sublimation.

As the saying goes, only by sipping blood can you really sharpen it, and being able to punish the immortal with your own hands is immeasurable to the growth of Xu Hao and two.

"Your Majesty once said that even if you look at the world, you still have to be in awe. Obviously, these immortals have completely forgotten this point during the ups and downs of countless years."

After the words were spoken word by word, Xu Hao solemnly put away the natal dragon arrow in his hand, while continuing to look down at the dying True Monarch Sanhe, whose breath quickly dissipated.

At this time, True Monarch Sanhe was lying on his back on the ground. Except for a big hole in his chest, the seven orifices were all lying with immortal blood. At the same time, on his revived mortal body, his bones were completely broken, almost torn by dragon arrows. The sieve.

"Life is a cycle of reincarnation, endless reincarnation, endless rebirth, presumably souls reincarnated countless times, it is not easy for you and other immortals, so I liberate you."

After a steady and indifferent voice came out, Xu Hao on the back of the ancient black dragon once again bent his bow and arched his arrow, pointing straight down.

With the body of a mortal, I want to do things to punish the immortals!

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