The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2135: Guarded by the people of Daxia

The mother of Taixi, and the Xiyuan planted by the former.

Accompanied by the words of the Mitian mother-in-law under the bottom of this unknown Three Rivers, the long river of time seemed to rewind 10,000 years ago, perhaps that period of time was even older than when the land of the Supreme Profound Land was born.

Ancient land, ancient creatures.

After that, on the infinitely reverie continent, a tall woman wearing a golden armor personally selected various plants and planted different plants with great care in the garden where yin and yang intersect. .

There are many kinds of these plants, and the degree of preciousness is not the same, but whether it is the most common bitter tea tree, or the incomparably precious dragon's bloodweed from beginning to end, this golden armored woman treats everyone equally, one plant after another. Are planted in the garden.

It wasn't until the last plant in this garden, which was also the one with the fullest and most beautiful color, and finally had a difference, because the golden-jacketed girl was very serious!

"The two Li gardens were planted at different times. The one where my mother-in-law was planted and was built a few years earlier, and the mother of Taixi called it Mitianxi Garden. Therefore, it is self-evident who planted in this garden. ."

Under the rivers of Sanhe County, in the ears of Rouge and others, the voices of the old women continued to sound. The voices of the old women's words were still so graceful to listen. If you don’t look at the appearance, just listen to the sound, you will definitely be regarded as one. A young girl.

But at this time, she was crouching and dragging a baby girl with her left hand. She looked too old and too old, and her face was ugly and terrifying.

At the next breath, the old woman walked forward and swept forward with her right hand, causing the flickering light and shadow in front of everyone to begin to change again, followed by a faint voice, and then sounded:

"When this second Xiyuan was planted, the deity had not yet been born, so I didn't know much about the specific process, but I only knew the name of this garden, which was called Huitian."

When the word Huitian came out, the face of the old woman was full of enthusiasm, and then a louder voice rolled out:

"Since the Mitianxi Garden is planted by me, the Huitianxi Garden that I planted later will naturally be the Huitian tree, but it is clear that your plant can grow and transform for some reason. The little bitter tea that comes out is not a Huitian tree!"

After the roar of the old woman's roar, the shadow of the three rivers that stretched out from the top of her head became particularly violent. He plunged down suddenly, soaring in front of him, and shot Sun Jian with a heavy fist. The bottom of the river.


A muffled sound suddenly rolled up, and the underground where everyone was shook severely, and after Sun Jian was photographed on the ground, Lu Zhiyuan, who turned into a violent ape, continued to stand extremely firmly in front of Rouge, and stopped the old woman. The route before.

Then behind Lu Zhiyuan, a voice from Rouge spread out:

"Mitianxi Garden, back to Tianxi Garden, then can this palace think that Grandma Mitian, you took the initiative to release the mythical news about the grass this time. In fact, the goal is not this palace?"

When this word came out, the old woman's gully face showed a little bit of astonishment, and then she recovered her calm, her mouth opened, and her voice sounded:

"Unexpectedly, you little girl is very smart. Of course it's not you, because my mother-in-law didn't know your existence before you appeared. You are an exception and a variable at the same time."

The two words "variable" are particularly important to the old woman. Obviously, the longer the creatures live, the less they like these two words, because in the end, the variable may develop into an exception that disrupts the entire layout!

"After the deity transformed himself into shape, he began to gradually come into contact with the nature of the heavens and the earth, knowing the dangers of the heavens, and how can you, who are just sitting in the well, understand what you will face in the future?"

After this rhetorical sound came out, the shadow of the three rivers, which stretched forward, continued to pounce forward like a giant python, stirring the whole situation, and at the same time, like an indestructible spear, it penetrated Lu Zhiyuan’s transformation without any hindrance. The body of a huge red monkey.


Lu Zhiyuan opened his mouth and let out an extremely painful roar, and then the voice from the old woman continued:

"Since you have been recognized as a member of our clan, as an elder, my mother-in-law is very disappointed by what you did at this time."

The voice fell, and the shadow of the three rivers flicked, and Lu Zhiyuan flew outwards, slamming it on the ground fiercely, and after a wow of blood donation, his breath dropped sharply.

"You are the spiritual plant planted by Taixi's mother. The moment Xi's mother planted you into the soil, you were already different. What's more, you are transformed and formed, and you can be said to be flowing with the most supreme veins. How can you get mixed up with these low-level blood creatures?"

When the old woman said this, her coldness and sternness became more and more intense, and then her eyes were scorching staring forward, and the voices of each word rolled out again:

"Look at what you look like now. Even if you have a lack of vitality, you are destined to not survive too long, but with the power of the veins left by Xi Mu, it is also a talent for cultivation.

"If you, like the deity, work hard to practice, you may still find a chance in the impossible, but what is disappointing is that Xiaokucha, you have completely abandoned your talents, and you use your unique Ximu. What is the context used for?"

This rhetorical voice came from the old woman. Instead of giving Rouge time to answer, he opened his mouth and let out a stern shout:

"You are not using it for cultivation at all, but you keep accumulating your own origin without turning it into cultivation. A fat man who almost burst open.

"What's even more ironic is that the origin within your body has already been saturated, so if the deity guessed correctly, you will also have this accumulated life origin power in the world you were born with!

"Your body, including your world, is the most generous gift of Taixi's mother to our people, but you are violent to the heavens. It is only used to store the source of life, little bitter tea, what you want to do, will be forced. Refining yourself into the biggest and most tonic for all ages?"

As soon as this questioning sound came out, the thunder from the void fell directly over his head and face, with a deafening roar that kept echoing in this mysterious place.

At the next breath, the old woman in the sky used her eyes full of blue star rings, staring closely at the still peaceful face of Rouge in front of her, her cold voice continued:

"You have piled yourself up into a tonic for the unbounded chicken. Who will protect you and rely on these people?"

After this voice fell with a more intense irony, the old woman was about to continue to laugh, but her voice suddenly stopped, because in front of Rouge, within the pothole photographed by the shadow of the three rivers, suddenly stretched out Cut a **** hand.

Then the outstretched hand, five fingers spread out, snapped it, and pressed firmly on the ground in front of it, followed by a word by word voice from the pit:

"Old lady, you are right, the empress of my great summer is guarded by your majesty and by every one of our people!"

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